
Michael Luby

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95EEMichael Ben-Or, Don Coppersmith, Michael Luby, Ronitt Rubinfeld: Non-abelian homomorphism testing, and distributions close to their self-convolutions. Random Struct. Algorithms 32(1): 49-70 (2008)
94EEJohn W. Byers, Gu-In Kwon, Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher: Fine-grained layered multicast with STAIR. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(1): 81-93 (2006)
93EEMichael Luby, Avi Wigderson: Pairwise Independence and Derandomization. Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 1(4): (2005)
92EEMichael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher: Verification-based decoding for packet-based low-density parity-check codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(1): 120-127 (2005)
91EEMichael Ben-Or, Don Coppersmith, Michael Luby, Ronitt Rubinfeld: Non-Abelian Homomorphism Testing, and Distributions Close to Their Self-convolutions. APPROX-RANDOM 2004: 273-285
90EEMichael Ben-Or, Don Coppersmith, Michael Luby, Ronitt Rubinfeld: Non-Abelian Homomorphism Testing, and Distributions Close to their Self-Convolutions Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(052): (2004)
89EEMichael Luby: Fast, Reliable Data Transport. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 2003
88EEMichael Luby: LT Codes. FOCS 2002: 271-
87EEMichael Luby, Vivek K. Goyal, Simon Skaria, Gavin B. Horn: Wave and equation based rate control using multicast round trip time. SIGCOMM 2002: 191-204
86EEAmos Fiat, Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Lyle A. McGeoch, Daniel Dominic Sleator, Neal E. Young: Competitive Paging Algorithms CoRR cs.DS/0205038: (2002)
85EEJohn W. Byers, Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher: Fine-Grained Layered Multicast. INFOCOM 2001: 1143-1151
84EEGavin B. Horn, Per Knudsgaard, Søren B. Lassen, Michael Luby, Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen: A Scalable and Reliable Paradigm for Media on Demand. IEEE Computer 34(9): 40-45 (2001)
83 Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Daniel A. Spielman: Efficient erasure correcting codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(2): 569-584 (2001)
82 Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Daniel A. Spielman: Improved low-density parity-check codes using irregular graphs. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(2): 585-598 (2001)
81EEMichael Luby, Dana Randall, Alistair Sinclair: Markov Chain Algorithms for Planar Lattice Structures. SIAM J. Comput. 31(1): 167-192 (2001)
80 John W. Byers, Michael Frumin, Gavin B. Horn, Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Alex Roetter, William Shaver: FLID-DL. Networked Group Communication 2000: 71-81
79 Paul Dagum, Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Sheldon M. Ross: An Optimal Algorithm for Monte Carlo Estimation. SIAM J. Comput. 29(5): 1484-1496 (2000)
78 John W. Byers, Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher: Accessing Multiple Mirror Sites in Parallel: Using Tornado Codes to Speed Up Downloads. INFOCOM 1999: 275-283
77 Michael Luby, Eric Vigoda: Fast convergence of the Glauber dynamics for sampling independent sets. Random Struct. Algorithms 15(3-4): 229-241 (1999)
76 Johan Håstad, Russell Impagliazzo, Leonid A. Levin, Michael Luby: A Pseudorandom Generator from any One-way Function. SIAM J. Comput. 28(4): 1364-1396 (1999)
75 Michael Luby, José D. P. Rolim, Maria J. Serna: Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, Second International Workshop, RANDOM'98, Barcelona, Spain, October 8-10, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
74EEMichael Luby, Jessica Staddon: Combinatorial Bounds for Broadcast Encryption. EUROCRYPT 1998: 512-526
73EEMichael Luby: Tornado Codes: Practical Erasure Codes Based on Random Irregular Graphs. RANDOM 1998: 171
72EEJohn W. Byers, Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Ashutosh Rege: A Digital Fountain Approach to Reliable Distribution of Bulk Data. SIGCOMM 1998: 56-67
71 Michael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi: Analysis of Random Processes via And-Or Tree Evaluation. SODA 1998: 364-373
70EEMichael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Daniel A. Spielman: Analysis of Low Density Codes and Improved Designs Using Irregular Graphs. STOC 1998: 249-258
69 Guy Even, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby, Noam Nisan, Boban Velickovic: Efficient approximation of product distributions. Random Struct. Algorithms 13(1): 1-16 (1998)
68EEAri Juels, Michael Luby, Rafail Ostrovsky: Security of Blind Digital Signatures (Extended Abstract). CRYPTO 1997: 150-164
67EEMicah Adler, Yair Bartal, John W. Byers, Michael Luby, Danny Raz: A Modular Analysis of Network Transmission Protocols. ISTCS 1997: 54-62
66EEMichael Luby, Michael Mitzenmacher, Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi, Daniel A. Spielman, Volker Stemann: Practical Loss-Resilient Codes. STOC 1997: 150-159
65EEMichael Luby, Eric Vigoda: Approximately Counting Up To Four (Extended Abstract). STOC 1997: 682-687
64EEPaul Dagum, Michael Luby: An Optimal Approximation Algorithm for Bayesian Inference. Artif. Intell. 93: 1-27 (1997)
63 Nathan Linial, Michael Luby, Michael E. Saks, David Zuckerman: Efficient Construction of a Small Hitting Set for Combinatorial Rectangles in High Dimension. Combinatorica 17(2): 215-234 (1997)
62 Michael Luby: Foreword. Random Struct. Algorithms 11(4): 297 (1997)
61 Michael Luby: Introduction to Special Issue on Randomized and Derandomized Algorithms. Algorithmica 16(4/5): 359-366 (1996)
60 Michael Luby, Boban Velickovic: On Deterministic Approximation of DNF. Algorithmica 16(4/5): 415-433 (1996)
59 Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide: Efficient PRAM Simulation on a Distributed Memory Machine. Algorithmica 16(4/5): 517-542 (1996)
58 Noga Alon, Michael Luby: A linear time erasure-resilient code with nearly optimal recovery. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 1732-1736 (1996)
57 Andres Albanese, Johannes Blömer, Jeff Edmonds, Michael Luby, Madhu Sudan: Priority encoding transmission. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(6): 1737-1744 (1996)
56EEMichael Luby, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Tight Bounds for Dynamic Storage Allocation. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(1): 155-166 (1996)
55EEBernd Lamparter, Andres Albanese, Malik Kalfane, Michael Luby: PET - Priority Encoding Transmission: A New, Robust and Efficient Video Broadcast Technology (Video). ACM Multimedia 1995: 547-548
54 Paul Dagum, Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Sheldon M. Ross: An Optimal Algorithm for Monte Carlo Estimation (Extended Abstract). FOCS 1995: 142-149
53 Michael Luby, Dana Randall, Alistair Sinclair: Markov Chain Algorithms for Planar Lattice Structures (Extended Abstract). FOCS 1995: 150-159
52 Noga Alon, Jeff Edmonds, Michael Luby: Linear Time Erasure Codes with Nearly Optimal Recovery (Extended Abstract). FOCS 1995: 512-519
51 Andres Albanese, Michael Luby: PET - priority encoding transmission. High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications 1995: 247-265
50 Andres Albanese, Johannes Blömer, Jeff Edmonds, Michael Luby, Madhu Sudan: Priority Encoding Transmission FOCS 1994: 604-612
49 Michael Luby, Joseph Naor, Ariel Orda: Tight Bounds for Dynamic Storage Allocation. SODA 1994: 724-732
48 Michael Luby, Wolfgang Ertel: Optimal Parallelization of Las Vegas Algorithms. STACS 1994: 463-474
47 Michael Luby, Alistair Sinclair, David Zuckerman: Optimal Speedup of Las Vegas Algorithms. ISTCS 1993: 128-133
46 Michael Luby, Boban Velickovic, Avi Wigderson: Deterministic Approximate Counting of Depth-2 Circuits. ISTCS 1993: 18-24
45EENathan Linial, Michael Luby, Michael E. Saks, David Zuckerman: Efficient construction of a small hitting set for combinatorial rectangles in high dimension. STOC 1993: 258-267
44EEMichael Luby, Noam Nisan: A parallel approximation algorithm for positive linear programming. STOC 1993: 448-457
43 Paul Dagum, Michael Luby: Approximating Probabilistic Inference in Bayesian Belief Networks is NP-Hard. Artif. Intell. 60(1): 141-153 (1993)
42 Michael Luby, Alistair Sinclair, David Zuckerman: Optimal Speedup of Las Vegas Algorithms. Inf. Process. Lett. 47(4): 173-180 (1993)
41 Marek Karpinski, Michael Luby: Approximating the Number of Zeroes of a GF[2] Polynomial. J. Algorithms 14(2): 280-287 (1993)
40 Michael Luby: Removing Randomness in Parallel Computation without a Processor Penalty. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 47(2): 250-286 (1993)
39 Manuel Blum, Michael Luby, Ronitt Rubinfeld: Self-Testing/Correcting with Applications to Numerical Problems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 47(3): 549-595 (1993)
38 Narendra Karmarkar, Richard M. Karp, Richard J. Lipton, László Lovász, Michael Luby: A Monte-Carlo Algorithm for Estimating the Permanent. SIAM J. Comput. 22(2): 284-293 (1993)
37 Oded Goldreich, Hugo Krawczyk, Michael Luby: On the Existence of Pseudorandom Generators. SIAM J. Comput. 22(6): 1163-1175 (1993)
36EEAmir Herzberg, Michael Luby: Pubic Randomness in Cryptography. CRYPTO 1992: 421-432
35 Guy Even, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby, Noam Nisan, Boban Velickovic: Approximations of General Independent Distributions STOC 1992: 10-16
34 Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide: Efficient PRAM Simulation on a Distributed Memory Machine STOC 1992: 318-326
33 Shai Ben-David, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby: On the Theory of Average Case Complexity. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 44(2): 193-219 (1992)
32 Paul Dagum, Michael Luby: Approximating the Permanent of Graphs with Large Factors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 102(2): 283-305 (1992)
31EEMichael Luby: Pseudo-random Generators from One-way Functions (Abstract). CRYPTO 1991: 300
30 Marek Karpinski, Michael Luby: Approximating the Number of Zeroes of a GF[2] Polynomial. SODA 1991: 300-303
29 Michael Luby, Boban Velickovic: On Deterministic Approximation of DNF STOC 1991: 430-438
28 Susanne E. Hambrusch, Michael Luby: Parallel Asynchronous Connected Components in a Mesh. Inf. Process. Lett. 38(5): 257-263 (1991)
27 Amos Fiat, Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Lyle A. McGeoch, Daniel Dominic Sleator, Neal E. Young: Competitive Paging Algorithms. J. Algorithms 12(4): 685-699 (1991)
26 Paul Beame, Michael Luby: Parallel Search for Maximal Independence Given Minimal Dependence. SODA 1990: 212-218
25 Manuel Blum, Michael Luby, Ronitt Rubinfeld: Self-Testing/Correcting with Applications to Numerical Problems STOC 1990: 73-83
24 Russell Impagliazzo, Michael Luby: One-way Functions are Essential for Complexity Based Cryptography (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1989: 230-235
23 Baruch Awerbuch, Andrew V. Goldberg, Michael Luby, Serge A. Plotkin: Network Decomposition and Locality in Distributed Computation FOCS 1989: 364-369
22 Russell Impagliazzo, Leonid A. Levin, Michael Luby: Pseudo-random Generation from one-way functions (Extended Abstracts) STOC 1989: 12-24
21 Shai Ben-David, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby: On the Theory of Average Case Complexity STOC 1989: 204-216
20 Shai Ben-David, Benny Chor, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby: On the Theory of Average Case Complexity (abstract). Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1989: 36
19 Michael Luby, Prabhakar Ragde: A Bidirectional Shortest-Path Algorithm with Good Average-Case Behavior. Algorithmica 4(4): 551-567 (1989)
18 Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Neal Madras: Monte-Carlo Approximation Algorithms for Enumeration Problems. J. Algorithms 10(3): 429-448 (1989)
17 Michael Luby, Charles Rackoff: A Study of Password Security. J. Cryptology 1(3): 151-158 (1989)
16EEOded Goldreich, Hugo Krawczyk, Michael Luby: On the Existence of Pseudorandom Generators. CRYPTO 1988: 146-162
15 Oded Goldreich, Hugo Krawczyk, Michael Luby: On the Existence of Pseudorandom Generators (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1988: 12-24
14 Michael Luby: Removing Randomness in Parallel Computation Without a Processor Penalty FOCS 1988: 162-173
13 Paul Dagum, Michael Luby, Milena Mihail, Umesh V. Vazirani: Polytopes, Permanents and Graphs with Large Factors FOCS 1988: 412-421
12 Stephen A. Cook, Michael Luby: A Simple Parallel Algorithm for Finding a Satisfying Truth Assignment to a 2-CNF Formula. Inf. Process. Lett. 27(3): 141-145 (1988)
11 Michael Luby, Charles Rackoff: How to Construct Pseudorandom Permutations from Pseudorandom Functions. SIAM J. Comput. 17(2): 373-386 (1988)
10EEMichael Luby, Charles Rackoff: A Study of Password Security. CRYPTO 1987: 392-397
9 Michael Luby, Charles Rackoff: Pseudo-random Permutation Generators and Cryptographic Composition STOC 1986: 356-363
8 Michael Luby: A Simple Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem. SIAM J. Comput. 15(4): 1036-1053 (1986)
7EEMichael Luby, Charles Rackoff: How to Construct Pseudo-Random Permutations from Pseudo-Random Functions (Abstract). CRYPTO 1985: 447
6 Michael Luby, Prabhakar Ragde: A Bidirectional Shortest-Path Algorithm With Good Average-Case Behavior (Preliminary Version). ICALP 1985: 394-403
5 Michael Luby: A Simple Parallel Algorithm for the Maximal Independent Set Problem STOC 1985: 1-10
4EERichard M. Karp, Michael Luby: Monte-Carlo algorithms for the planar multiterminal network reliability problem. J. Complexity 1(1): 45-64 (1985)
3 Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela: A Probabilistic Analysis of Multidimensional Bin Packing Problems STOC 1984: 289-298
2 Michael Luby, Silvio Micali, Charles Rackoff: How to Simultaneously Exchange a Secret Bit by Flipping a Symmetrically-Biased Coin FOCS 1983: 11-21
1 Richard M. Karp, Michael Luby: Monte-Carlo Algorithms for Enumeration and Reliability Problems FOCS 1983: 56-64

Coauthor Index

1Micah Adler [67]
2Andres Albanese [50] [51] [55] [57]
3Noga Alon [52] [58]
4Baruch Awerbuch [23]
5Yair Bartal [67]
6Paul Beame [26]
7Shai Ben-David [20] [21] [33]
8Michael Ben-Or [90] [91] [95]
9Johannes Blömer [50] [57]
10Manuel Blum [25] [39]
11John W. Byers [67] [72] [78] [80] [85] [94]
12Benny Chor [20] [21] [33]
13Stephen A. Cook [12]
14Don Coppersmith [90] [91] [95]
15Paul Dagum [13] [32] [43] [54] [64] [79]
16Jeff Edmonds [50] [52] [57]
17Wolfgang Ertel [48]
18Guy Even [35] [69]
19Amos Fiat [27] [86]
20Michael Frumin [80]
21Andrew V. Goldberg [23]
22Oded Goldreich [15] [16] [20] [21] [33] [35] [37] [69]
23Vivek K. Goyal [87]
24Susanne E. Hambrusch [28]
25Johan Håstad [76]
26Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide [34] [59]
27Amir Herzberg [36]
28Gavin B. Horn [80] [84] [87]
29Russell Impagliazzo [22] [24] [76]
30Ari Juels [68]
31Malik Kalfane [55]
32Narendra Karmarkar [38]
33Richard M. Karp [1] [3] [4] [18] [27] [34] [38] [54] [59] [79] [86]
34Marek Karpinski [30] [41]
35Per Knudsgaard [84]
36Hugo Krawczyk [15] [16] [37]
37Gu-In Kwon [94]
38Bernd Lamparter [55]
39Søren B. Lassen [84]
40Leonid A. Levin [22] [76]
41Nathan Linial (Nati Linial) [45] [63]
42Richard J. Lipton [38]
43László Lovász [38]
44Neal Madras [18]
45Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [3]
46Lyle A. McGeoch [27] [86]
47Silvio Micali [2]
48Milena Mihail [13]
49Michael Mitzenmacher [66] [70] [71] [72] [78] [80] [82] [83] [85] [92] [94]
50Joseph Naor (Seffi Naor) [49] [56]
51Noam Nisan [35] [44] [69]
52Ariel Orda [49] [56]
53Rafail Ostrovsky [68]
54Serge A. Plotkin [23]
55Charles Rackoff [2] [7] [9] [10] [11] [17]
56Prabhakar Ragde [6] [19]
57Dana Randall [53] [81]
58Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen [84]
59Danny Raz [67]
60Ashutosh Rege [72]
61Alex Roetter [80]
62José D. P. Rolim [75]
63Sheldon M. Ross [54] [79]
64Ronitt Rubinfeld [25] [39] [90] [91] [95]
65Michael E. Saks [45] [63]
66Maria J. Serna [75]
67William Shaver [80]
68Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi [66] [70] [71] [82] [83]
69Alistair Sinclair [42] [47] [53] [81]
70Simon Skaria [87]
71Daniel Dominic Sleator [27] [86]
72Daniel A. Spielman [66] [70] [82] [83]
73Jessica Staddon [74]
74Volker Stemann [66]
75Madhu Sudan [50] [57]
76Umesh V. Vazirani [13]
77Boban Velickovic [29] [35] [46] [60] [69]
78Eric Vigoda [65] [77]
79Avi Wigderson [46] [93]
80Neal E. Young [27] [86]
81David Zuckerman [42] [45] [47] [63]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)