2. FCT 1979:
Lothar Budach (Ed.):
Fundamentals of Computation Theory,
Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic,
and Categorial Methods in Computation Theory,
Berlin/Wendisch-Rietz (GDR),
September 17-21,
1979. Akademie-Verlag,
- Helmut Alt, Jan van Leeuwen:
The complexity of complex division (extended abstract).
13-17 BibTeX
- Hajnal Andréka, István Németi, Ildikó Sain:
Henkin-type semantics for program-schemes to turn negative results to positive.
18-24 BibTeX
- Horst Antelmann, Lothar Budach, Hans-Anton Rollik:
Universal traps.
25-30 BibTeX
- André Arnold, Bernard Leguy:
Forets de Greibach et homomorphismes inverses.
31-37 BibTeX
- Joffroy Beauquier:
Independence of linear and one-counter generators (extended abstract).
45-51 BibTeX
- Alexander R. Bednarek, S. M. Ulam:
An integer-valued metric for patterns.
52-57 BibTeX
- Jan A. Bergstra, Jerzy Tiuryn:
Implicit definability of algebraic structures by means of program properties.
58-63 BibTeX
- Meera Blattner, Jayashree Ramanathan:
A grammatical model for the top-down design of structured programs.
71-83 BibTeX
- Ryszard Danecki, Marek Karpinski:
Decidability Results on Plane Automata Searching Mazes.
84-91 BibTeX
- Max Dauchet, Jocelyne Mongy:
Transformations de noyaux reconnaissables.
92-98 BibTeX
- Marie Demlová, Jiri Demel, Václav Koubek:
Several algorithms for finite algebras.
99-104 BibTeX
- Ernst-Erich Doberkat:
Stability of linear space automata and semicontinuity of cut point languages.
112-116 BibTeX
- Peter van Emde Boas:
Complexity of linear problems.
117-120 BibTeX
- Zoltán Ésik:
On functional tree transducers.
121-127 BibTeX
- Jan Grabowski:
Miscellaneous results on vector addition systems.
146-152 BibTeX
- Armin Hemmerling:
Concentration of multidimensional tape-bounded systems of Turing automata and cellular spaces.
167-174 BibTeX
- Gyula Horvath:
On machine maps in categories.
182-186 BibTeX
- Masami Ito:
Input sets of strongly connected automata.
187-192 BibTeX
- Gérard Jacob:
Elements de la theorie algebrique des arbres.
193-206 BibTeX
- Ryszard Janicki:
Analysis of vectors of coroutines by means of components.
207-213 BibTeX
- Ladislav Janiga:
Real-time computations of two-way multihead finite automata.
214-218 BibTeX
- Klaus P. Jantke:
Automatic synthesis of programs and inductive inference of functions.
219-225 BibTeX
- Rainer Kemp:
The average depth of a prefix of the Dycklanguage D$.
230-236 BibTeX
- Hans Kleine Büning:
Generalized vector addition systems with finite exception sets.
237-242 BibTeX
- Dexter Kozen:
Automata and planar graphs.
243-254 BibTeX
- Michel Latteux, Jeannine Leguy:
Une propriete de la famille GRE.
255-261 BibTeX
- Andrzej Lingas:
The complexity of distributive computations.
262-268 BibTeX
- Ernest G. Manes:
Partially-additive semantics: A progress report.
279-290 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Merzenich:
Formal algebraic equations.
291-294 BibTeX
- Tomasz Müldner:
On compilation of parallel programs.
295-300 BibTeX
- Andre D. Paradis, Gabriel Thierrin:
Strong endomorphisms of automata.
318-324 BibTeX
- Wolfgang J. Paul:
Kolmogorov complexity and lower bounds.
325-334 BibTeX
- Alberto Pettorossi:
On the definition of hierarchies of infinite sequential computations.
335-341 BibTeX
- Phan Dinh Dieu:
Some investigations on finite graphs and their applications.
342-348 BibTeX
- Rimma I. Podlovchenko:
Simulating in research of functional equivalence of programs (on structure and problematics of program schemas' theory).
349-354 BibTeX
- Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz:
Recognizing of Chomsky classes of formal languages by two-dimensional iterative arrays.
355-361 BibTeX
- Helena Rasiowa:
Logic of complex algorithms.
370-381 BibTeX
- Martin R. Raskovsky, Raymond Turner:
Compiler generation and denotational semantics.
382-386 BibTeX
- Christophe Reutenauer:
On Polya series in noncommuting variables.
391-396 BibTeX
- Hans-Ulrich Simon:
Word problems for groups and contextfree recognition.
417-422 BibTeX
- Peter H. Starke:
Semilinearity and Petri nets.
423-429 BibTeX
- Kenichi Taniguchi, Toshio Matsuura, Yuji Sugiyama, Tadao Kasami:
On equivalence of safe Petri nets.
430-436 BibTeX
- Vera Trnková:
Machines and their behaviour in a category.
450-461 BibTeX
- Vera Trnková, Jirí Adámek:
Tree-group automata.
462-468 BibTeX
- G. E. Tseytlin, E. L. Yushchenko:
Automata theory and structural parallel programming.
469-475 BibTeX
- Lutz Voelkel:
Language recognition by linear bounded and copy programs.
491-495 BibTeX
- Hermann K.-G. Walter:
Invariants of grammartransformations.
496-507 BibTeX
- Gerd Wechsung:
The oscillation complexity and a hierarchy of context-free languages.
508-515 BibTeX
- László Lovász:
On determinants, matchings, and random algorithms.
565-574 BibTeX
- Günter Hotz:
Necessary decidable conditions for the word and equivalence problem of formal languages.
575-576 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:11:57 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)