
Ales Pultr

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22EERichard N. Ball, Ales Pultr, Jirí Sichler: A Priestley Sum of Finite Trees is Acyclic. Applied Categorical Structures 16(6): 735-748 (2008)
21EEAles Pultr, S. E. Rodabaugh: Category theoretic aspects of chain-valued frames: Part I: Categorical and presheaf theoretic foundations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(5): 501-528 (2008)
20EEAles Pultr, S. E. Rodabaugh: Category theoretic aspects of chain-valued frames: Part II: Applications to lattice-valued topology. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(5): 529-558 (2008)
19EEMarcel Erné, Mai Gehrke, Ales Pultr: Complete Congruences on Topologies and Down-set Lattices. Applied Categorical Structures 15(1-2): 163-184 (2007)
18EERichard N. Ball, Ales Pultr, Jirí Sichler: More on Configurations in Priestley Spaces, and Some New Problems. Applied Categorical Structures 15(5-6): 457-472 (2007)
17EEAles Pultr, Anna Tozzi: Some Categorical Aspects of Information Systems and Domains. Applied Categorical Structures 14(2): 135-150 (2006)
16EEBernhard Banaschewski, Ales Pultr: A General View of Approximation. Applied Categorical Structures 14(2): 165-190 (2006)
15EERichard N. Ball, Ales Pultr, Jirí Sichler: Configurations in Coproducts of Priestley Spaces. Applied Categorical Structures 13(2): 121-130 (2005)
14 Jiri Sgall, Ales Pultr, Petr Kolman: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2001, 26th International Symposium, MFCS 2001 Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic, August 27-31, 2001, Proceedings Springer 2001
13EETill Plewe, Ales Pultr, Anna Tozzi: Regular Monomorphisms of Hausdorff Frames. Applied Categorical Structures 9(1): 15-33 (2001)
12EEBernhard Banaschewski, Ales Pultr: Adjointness Aspects of the Down-Set Functor. Applied Categorical Structures 9(4): 419-436 (2001)
11EEJaroslav Nesetril, Ales Pultr: A note on homomorphism-independent families. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 327-334 (2001)
10EEHorst Herrlich, Ales Pultr: Nearness, Subfitness and Sequential Regularity. Applied Categorical Structures 8(1-2): 67-80 (2000)
9EEBernhard Banaschewski, Ales Pultr: Paracompactness revisited. Applied Categorical Structures 1(2): 181-190 (1993)
8EEAles Pultr: Notes on an extension of the structure of frame. Discrete Mathematics 108(1-3): 107-114 (1992)
7EEAles Pultr: On Sabidussi-Fawcett subdirect representation. Discrete Mathematics 109(1-3): 239-253 (1992)
6 Ales Pultr: On the Size of Conjunctive Representations of n-ary Relations. FCT 1981: 321-327
5EESvatopluk Poljak, Ales Pultr: On the dimension of trees. Discrete Mathematics 34(2): 165-171 (1981)
4EELászló Babai, Ales Pultr: Endomorphism monoids and topological subgraphs of graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 28(3): 278-283 (1980)
3EELászló Lovász, Jaroslav Nesetril, Ales Pultr: On a product dimension of graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 29(1): 47-67 (1980)
2 Ludek Kucera, Jaroslav Nesetril, Ales Pultr: Complexity of Dimension Three and Some Related Edge-Covering Characteristics of Graphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 11: 93-106 (1980)
1 Jaroslav Nesetril, Ales Pultr: A Dushnik - Miller Type Dimension of Graphs and its Complexity. FCT 1977: 482-493

Coauthor Index

1László Babai [4]
2Richard N. Ball [15] [18] [22]
3Bernhard Banaschewski [9] [12] [16]
4Marcel Erné [19]
5Mai Gehrke [19]
6Horst Herrlich [10]
7Petr Kolman [14]
8Ludek Kucera [2]
9László Lovász [3]
10Jaroslav Nesetril (Jarik Nesetril) [1] [2] [3] [11]
11Till Plewe [13]
12Svatopluk Poljak [5]
13S. E. Rodabaugh [20] [21]
14Jiri Sgall [14]
15Jirí Sichler [15] [18] [22]
16Anna Tozzi [13] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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