
Romas Aleliunas

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7EEStefan W. Joseph, Romas Aleliunas: A Knowledge-Based Subsystem for a Natural Language Interface to a Database that Predicts and Explains Query Failures. ICDE 1991: 80-87
6EEEric Neufeld, David Poole, Romas Aleliunas: Probabilsitic semantics and defaults. UAI 1988: 121-132
5EERomas Aleliunas: A summary of a new normative theory of probabilistic logic. UAI 1988: 199-206
4 Romas Aleliunas: Comments on Peter Cheeseman's An inquiry into computer understanding. Computational Intelligence 4: 67-69 (1988)
3 Romas Aleliunas: Randomized Parallel Communication (Preliminary Version). PODC 1982: 60-72
2 Romas Aleliunas, Arnold L. Rosenberg: On Embedding Rectangular Grids in Square Grids. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(9): 907-913 (1982)
1 Romas Aleliunas, Richard M. Karp, Richard J. Lipton, László Lovász, Charles Rackoff: Random Walks, Universal Traversal Sequences, and the Complexity of Maze Problems FOCS 1979: 218-223

Coauthor Index

1Stefan W. Joseph [7]
2Richard M. Karp [1]
3Richard J. Lipton [1]
4László Lovász [1]
5Eric Neufeld [6]
6David Poole [6]
7Charles Rackoff [1]
8Arnold L. Rosenberg [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)