
György Turán

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63 Yoav Freund, László Györfi, György Turán, Thomas Zeugmann: Algorithmic Learning Theory, 19th International Conference, ALT 2008, Budapest, Hungary, October 13-16, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
62 Marina Langlois, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Horn Complements: Towards Horn-to-Horn Belief Revision. AAAI 2008: 466-471
61EERobert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Projective DNF formulae and their revision. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(4): 530-544 (2008)
60EERobert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: On k-Term DNF with the Largest Number of Prime Implicants. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21(4): 987-998 (2008)
59EEMarina Langlois, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Horn Upper Bounds and Renaming. SAT 2007: 80-93
58EEPiotr Berman, Bhaskar DasGupta, Dhruv Mubayi, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán, Yi Zhang: The inverse protein folding problem on 2D and 3D lattices. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(6-7): 719-732 (2007)
57EERobert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Revising threshold functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 382(3): 198-208 (2007)
56EEGyörgy Turán: On Learning and Logic. COLT 2006: 2-3
55EEZoltán Füredi, Robert H. Sloan, Ken Takata, György Turán: On set systems with a threshold property. Discrete Mathematics 306(23): 3097-3111 (2006)
54EEDhruv Mubayi, György Turán, Yi Zhao: The DNF exception problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 352(1-3): 85-96 (2006)
53EERobert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: On k-term DNF with largest number of prime implicants Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(023): (2005)
52EEJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: New Revision Algorithms. ALT 2004: 395-409
51EEPiotr Berman, Bhaskar DasGupta, Dhruv Mubayi, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán, Yi Zhang: The Protein Sequence Design Problem in Canonical Model on 2D and 3D Lattices. CPM 2004: 244-253
50EEJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Theory revision with queries: Horn, read-once, and parity formulas. Artif. Intell. 156(2): 139-176 (2004)
49EEMartin Grohe, György Turán: Learnability and Definability in Trees and Similar Structures. Theory Comput. Syst. 37(1): 193-220 (2004)
48EERobert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Projective DNF Formulae and Their Revision. COLT 2003: 625-639
47EEJudy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Theory Revision with Queries: Horn, Read-once, and Parity Formulas Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(039): (2003)
46EEMartin Grohe, György Turán: Learnability and Definability in Trees and Similar Structures. STACS 2002: 645-658
45 Judy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Theory Revision with Queries: DNF Formulas. Machine Learning 47(2-3): 257-295 (2002)
44EETamás Horváth, György Turán: Learning logic programs with structured background knowledge. Artif. Intell. 128(1-2): 31-97 (2001)
43 Judy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán: Improved Algorithms for Theory Revision with Queries. COLT 2000: 236-247
42 György Turán: Remarks on computational learning theory. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 28(1-4): 43-45 (2000)
41EERobert H. Sloan, György Turán: On Theory Revision with Queries. COLT 1999: 41-52
40EEIrene Tsapara, György Turán: Learning Atomic Formulas with Prescribed Properties. COLT 1998: 166-174
39 Robert H. Sloan, Ken Takata, György Turán: On Frequent Sets of Boolean Matrices. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 24(1-4): 193-209 (1998)
38EERobert H. Sloan, Ken Takata, György Turán: On frequent sets of Boolean matrices Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 5(61): (1998)
37EETamás Horváth, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Learning Logic Programs by Using the Product Homomorphism Method. COLT 1997: 10-20
36 Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Learning from Incomplete Boundary Queries Using Split Graphs and Hypergraphs. EuroCOLT 1997: 38-50
35 György Turán, Farrokh Vatan: On the Computation of Boolean Functions by Analog Circuits of Bounded Fan-In. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 54(1): 199-212 (1997)
34 Dana Angluin, Martins Krikis, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Malicious Omissions and Errors in Answers to Membership Queries. Machine Learning 28(2-3): 211-255 (1997)
33 Tamás Horváth, Robert H. Sloan, György Turán: Learning Logic Programs with Random Classification Noise. Inductive Logic Programming Workshop 1996: 315-336
32EEGyörgy Turán, Farrokh Vatan: A Size-Depth Trade-Off for the Analog Computation of Boolean Functions. Inf. Process. Lett. 59(5): 251-254 (1996)
31 György Turán: On the Complexity of Planar Boolean Circuits. Computational Complexity 5(1): 24-42 (1995)
30EERobert H. Sloan, György Turán: Learning with Queries but Incomplete Information (Extended Abstract). COLT 1994: 237-245
29 György Turán, Farrokh Vatan: On the Computation of Boolean Functions by Analog Circuits of Bounded Fan-in (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1994: 553-564
28 Wolfgang Maass, György Turán: Algorithms and Lower Bounds for On-Line Learning of Geometrical Concepts. Machine Learning 14(1): 251-269 (1994)
27EEGyörgy Turán: Lower Bounds for PAC Learning with Queries. COLT 1993: 384-391
26 Hans Dietmar Gröger, György Turán: A Liniear lower bound for the size of threshold circuits. Bulletin of the EATCS 50: 220-221 (1993)
25 Wolfgang Maass, Georg Schnitger, Endre Szemerédi, György Turán: Two Tapes Versus One for Off-Line Turing Machines. Computational Complexity 3: 392-401 (1993)
24 András Hajnal, Wolfgang Maass, Pavel Pudlák, Mario Szegedy, György Turán: Threshold Circuits of Bounded Depth. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 46(2): 129-154 (1993)
23 Ulrich Faigle, Rainer Schrader, György Turán: The Communication Complexity of Interval Orders. Discrete Applied Mathematics 40(1): 19-28 (1992)
22 Wolfgang Maass, György Turán: Lower Bound Methods and Separation Results for On-Line Learning Models. Machine Learning 9: 107-145 (1992)
21 György Turán: A Survey of Some Aspects of Computational Learning Theory (Extended Abstract). FCT 1991: 89-103
20 Hans Dietmar Gröger, György Turán: On Linear Decision Trees Computing Boolean Functions. ICALP 1991: 707-718
19EEWolfgang Maass, György Turán: On the Complexity of Learning from Counterexamples and Membership Queries (abstract). COLT 1990: 391
18 Wolfgang Maass, György Turán: On the Complexity of Learning from Counterexamples and Membership Queries FOCS 1990: 203-210
17 György Turán: On Restricted Boolean Circuits. FCT 1989: 460-469
16 Wolfgang Maass, György Turán: On the Complexity of Learning From Counterexamples (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1989: 262-267
15 Ulrich Faigle, Walter Kern, György Turán: On the performance of on-line algorithms for partition problems. Acta Cybern. 9(2): 107-119 (1989)
14 György Turán: Lower Bounds for Synchronous Circuits and Planar Circuits. Inf. Process. Lett. 30(1): 37-40 (1989)
13 András Hajnal, Wolfgang Maass, György Turán: On the Communication Complexity of Graph Properties STOC 1988: 186-191
12 Ulrich Faigle, György Turán: Sorting and Recognition Problems for Ordered Sets. SIAM J. Comput. 17(1): 100-113 (1988)
11 Samuel R. Buss, György Turán: Resolution Proofs of Generalized Pigeonhole Principles. Theor. Comput. Sci. 62(3): 311-317 (1988)
10 András Hajnal, Wolfgang Maass, Pavel Pudlák, Mario Szegedy, György Turán: Threshold circuits of bounded depth FOCS 1987: 99-110
9EEUlrich Faigle, György Turán: On the complexity of interval orders and semiorders. Discrete Mathematics 63(2-3): 131-141 (1987)
8 László Babai, Péter Hajnal, Endre Szemerédi, György Turán: A Lower Bound for Read-Once-Only Branching Programs. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 35(2): 153-162 (1987)
7 Miklós Ajtai, László Babai, Péter Hajnal, János Komlós, Pavel Pudlák, Vojtech Rödl, Endre Szemerédi, György Turán: Two lower bounds for branching programs STOC 1986: 30-38
6 Ulrich Faigle, László Lovász, Rainer Schrader, György Turán: Searching in Trees, Series-Parallel and Interval Orders. SIAM J. Comput. 15(4): 1075-1084 (1986)
5 Ulrich Faigle, György Turán: Sorting and Recognition Problems for Ordered Sets. STACS 1985: 109-118
4 György Turán: On the complexity of graph grammars. Acta Cybern. 6: 271-280 (1984)
3EEGyörgy Turán: On the definability of properties of finite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 49(3): 291-302 (1984)
2 György Turán: The Critical Complexity of Graph Properties. Inf. Process. Lett. 18(3): 151-153 (1984)
1 György Turán: On Cellular Graph-Automata and Second-Order Definable Graph-Properties. FCT 1981: 384-393

Coauthor Index

1Miklós Ajtai [7]
2Dana Angluin [34]
3László Babai [7] [8]
4Piotr Berman [51] [58]
5Samuel R. Buss [11]
6Bhaskar DasGupta [51] [58]
7Ulrich Faigle [5] [6] [9] [12] [15] [23]
8Yoav Freund [63]
9Zoltán Füredi [55]
10Judy Goldsmith [43] [45] [47] [50] [52]
11Hans Dietmar Gröger [20] [26]
12Martin Grohe [46] [49]
13László Györfi [63]
14András Hajnal [10] [13] [24]
15Péter Hajnal [7] [8]
16Tamás Horváth [33] [37] [44]
17Walter Kern [15]
18János Komlós [7]
19Martins Krikis [34]
20Marina Langlois [59] [62]
21László Lovász [6]
22Wolfgang Maass [10] [13] [16] [18] [19] [22] [24] [25] [28]
23Dhruv Mubayi [51] [54] [58]
24Pavel Pudlák [7] [10] [24]
25Vojtech Rödl [7]
26Georg Schnitger [25]
27Rainer Schrader [6] [23]
28Robert H. Sloan [30] [33] [34] [36] [37] [38] [39] [41] [43] [45] [47] [48] [50] [51] [52] [53] [55] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62]
29Mario Szegedy [10] [24]
30Endre Szemerédi [7] [8] [25]
31Balázs Szörényi [43] [47] [48] [50] [52] [53] [57] [60] [61] [62]
32Ken Takata [38] [39] [55]
33Irene Tsapara [40]
34Farrokh Vatan [29] [32] [35]
35Thomas Zeugmann [63]
36Yi Zhang [51] [58]
37Yi Zhao [54]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)