
Katalin Vesztergombi

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6EEChristian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, László Lovász, Vera T. Sós, Balázs Szegedy, Katalin Vesztergombi: Graph limits and parameter testing. STOC 2006: 261-270
5EEKatalin Vesztergombi: The two largest distances in finite planar sets. Discrete Mathematics 150(1-3): 379-386 (1996)
4 Paul Erdös, László Lovász, Katalin Vesztergombi: On the Graph of Large Distance. Discrete & Computational Geometry 4: 541-549 (1989)
3EEKatalin Vesztergombi: On large distances in planar sets. Discrete Mathematics 67(2): 191-198 (1987)
2EEKatalin Vesztergombi: On the distribution of distances in finite sets in the plane. Discrete Mathematics 57(1-2): 129-145 (1985)
1 Katalin Vesztergombi: Some remarks on the chromatic number of the strong product of graphs. Acta Cybern. 4: 207-212 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Christian Borgs [6]
2Jennifer T. Chayes [6]
3Paul Erdös [4]
4László Lovász [4] [6]
5Vera T. Sós [6]
6Balázs Szegedy [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)