
Dong-Ik Lee

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24EEWook Shin, Jong-Youl Park, Dong-Ik Lee: Extended Role Based Access Control with Procedural Constraints for Trusted Operating Systems. IEICE Transactions 88-D(3): 619-627 (2005)
23EEJeong-Gun Lee, Euiseok Kim, Dong-Ik Lee: Instruction level redundant number computations for fast data intensive processing in asynchronous processors. Journal of Systems Architecture 51(3): 151-164 (2005)
22EEDong-Hoon Yoo, Dong-Ik Lee, Jeong-A. Lee: Operation Net System: A Formal Design Representation Model for High-Level Synthesis of Asynchronous Systems Based on Transformations. ICATPN 2004: 435-453
21EEEuiseok Kim, Hiroshi Saito, Jeong-Gun Lee, Dong-Ik Lee, Hiroshi Nakamura, Takashi Nanya: Distributed Synchronous Control Units for Dataflow Graphs under Allocation of Telescopic Arithmetic Units. DATE 2003: 10276-10281
20EEWook Shin, Dong-Ik Lee, Hyoung-Chun Kim, Jung-Min Kang, Jin-Seok Lee: Extended Role Based Access Control and Procedural Restrictions. ICISC 2003: 184-196
19EEEun-Gu Jung, Byung-Soo Choi, Dong-Ik Lee: High performance asynchronous bus for SoC. ISCAS (5) 2003: 505-508
18EEByung-Soo Choi, Dong-Ik Lee: Frequent Value Cache for Low-Power Asynchronous Dual-Rail Bus. PATMOS 2003: 520-529
17EEJeong-Joon Yoo, Dong-Ik Lee: Scalable Home Network Interaction Model Based on Mobile Agents. PerCom 2003: 543-546
16EEEuiseok Kim, Jeong-Gun Lee, Dong-Ik Lee: Building a Distributed Asynchronous Control Unit through Automatic Derivation of Hierarchically Decomposed AFSMs from a CDFG. ARVLSI 2001: 2-15
15EEChan-Ho Park, Byung-Soo Choi, Dong-Ik Lee, Ho-Yong Choi: Asynchronous Array Multiplier with an Asymmetric Parallel Array Structure. ARVLSI 2001: 202-212
14EEJeong-Gun Lee, Euiseok Kim, Dong-Ik Lee: Imprecise data computation for high performance asynchronous processors. ASP-DAC 2001: 261-266
13EEJeong-Joon Yoo, Young-Ho Suh, Dong-Ik Lee, Seung-Woog Jung, Choul-Soo Jang, Joong-Bae Kim: Casting Mobile Agents to Workflow Systems: On Performance and Scalability Issues. DEXA 2001: 254-263
12EEJong-Youl Park, Dong-Ik Lee, HyungHyo Lee: Data Protection in Mobile Agents: One-time Key-based Approach. ISADS 2001: 411-418
11EEEuiseok Kim, Dong-Ik Lee: A new resource constrained asynchronous scheduling method through transformation of dataflow graphs. ISCAS (5) 2001: 41-44
10EEYoung-Ho Suh, Han Namgoong, Jeong-Joon Yoo, Dong-Ik Lee: Design of a Mobile Agent-Based Workflow Management System. MATA 2001: 93-102
9EEJung-Min Kang, Wook Shin, C.-G. Park, Dong-Ik Lee: Extended BLP Security Model Based on Process Reliability for Secure Linux Kernel. PRDC 2001: 299-303
8EEJeong-Joon Yoo, Doheon Lee, Young-Ho Suh, Dong-Ik Lee: Scalable Workflow System Model Based on Mobile Agents. PRIMA 2001: 222-236
7EEEuiseok Kim, Jeong-Gun Lee, Dong-Ik Lee: Automatic Process-Oriented Control Circuit Generation for Asynchronous High-Level Synthesis. ASYNC 2000: 104-113
6EEByung-Soo Choi, Dong-Wook Lee, Dong-Ik Lee: The Design of Delay Insensitive Asynchronous 16-bit Microprocessor. ASP-DAC 1999: 33-36
5EEJeong-Joon Yoo, Dong-Ik Lee: X-MAS: Mobile Agent Platform for Workflow Systems with Time Constraints. ISADS 1999: 370-373
4 Uisok Kim, Dong-Ik Lee: Practical Synthesis of Speed-Independent Circuits Using Unfoldings. ASP-DAC 1998: 191-196
3 Dong-Ik Lee, Sadatoshi Kumagai, Shinzo Kodama: Handles and Reachability Analysis of Free Choice Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 298-315
2 Masato Nakagawa, Dong-Ik Lee, Sadatoshi Kumagai, Shinzo Kodama: Equivalent Net Abstraction and Firing Sequence Preservation. ISCAS 1995: 513-516
1 Dong-Ik Lee, Tadaaki Nishimura, Sadatoshi Kumagai, Shinzo Kodama: Polynomial order algorithms for structural and behavioral analysis of state machine allocatable nets. ISCAS 1993: 2709-2712

Coauthor Index

1Byung-Soo Choi [6] [15] [18] [19]
2Ho-Yong Choi [15]
3Choul-Soo Jang [13]
4Eun-Gu Jung [19]
5Seung-Woog Jung [13]
6Jung-Min Kang [9] [20]
7Euiseok Kim [7] [11] [14] [16] [21] [23]
8Hyoung-Chun Kim [20]
9Joong-Bae Kim [13]
10Uisok Kim [4]
11Shinzo Kodama [1] [2] [3]
12Sadatoshi Kumagai [1] [2] [3]
13Doheon Lee [8]
14Dong-Wook Lee [6]
15HyungHyo Lee [12]
16Jeong-A. Lee [22]
17Jeong-Gun Lee [7] [14] [16] [21] [23]
18Jin-Seok Lee [20]
19Masato Nakagawa [2]
20Hiroshi Nakamura [21]
21Han Namgoong [10]
22Takashi Nanya [21]
23Tadaaki Nishimura [1]
24C.-G. Park [9]
25Chan-Ho Park [15]
26Jong-Youl Park [12] [24]
27Hiroshi Saito [21]
28Wook Shin [9] [20] [24]
29Young-Ho Suh [8] [10] [13]
30Dong-Hoon Yoo [22]
31Jeong-Joon Yoo [5] [8] [10] [13] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)