
Wook Shin

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10EEJeong-Gun Lee, Eun-Gu Jung, Wook Shin: An Asymptotic Performance/Energy Analysis and Optimization of Multi-core Architectures. ICDCN 2009: 85-90
9EEZheng Zeng, S. Yu, Wook Shin, Jennifer C. Hou: PAS: A Wireless-Enabled, Cell-Phone-Incorporated Personal Assistant System for Independent and Assisted Living. ICDCS 2008: 233-242
8EEHyung Chan Kim, R. S. Ramakrishna, Wook Shin, Kouichi Sakurai: A Policy Language for the Extended Reference Monitor in Trusted Operating Systems. ARES 2007: 1160-1166
7EEHyung Chan Kim, R. S. Ramakrishna, Wook Shin, Kouichi Sakurai: Enforcement of Integrated Security Policy in Trusted Operating Systems. IWSEC 2007: 214-229
6EEMichael J. May, Wook Shin, Carl A. Gunter, Insup Lee: Securing the drop-box architecture for assisted living. FMSE 2006: 1-12
5EEHyung Chan Kim, Wook Shin, R. S. Ramakrishna, Kouichi Sakurai: Design and Implementation of an Extended Reference Monitor for Trusted Operating Systems. ISPEC 2006: 235-247
4EEWook Shin, Jeong-Gun Lee, Hong Kook Kim, Kouichi Sakurai: Procedural Constraints in the Extended RBAC and the Coloured Petri Net Modeling. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 327-330 (2005)
3EEWook Shin, Jong-Youl Park, Dong-Ik Lee: Extended Role Based Access Control with Procedural Constraints for Trusted Operating Systems. IEICE Transactions 88-D(3): 619-627 (2005)
2EEWook Shin, Dong-Ik Lee, Hyoung-Chun Kim, Jung-Min Kang, Jin-Seok Lee: Extended Role Based Access Control and Procedural Restrictions. ICISC 2003: 184-196
1EEJung-Min Kang, Wook Shin, C.-G. Park, Dong-Ik Lee: Extended BLP Security Model Based on Process Reliability for Secure Linux Kernel. PRDC 2001: 299-303

Coauthor Index

1Carl A. Gunter [6]
2Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [9]
3Eun-Gu Jung [10]
4Jung-Min Kang [1] [2]
5Hong Kook Kim [4]
6Hyoung-Chun Kim [2]
7Hyung Chan Kim [5] [7] [8]
8Dong-Ik Lee [1] [2] [3]
9Insup Lee [6]
10Jeong-Gun Lee [4] [10]
11Jin-Seok Lee [2]
12Michael J. May [6]
13C.-G. Park [1]
14Jong-Youl Park [3]
15R. S. Ramakrishna [5] [7] [8]
16Kouichi Sakurai [4] [5] [7] [8]
17S. Yu [9]
18Zheng Zeng [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)