
A. Krishnamoorthy

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17EEA. Krishnamoorthy, S. Babu, Viswanath C. Narayanan: The MAP/(PH/PH)/1 queue with self-generation of priorities and non-preemptive service. European Journal of Operational Research 195(1): 174-185 (2009)
16EET. G. Deepak, A. Krishnamoorthy, Viswanath C. Narayanan, K. Vineetha: Inventory with service time and transfer of customers and/inventory. Annals OR 160(1): 191-213 (2008)
15EEIdin Motedayen-Aval, A. Krishnamoorthy, Achilleas Anastasopoulos: Optimal Joint Detection/Estimation in Fading Channels With Polynomial Complexity. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(1): 209-223 (2007)
14EEB. Krishna Kumar, A. Krishnamoorthy, S. Pavai Madheswari, S. Sadiq Basha: Transient analysis of a single server queue with catastrophes, failures and repairs. Queueing Syst. 56(3-4): 133-141 (2007)
13EEV. V. Mushko, M. J. Jacob, K. O. Ramakrishnan, A. Krishnamoorthy, Alexander N. Dudin: Multiserver queue with addressed retrials. Annals OR 141(1): 283-301 (2006)
12EEJesus R. Artalejo, A. Krishnamoorthy, Maria Jesus Lopez-Herrero: Numerical analysis of(s, S) inventory systems with repeated attempts. Annals OR 141(1): 67-83 (2006)
11EEB. Krishna Kumar, D. Arivudainambi, A. Krishnamoorthy: Some results on a generalized M/G/1 feedback queue with negative customers. Annals OR 143(1): 277-296 (2006)
10EESrinivas R. Chakravarthy, A. Krishnamoorthy, V. C. Joshua: Analysis of a multi-server retrial queue with search of customers from the orbit. Perform. Eval. 63(8): 776-798 (2006)
9EEA. Krishnamoorthy, Achilleas Anastasopoulos: Code and receiver design for the noncoherent fast-fading channel. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(9): 1769-1778 (2005)
8EERamana Murthy, Y. W. Chen, A. Krishnamoorthy, X. T. Chen: SiLKTM etch optimization and electrical characterization for 0.13 mum interconnects. Microelectronics Reliability 45(3-4): 507-516 (2005)
7EEC. F. Tsang, C. K. Chang, A. Krishnamoorthy, K. Y. Ee, Y. J. Su, H. Y. Li, W. H. Li, L. Y. Wong: A study of post-etch wet clean on electrical and reliability performance of Cu/low k interconnections. Microelectronics Reliability 45(3-4): 517-525 (2005)
6EEAlexander N. Dudin, A. Krishnamoorthy, V. C. Joshua, Gennady V. Tsarenkov: Analysis of the BMAP/G/1 retrial system with search of customers from the orbit. European Journal of Operational Research 157(1): 169-179 (2004)
5EEC. F. Tsang, C. Y. Li, A. Krishnamoorthy, Y. J. Su, H. Y. Li, L. Y. Wong, W. H. Li, L. J. Tang, K. Y. Ee: Impact of barrier deposition process on electrical and reliability performance of Cu/CVD low k SiOCH metallization. Microelectronics Journal 35(9): 693-700 (2004)
4EEP. V. Ushakumari, A. Krishnamoorthy: k-out-of-n system with repair: the max(N, T) policy. Perform. Eval. 57(2): 221-234 (2004)
3EEA. Krishnamoorthy, T. G. Deepak: Modified N-policy for M/G/1 queues. Computers & OR 29(12): 1611-1620 (2002)
2EEA. Krishnamoorthy, P. V. Ushakumari: k-out-of-n: G system with repair: the D-policy. Computers & OR 28(10): 973-981 (2001)
1EEMike Simone, A. Essen, A. Ike, A. Krishnamoorthy, Tak Maruyama, Niteen Patkar, M. Ramaswami, Michael Shebanow, V. Thirumalaiswamy, DeForest Tovey: Implementation Trade-Offs in Using a Restricted Data Flow Architecture in a High Performance RISC Microprocessor. ISCA 1995: 151-162

Coauthor Index

1Achilleas Anastasopoulos [9] [15]
2D. Arivudainambi [11]
3Jesus R. Artalejo [12]
4S. Babu [17]
5S. Sadiq Basha [14]
6Srinivas R. Chakravarthy [10]
7C. K. Chang [7]
8X. T. Chen [8]
9Y. W. Chen [8]
10T. G. Deepak [3] [16]
11Alexander N. Dudin [6] [13]
12K. Y. Ee [5] [7]
13A. Essen [1]
14A. Ike [1]
15M. J. Jacob [13]
16V. C. Joshua [6] [10]
17B. Krishna Kumar [11] [14]
18C. Y. Li [5]
19H. Y. Li [5] [7]
20W. H. Li [5] [7]
21Maria Jesus Lopez-Herrero [12]
22S. Pavai Madheswari [14]
23Tak Maruyama [1]
24Idin Motedayen-Aval [15]
25Ramana Murthy [8]
26V. V. Mushko [13]
27Viswanath C. Narayanan [16] [17]
28Niteen Patkar [1]
29K. O. Ramakrishnan [13]
30M. Ramaswami [1]
31Michael Shebanow [1]
32Mike Simone [1]
33Y. J. Su [5] [7]
34L. J. Tang [5]
35V. Thirumalaiswamy [1]
36DeForest Tovey [1]
37C. F. Tsang [5] [7]
38Gennady V. Tsarenkov [6]
39P. V. Ushakumari [2] [4]
40K. Vineetha [16]
41L. Y. Wong [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)