
Jesus R. Artalejo

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23EEJesus R. Artalejo: MCQT'06: Computational Methods and Applications in Queueing Theory. Annals OR 162(1): 1 (2008)
22EEJesus R. Artalejo, Antonio Gómez-Corral: Advances in Retrial Queues. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 1041 (2008)
21EEJesus R. Artalejo, Antonis Economou, Antonio Gómez-Corral: Algorithmic analysis of the Geo/Geo/c. European Journal of Operational Research 189(3): 1042-1056 (2008)
20EEJ. Amador, Jesus R. Artalejo: On the distribution of the successful and blocked events in the M/M/c retrial queue: A computational approach. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1612-1626 (2007)
19EEJesus R. Artalejo, Antonis Economou, Antonio Gómez-Corral: Applications of maximum queue lengths to call center management. Computers & OR 34(4): 983-996 (2007)
18EEJesus R. Artalejo, Antonis Economou, Maria Jesus Lopez-Herrero: Algorithmic approximations for the busy period distribution of the M. European Journal of Operational Research 176(3): 1687-1702 (2007)
17EEJesus R. Artalejo: Guest Editorial. Queueing Syst. 56(3-4): 119 (2007)
16EEJesus R. Artalejo: Preface. Annals OR 141(1): 17 (2006)
15EEJesus R. Artalejo, A. Krishnamoorthy, Maria Jesus Lopez-Herrero: Numerical analysis of(s, S) inventory systems with repeated attempts. Annals OR 141(1): 67-83 (2006)
14EEN. M. Apaolaza, Jesus R. Artalejo: On the time to reach a certain orbit level in multi-server retrial queues. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(1): 686-703 (2005)
13EEJesus R. Artalejo, Antonis Economou, Maria Jesus Lopez-Herrero: Analysis of a Multiserver Queue with Setup Times. Queueing Syst. 51(1-2): 53-76 (2005)
12EEJesus R. Artalejo, O. Hernández-Lerma: Performance analysis and optimal control of the Geo/Geo/c queue. Perform. Eval. 52(1): 15-39 (2003)
11EEJesus R. Artalejo, Antonio Gómez-Corral: Channel Idle Periods in Computer and Telecommunication Systems with Customer Retrials. Telecommunication Systems 24(1): 29-46 (2003)
10EEJesus R. Artalejo: Preface. Annals OR 112(1-4): 13-14 (2002)
9EEJesus R. Artalejo: Preface. Annals OR 113(1-4): 13-14 (2002)
8EEJesus R. Artalejo, M. Pozo: Numerical Calculation of the Stationary Distribution of the Main Multiserver Retrial Queue. Annals OR 116(1-4): 41-56 (2002)
7EEJesus R. Artalejo: A note on the optimality of the N- and D-policies for the M/G/1 queue. Oper. Res. Lett. 30(6): 375-376 (2002)
6EEJesus R. Artalejo, Alexander N. Dudin, Valentina I. Klimenok: Stationary analysis of a retrial queue with preemptive repeated attempts. Oper. Res. Lett. 28(4): 173-180 (2001)
5 Vladimir V. Anisimov, Jesus R. Artalejo: Analysis of Markov Multiserver Retrial Queues with Negative Arrivals. Queueing Syst. 39(2/3): 157-182 (2001)
4EEAmar Aissani, Jesus R. Artalejo: On the single server retrial queue subject to breakdowns. Queueing Syst. 30(3-4): 309-321 (1998)
3EEJesus R. Artalejo: Analysis of an M/G/1 queue with constant repeated attempts and server vacations. Computers & OR 24(6): 493-504 (1997)
2 Gennadi Falin, M. Martìn Dìaz, Jesus R. Artalejo: Information Theoretic Approximations for the M/G/ 1 Retrial Queue. Acta Inf. 31(6): 559-571 (1994)
1EEGennadi Falin, Jesus R. Artalejo, M. Martin: On the single server retrial queue with priority customers. Queueing Syst. 14(3-4): 439-455 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Amar Aissani [4]
2J. Amador [20]
3Vladimir V. Anisimov [5]
4N. M. Apaolaza [14]
5M. Martìn Dìaz [2]
6Alexander N. Dudin [6]
7Antonis Economou [13] [18] [19] [21]
8Gennadi Falin [1] [2]
9Antonio Gómez-Corral [11] [19] [21] [22]
10O. Hernández-Lerma [12]
11Valentina I. Klimenok [6]
12A. Krishnamoorthy [15]
13Maria Jesus Lopez-Herrero [13] [15] [18]
14M. Martin [1]
15M. Pozo [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)