
Andrzej Kos

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12EEAdam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Neural Processor as a Dynamic Power Manager for Digital Systems. MICAI 2008: 333-342
11EEIreneusz Brzozowski, Andrzej Kos: A new approach to power estimation and reduction in CMOS digital circuits. Integration 41(2): 219-237 (2008)
10EESlawomir Mikula, Gilbert De Mey, Andrzej Kos: Asynchronous control of modules activity in integrated systems for reducing peak temperatures. Integration 41(3): 447-458 (2008)
9 Ireneusz Brzozowski, Andrzej Kos: Two-level Logic Synthesis for Low Power Based on New Model of Power Dissipation. DDECS 2007: 139-144
8EEIreneusz Brzozowski, Andrzej Kos: Power Dissipation Reduction During Synthesis of Two-Level Logic Based on Probability of Input Vectors Changes. PATMOS 2005: 456-465
7EEAdam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Temperature influence on energy losses in MOSFET capacitors. Microelectronics Reliability 44(7): 1115-1121 (2004)
6EEAdam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Temperature Influence on Power Consumption and Time Delay. DSD 2003: 378-383
5 Adam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Static Versus Dynamic Power Losses in CMOS VLSI Systems Considering Temperature. VLSI-SOC 2003: 252-257
4EEPiotr Bratek, Andrzej Kos: A method of thermal testing of microsystems. Microelectronics Reliability 41(11): 1877-1887 (2001)
3EEPiotr Dziurdzia, Andrzej Kos: Monitoring of power dissipated in microelectronic structures. Microelectronics Reliability 41(12): 1971-1978 (2001)
2EEIreneusz Brzozowski, Andrzej Kos: Minimization of Power Consumption in Digital Integrated Circuits by Reduction of Switching Activity. EUROMICRO 1999: 1376-
1 Andrzej Kos: An approach to thermal placement in power electronics using neural networks. ISCAS 1993: 2427-2430

Coauthor Index

1Piotr Bratek [4]
2Ireneusz Brzozowski [2] [8] [9] [11]
3Piotr Dziurdzia [3]
4Adam Golda [5] [6] [7] [12]
5Gilbert De Mey [10]
6Slawomir Mikula [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)