
Adam Golda

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4EEAdam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Neural Processor as a Dynamic Power Manager for Digital Systems. MICAI 2008: 333-342
3EEAdam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Temperature influence on energy losses in MOSFET capacitors. Microelectronics Reliability 44(7): 1115-1121 (2004)
2EEAdam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Temperature Influence on Power Consumption and Time Delay. DSD 2003: 378-383
1 Adam Golda, Andrzej Kos: Static Versus Dynamic Power Losses in CMOS VLSI Systems Considering Temperature. VLSI-SOC 2003: 252-257

Coauthor Index

1Andrzej Kos [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)