2008 | ||
65 | EE | Fatiha Bouabache, Thomas Hérault, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Hierarchical replication techniques to ensure checkpoint storage reliability in grid environment. AICCSA 2008: 939-940 |
64 | EE | Camille Coti, Thomas Hérault, Sylvain Peyronnet, Ala Rezmerita, Franck Cappello: Grid Services for MPI. CCGRID 2008: 417-424 |
63 | EE | Fatiha Bouabache, Thomas Hérault, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Hierarchical Replication Techniques to Ensure Checkpoint Storage Reliability in Grid Environment. CCGRID 2008: 475-483 |
62 | EE | Matthieu Cargnelli, Guillaume Alléon, Franck Cappello: OpenWP: Combining annotation language and workflow environments for porting existing applications on grids. GRID 2008: 176-183 |
61 | EE | Gilles Fedak, Haiwu He, Franck Cappello: A File Transfer Service with Client/Server, P2P and Wide Area Storage Protocols. Globe 2008: 1-11 |
60 | EE | Franck Cappello: Fault Tolerance for PetaScale Systems: Current Knowledge, Challenges and Opportunities. PVM/MPI 2008: 2 |
59 | EE | Gilles Fedak, Haiwu He, Franck Cappello: BitDew: a programmable environment for large-scale data management and distribution. SC 2008: 45 |
58 | EE | Darius Buntinas, Camille Coti, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier, Laurence Pilard, Ala Rezmerita, Eric Rodriguez, Franck Cappello: Blocking vs. non-blocking coordinated checkpointing for large-scale fault tolerant MPI Protocols. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(1): 73-84 (2008) |
57 | EE | Yoshihiro Nakajima, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yoshiaki Aida, Taisuke Boku, Franck Cappello: Integrating Computing Resources on Multiple Grid-Enabled Job Scheduling Systems Through a Grid RPC System. J. Grid Comput. 6(2): 141-157 (2008) |
2007 | ||
56 | Franck Cappello, Thomas Hérault, Jack Dongarra: Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface, 14th European PVM/MPI User's Group Meeting, Paris, France, September 30 - October 3, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007 | |
55 | EE | Franck Cappello, Henri E. Bal: Toward an International "Computer Science Grid". CCGRID 2007: 3-12 |
54 | EE | Derrick Kondo, Filipe Araujo, Paul Malecot, Patrício Domingues, Luís Moura Silva, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Characterizing Result Errors in Internet Desktop Grids. Euro-Par 2007: 361-371 |
53 | EE | Benjamin Quétier, Thomas Hérault, Vincent Néri, Franck Cappello: Virtual Parallel Machines Through Virtualization: Impact on MPI Executions. PVM/MPI 2007: 381-383 |
52 | EE | Camille Coti, Ala Rezmerita, Thomas Hérault, Franck Cappello: Grid Services for MPI. PVM/MPI 2007: 393-394 |
51 | EE | Franck Cappello: Towards an International Computer Science Grid. WETICE 2007: 4 |
50 | EE | Derrick Kondo, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello, Andrew A. Chien, Henri Casanova: Characterizing resource availability in enterprise desktop grids. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23(7): 888-903 (2007) |
49 | EE | Baohua Wei, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Towards efficient data distribution on computational desktop grids with BitTorrent. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23(8): 983-989 (2007) |
48 | EE | Benjamin Quétier, Vincent Néri, Franck Cappello: Scalability Comparison of Four Host Virtualization Tools. J. Grid Comput. 5(1): 83-98 (2007) |
2006 | ||
47 | EE | Yoshihiro Nakajima, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yoshiaki Aida, Taisuke Boku, Franck Cappello: Integrating Computing Resources on Multiple Grid-enabled Job Scheduling Systems Through a Grid RPC System. CCGRID 2006: 296-300 |
46 | EE | Derrick Kondo, Bruno Kindarji, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Towards Soft Real-Time Applications on Enterprise Desktop Grids. CCGRID 2006: 65-72 |
45 | EE | William Hoarau, Pierre Lemarinier, Thomas Hérault, Eric Rodriguez, Sébastien Tixeuil, Franck Cappello: FAIL-MPI: How Fault-Tolerant Is Fault-Tolerant MPI? CLUSTER 2006 |
44 | EE | Ala Rezmerita, Tangui Morlier, Vincent Néri, Franck Cappello: Private Virtual Cluster: Infrastructure and Protocol for Instant Grids. Euro-Par 2006: 393-404 |
43 | EE | Derrick Kondo, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello, Andrew A. Chien, Henri Casanova: Availability Traces of Enterprise Desktop Grids. GRID 2006: 301-302 |
42 | EE | Camille Coti, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier, Laurence Pilard, Ala Rezmerita, Eric Rodriguez, Franck Cappello: MPI tools and performance studies - Blocking vs. non-blocking coordinated checkpointing for large-scale fault tolerant MPI. SC 2006: 127 |
41 | EE | Derrick Kondo, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello, Andrew A. Chien, Henri Casanova: On Resource Volatility in Enterprise Desktop Grids. e-Science 2006: 78 |
40 | EE | Géraud Krawezik, Franck Cappello: Performance comparison of MPI and OpenMP on shared memory multiprocessors. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(1): 29-61 (2006) |
39 | EE | Franck Cappello, Adriana Iamnitchi, Mitsuhisa Sato: Editorial: Special Issue on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing. J. Grid Comput. 4(3): 223-224 (2006) |
2005 | ||
38 | EE | Baohua Wei, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Scheduling independent tasks sharing large data distributed with BitTorrent. GRID 2005: 219-226 |
37 | EE | Franck Cappello, Eddy Caron, Michel J. Daydé, Frédéric Desprez, Yvon Jégou, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Emmanuel Jeannot, Stéphane Lanteri, Julien Leduc, Nouredine Melab, Guillaume Mornet, Raymond Namyst, Benjamin Quétier, Olivier Richard: Grid'5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable grid experimental testbed. GRID 2005: 99-106 |
36 | EE | Aurelien Bouteiller, Boris Collin, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier, Franck Cappello: Impact of Event Logger on Causal Message Logging Protocols for Fault Tolerant MPI. IPDPS 2005 |
35 | EE | Baohua Wei, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: Collaborative Data Distribution with BitTorrent for Computational Desktop Grids. ISPDC 2005: 250-257 |
34 | EE | Franck Cappello, Samir Djilali, Gilles Fedak, Thomas Hérault, Frédéric Magniette, Vincent Néri, Oleg Lodygensky: Computing on large-scale distributed systems: XtremWeb architecture, programming models, security, tests and convergence with grid. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 21(3): 417-437 (2005) |
33 | EE | Franck Cappello, Pierre Fraigniaud, Bernard Mans, Arnold L. Rosenberg: An algorithmic model for heterogeneous hyper-clusters: rationale and experience. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 16(2): 195-215 (2005) |
2004 | ||
32 | EE | Pierre Lemarinier, Aurelien Bouteiller, Thomas Hérault, Géraud Krawezik, Franck Cappello: Improved message logging versus improved coordinated checkpointing for fault tolerant MPI. CLUSTER 2004: 115-124 |
31 | EE | Aurelien Bouteiller, Hinde-Lilia Bouziane, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier, Franck Cappello: Hybrid Preemptive Scheduling of MPI Applications on the Grids. GRID 2004: 130-137 |
30 | EE | Samir Djilali, Thomas Hérault, Oleg Lodygensky, Tangui Morlier, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: RPC-V: Toward Fault-Tolerant RPC for Internet Connected Desktop Grids with Volatile Nodes. SC 2004: 39 |
29 | EE | Pierre Lemarinier, Aurelien Bouteiller, Géraud Krawezik, Franck Cappello: Coordinated checkpoint versus message log for fault tolerant MPI. IJHPCN 2(2/3/4): 146-155 (2004) |
2003 | ||
28 | EE | Oleg Lodygensky, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello, Vincent Néri, Miron Livny, Douglas Thain: XtremWeb & Condor sharing resources between Internet connected Condor pools. CCGRID 2003: 382-389 |
27 | EE | Aurelien Bouteiller, Pierre Lemarinier, Géraud Krawezik, Franck Cappello: Coordinated Checkpoint versus Message Log for Fault Tolerant MPI. CLUSTER 2003: 242-250 |
26 | EE | Luc Bougé, Franck Cappello, Omer F. Rana, Bernard Traversat: Topic Introduction. Euro-Par 2003: 1229 |
25 | EE | Aurelien Bouteiller, Franck Cappello, Thomas Hérault, Géraud Krawezik, Pierre Lemarinier, Frédéric Magniette: MPICH-V2: a Fault Tolerant MPI for Volatile Nodes based on Pessimistic Sender Based Message Logging. SC 2003: 25 |
24 | EE | Oleg Lodygensky, Gilles Fedak, Vincent Néri, Alain Cordier, Franck Cappello: Augernome & XtremWeb: Monte Carlos computation on a global computing platform CoRR cs.DC/0307066: (2003) |
2002 | ||
23 | EE | Géraud Krawezik, Guillaume Alléon, Franck Cappello: SPMD OpenMP versus MPI on a IBM SMP for 3 Kernels of the NAS Benchmarks. ISHPC 2002: 425-436 |
22 | EE | Anton Selikhov, George Bosilca, Cécile Germain, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: MPICH-CM: A Communication Library Design for a P2P MPI Implementation. PVM/MPI 2002: 323-330 |
21 | EE | George Bosilca, Aurelien Bouteiller, Franck Cappello, Samir Djilali, Gilles Fedak, Cécile Germain, Thomas Hérault, Pierre Lemarinier, Oleg Lodygensky, Frédéric Magniette, Vincent Néri, Anton Selikhov: MPICH-V: toward a scalable fault tolerant MPI for volatile nodes. SC 2002: 1-18 |
20 | EE | George Bosilca, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: OVM: Out-of-order execution parallel virtual machine. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(4): 525-537 (2002) |
19 | EE | Franck Cappello, Daniel Etiemble: MPI ou MPI+OpenMP sur grappes de multiprocesseurs? Technique et Science Informatiques 21(2): 253-272 (2002) |
2001 | ||
18 | EE | George Bosilca, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: OVM: Out-of-Order Execution Parallel Virtual Machine. CCGRID 2001: 212-220 |
17 | EE | Gilles Fedak, Cécile Germain, Vincent Néri, Franck Cappello: XtremWeb: A Generic Global Computing System. CCGRID 2001: 582-587 |
16 | Franck Cappello, Pierre Fraigniaud, Bernard Mans, Arnold L. Rosenberg: HiHCoHP: Toward a Realistic Communication Model for Hierarchical HyperClusters of Heterogeneous Processors. IPDPS 2001: 42 | |
15 | EE | Cécile Germain, Gilles Fedak, Vincent Néri, Franck Cappello: Global Computing Systems. LSSC 2001: 218-227 |
14 | EE | Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard, Daniel Etiemble: Understanding performance of SMP clusters running MPI programs. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(6): 711-720 (2001) |
2000 | ||
13 | EE | Cécile Germain, Vincent Néri, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello: XtremWeb: Building an Experimental Platform for Global Computing. GRID 2000: 91-101 |
12 | EE | Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard, Daniel Etiemble: Investigating the Performance of Two Programming Models for Clusters of SMP PCs. HPCA 2000: 349-359 |
11 | EE | Franck Cappello, Daniel Etiemble: MPI versus MPI+OpenMP on IBM SP for the NAS Benchmarks. SC 2000 |
1999 | ||
10 | EE | Olivier Richard, Franck Cappello: A Client/Broker/Server Substrate with µs Round-Trip Overhead. Euro-Par 1999: 790-794 |
9 | EE | Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard: Performance Characteristics of a Network of Commodity Multiprocessors for the NAS Benchmarks Using a Hybrid Memory Model. IEEE PACT 1999: 108-116 |
8 | Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard, Daniel Etiemble: Performance Evaluation of Two Programming Models for a Cluster of PC Biprocessors. PDPTA 1999: 1912-1918 | |
7 | EE | Franck Cappello, Olivier Richard, Daniel Etiemble: Performance of the NAS Benchmarks on a Cluster of SMP PCs Using a Parallelization of the MPI Programs with OpenMP. PaCT 1999: 339-350 |
1998 | ||
6 | EE | Olivier Richard, Franck Cappello: On the Self-Similar Nature of Workstations and WWW Servers Workload. Euro-Par 1998: 216-219 |
1997 | ||
5 | Franck Cappello, Daniel Etiemble: Communications in Parallel Architectures and Networks of Workstations: From Standardisation to New Standards. PaCT 1997: 298-310 | |
1995 | ||
4 | Franck Cappello, Cécile Germain: Toward High Communication Performance through Compiled Communications on a Circuit Switched Interconnection Network. HPCA 1995: 44-53 | |
3 | Cécile Germain, Franck Cappello: The Static Network: A High Performance Reconfigurable Communication Network. Parallel Processing Letters 5: 97-109 (1995) | |
1993 | ||
2 | Franck Cappello, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Franck Delaplace, Cécile Germain, Jean-Louis Giavitto, Vincent Néri, Daniel Etiemble: Balanced Distributed Memory Parallel Computers. ICPP 1993: 72-76 | |
1992 | ||
1 | Franck Cappello, Jean-Luc Béchennec, Jean-Louis Giavitto: PTAH: Introduction to a New Parallel Architecture for Highly Numeric Processing. PARLE 1992: 81-96 |