
Angel Osorio

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5EEAntoine Tarault, Jamal Atif, Xavier Ripoche, Patrick Bourdot, Angel Osorio: Classification of radiological exams and organs by belief theory. AICCSA 2005: 20
4EECécile Germain, Vincent Breton, Patrick Clarysse, Yann Gaudeau, Tristan Glatard, Emmanuel Jeannot, Yannick Legré, Charles Loomis, Johan Montagnat, Jean-Marie Moureaux, Angel Osorio, Xavier Pennec, Romain Texier: Grid-enabling medical image analysis. CCGRID 2005: 487-495
3 Jamal Atif, Angel Osorio, Bertrand Devaux, François-Xavier Roux: Integration of short-distance radiological images, angiography and multimodal image fusion in a stereotaxic software environment for biopsy intervention. CARS 2004: 1312
2 Angel Osorio, Olivier Traxer, Jamal Atif, Xavier Ripoche, Mohamed Tligui, Bernard Gattegno: Percutaneous nephrolithotomies improvement using a new augmented reality system integrated into operating rooms. CARS 2004: 1322
1 Eric Moretti, Gilles Chanteperdrix, Angel Osorio: New Algorithms for Control-Flow Graph Structuring. CSMR 2001: 184-187

Coauthor Index

1Jamal Atif [2] [3] [5]
2Patrick Bourdot [5]
3Vincent Breton [4]
4Gilles Chanteperdrix [1]
5Patrick Clarysse [4]
6Bertrand Devaux [3]
7Bernard Gattegno [2]
8Yann Gaudeau [4]
9Cécile Germain [4]
10Tristan Glatard [4]
11Emmanuel Jeannot [4]
12Yannick Legré [4]
13Charles Loomis [4]
14Johan Montagnat [4]
15Eric Moretti [1]
16Jean-Marie Moureaux [4]
17Xavier Pennec [4]
18Xavier Ripoche [2] [5]
19François-Xavier Roux [3]
20Antoine Tarault [5]
21Romain Texier [4]
22Mohamed Tligui [2]
23Olivier Traxer [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)