2008 |
23 | EE | José M. Laginha M. Palma,
Patrick Amestoy,
Michel J. Daydé,
Marta Mattoso,
João Correia Lopes:
High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2008, 8th International Conference, Toulouse, France, June 24-27, 2008. Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2008 |
22 | EE | Benoît Combemale,
Laurent Broto,
Xavier Crégut,
Michel J. Daydé,
Daniel Hagimont:
Autonomic Management Policy Specification: From UML to DSML.
MoDELS 2008: 584-599 |
21 | EE | Hrachya Astsatryan,
Vladimir Sahakyan,
Yuri Shoukouryan,
Michel J. Daydé,
Aurélie Hurault,
Marc Pantel,
Eddy Caron:
A Grid-Aware Web Portal with Advanced Service Trading for Linear Algebra Calculations.
VECPAR 2008: 150-159 |
2007 |
20 | | Michel J. Daydé,
José M. Laginha M. Palma,
Alvaro L. G. A. Coutinho,
Esther Pacitti,
João Correia Lopes:
High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2006, 7th International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 10-13, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Springer 2007 |
19 | EE | Iain S. Duff,
Michel J. Daydé,
Matthias Bollhöfer,
Anne E. Trefethen:
Topic 10 Parallel Numerical Algorithms.
Euro-Par 2007: 715-716 |
2006 |
18 | EE | Carlos Balsa,
M. Braza,
Michel J. Daydé,
José M. Laginha M. Palma,
Daniel Ruiz:
Improving the Numerical Simulation of an Airflow Problem with the BlockCGSI Algorithm.
VECPAR 2006: 281-291 |
17 | EE | Michel J. Daydé,
Aurélie Hurault,
Marc Pantel:
Semantic-Based Service Trading: Application to Linear Algebra.
VECPAR 2006: 622-633 |
16 | EE | Patrick Amestoy,
Michel J. Daydé,
Christophe Hamerling,
Marc Pantel,
Chiara Puglisi:
Management of Services Based on a Semantic Description Within the GRID-TLSE Project.
VECPAR 2006: 634-643 |
2005 |
15 | | Michel J. Daydé,
Jack Dongarra,
Vicente Hernández,
José M. Laginha M. Palma:
High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2004, 6th International Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 28-30, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Springer 2005 |
14 | EE | Ray Bair,
Edward Seidel,
Michel J. Daydé,
José M. Laginha M. Palma:
Topic 16 Applications of High-Performance and Grid Computing.
Euro-Par 2005: 1205 |
13 | EE | Franck Cappello,
Eddy Caron,
Michel J. Daydé,
Frédéric Desprez,
Yvon Jégou,
Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Stéphane Lanteri,
Julien Leduc,
Nouredine Melab,
Guillaume Mornet,
Raymond Namyst,
Benjamin Quétier,
Olivier Richard:
Grid'5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable grid experimental testbed.
GRID 2005: 99-106 |
12 | EE | Carlos Balsa,
Michel J. Daydé,
Ronan Guivarch,
José M. Laginha M. Palma,
Daniel Ruiz:
Monitoring the Block Conjugate Gradient Convergence Within the Inexact Inverse Subspace Iteration.
PPAM 2005: 494-504 |
1999 |
11 | | Patrick Amestoy,
Philippe Berger,
Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff,
Valérie Frayssé,
Luc Giraud,
Daniel Ruiz:
Euro-Par '99 Parallel Processing, 5th International Euro-Par Conference, Toulouse, France, August 31 - September 3, 1999, Proceedings
Springer 1999 |
10 | EE | Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff:
The RISC BLAS: a blocked implementation of level 3 BLAS for RISC processors.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 25(3): 316-340 (1999) |
1996 |
9 | | Michel J. Daydé,
Jean-Yves L'Excellent,
Nicholas I. M. Gould:
Preprocessing of Sparse Unassembled Linear Systems for Efficient Solution Using Element-by-Element Preconditioners.
Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 34-43 |
8 | | Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff:
The Use of Computational Kernels in Full and Sparse Linear Solvers, Efficient Code Design on High-Performance RISC Processors.
VECPAR 1996: 108-139 |
1995 |
7 | | V. Van Kemenade,
Michel J. Daydé,
J. B. Vos:
Parallel Navier-Stokes multi-block code to solve industrial aerodynamic design problems on high performance computers.
HPCN Europe 1995: 837-843 |
6 | EE | Patrick Amestoy,
Iain S. Duff,
Michel J. Daydé,
Pierre Morère:
Linear Algebra calculations on a Virtual Shared Memory Computer.
International Journal of High Speed Computing 7(1): 21-43 (1995) |
1994 |
5 | | Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff:
The CERFACS Experience.
PARA 1994: 169-176 |
4 | EE | Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff,
Antoine Petitet:
A parallel block implementation of Level-3 BLAS for MIMD vector processors.
ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 20(2): 178-193 (1994) |
1993 |
3 | | Isabelle d'Ast,
Michel J. Daydé,
Azzedine Kourta:
Parallelization of a Two-dimensional Compressible Unsteady Navier-Stokes Solver on a Range of MIMD Computers.
PPSC 1993: 17-20 |
1992 |
2 | | Patrick Amestoy,
Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff,
Pierre Morère:
Linear Algebra Calculations on the BBN TC2000.
CONPAR 1992: 319-330 |
1990 |
1 | EE | Michel J. Daydé,
Iain S. Duff:
Use of parallel level 3 BLAS in LU factorization on three vector multiprocessors the ALLIANT FX/80, the CRAY-2, and the IBM 3090 VF.
ICS 1990: 82-95 |