
Li Han

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14EELi Han, Jyri P. Salomaa, Jian Ma, Kuifei Yu: Research on Context-Aware Mobile Computing. AINA Workshops 2008: 24-30
13EELi Han, Lee Rudolph: A Unified Geometric Approach for Inverse Kinematics of a Spatial Chain with Spherical Joints. ICRA 2007: 4420-4427
12 Li Han, Raffaele de Amicis, Giuseppe Conti: Adaptive constraint and 3D sketch-based deformation for interactive free form surface styling. GRAPP 2006: 392-399
11EEHui Li, Li Han, Bei He: Robust Control for AC-Excited Hydrogenerator System Using Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Network. ISNN (2) 2006: 1039-1045
10EELi Han, Lee Rudolph: Inverse Kinematics for a Serial Chain with Joints Under Distance Constraints. Robotics: Science and Systems 2006
9EELi Han, Raffaele de Amicis, Giuseppe Conti: Interactive spline-driven deformation for free-form surface styling. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2006: 139-147
8EELi Han, Lee Rudolph, J. Blumenthal, I. Valodzin: Stratified Deformation Space and Path Planning for a Planar Closed Chain with Revolute Joints. WAFR 2006: 235-250
7 Yili Fu, Xu He, Shuoguo Wang, Li Han, Yulin Ma: Topological Analysis and Control on Mobile Robot with Partially-Failed Propulsive Wheel. ICRA 2005: 3440-3445
6EELi Han, Giuseppe Conti, Raffaele de Amicis: Responsive Interaction Based on Sketch in Concept Styling. INTERACT 2005: 94-105
5EELi Han: Hybrid Probabilistic RoadMap - Monte Carlo Motion Planning for Closed Chain Systems with Spherical Joints. ICRA 2004: 920-926
4 Li Han, Zexiang Li, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Zhiqiang Qin, Shilong Jiang: The Planning and Control of Robot Dextrous Manipultation. ICRA 2000: 263-269
3 Li Han, Jeffrey C. Trinkle, Zexiang Li: Grasp Analysis as Linear Matrix Inequality Problems. ICRA 1999: 1261-1268
2 Li Han, Jeffrey C. Trinkle: The Instantaneous Kinematics of Manipulation. ICRA 1998: 1944-1949
1 Li Han, Jeffrey C. Trinkle: Dextrous Manipulation by Rolling and Finger Gaiting. ICRA 1998: 730-735

Coauthor Index

1Raffaele de Amicis [6] [9] [12]
2J. Blumenthal [8]
3Giuseppe Conti [6] [9] [12]
4Yili Fu [7]
5Bei He [11]
6Xu He [7]
7Shilong Jiang [4]
8Hui Li [11]
9Zexiang Li [3] [4]
10Jian Ma [14]
11Yulin Ma [7]
12Zhiqiang Qin [4]
13Lee Rudolph [8] [10] [13]
14Jyri P. Salomaa [14]
15Jeffrey C. Trinkle [1] [2] [3] [4]
16I. Valodzin [8]
17Shuoguo Wang [7]
18Kuifei Yu [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)