Volume 5,
Number 1,
January-March 1991
Open Forum
Volume 5,
Number 2,
April-June 1991
Open Forum
Volume 5,
Number 3,
July-September 1991
- Roberto Maiocchi:
Can You Make a Computer Understand and Produce Art?
183-201 BibTeX
- Ephraim Nissan:
ONOMATURGE: An Artificial Intelligence Tool and Paradigm for Supporting National and Native Language Fostering Policies.
202-217 BibTeX
- Roberto Cordeschi:
The Discovery of the Artificial - Some Protocybernetic Developments 1930-1940.
218-238 BibTeX
Open Forum
Volume 5,
Number 4,
October-December 1991
- Richard J. Badham:
Technology, Work and Culture.
263-276 BibTeX
- Georg Aichholzer:
`Systemic Rationalization' in Austria: Social and Political Mediation in Technology Use and Work Organization.
277-295 BibTeX
- Ian McLoughlin:
Human-Centred by Design? The Adoption of CAD in the UK.
296-307 BibTeX
- Erling C. Havn:
Joint Organisational and Technical Development of CIM-Systems: An Extension of the Classic Scandinavian Approach.
308-320 BibTeX
- Ann Majchrzak, Les Gasser:
On Using Artificial Intelligence to Integrate the Design of Organizational and Process Change in US Manufacturing.
321-338 BibTeX
- Harold Salzman:
Engineering Perspectives and Technology Design in the United States.
339-356 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:50:06 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)