
Timothy W. Cole

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14EETimothy W. Cole: MathML in practice: issues and promise. Data Science Journal 5: 209-218 (2006)
13EEMuriel Foulonneau, Timothy W. Cole: Strategies for Reprocessing Aggregated Metadata. ECDL 2005: 290-301
12EEMuriel Foulonneau, Timothy W. Cole, Thomas G. Habing, Sarah L. Shreeves: Using collection descriptions to enhance an aggregation of harvested item-level metadata. JCDL 2005: 32-41
11EEThomas G. Habing, Timothy W. Cole, William H. Mischo: Developing a Technical Registry of OAI Data Providers. ECDL 2004: 400-410
10 Besiki Stvilia, Les Gasser, Michael B. Twidale, Sarah L. Shreeves, Timothy W. Cole: Metadata Quality For Federated Collections. IQ 2004: 111-125
9EESarah L. Shreeves, Christine Kirkham, Joanne Kaczmarek, Timothy W. Cole: Utility of an OAI Service Provider Search Portal. JCDL 2003: 306-308
8EEWilliam H. Mischo, Thomas G. Habing, Timothy W. Cole: Integration of simultaneous searching and reference linking across bibliographic resources on the web. JCDL 2002: 119-125
7EETimothy W. Cole: Creating a Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections. First Monday 7(5): (2002)
6EEThomas G. Habing, Timothy W. Cole, William H. Mischo: Qualified Dublin Core using RDF for Sci-Tech Journal Articles. Dublin Core Conference 2001: 242-246
5EEJames B. Lloyd, Timothy W. Cole, Donald Waters, Caroline Arms, Simeon Warner, Jeffrey Young: The open archives initiative: perspectives on metadata harvesting (panel session). JCDL 2001: 49
4 Bruce R. Schatz, William H. Mischo, Timothy W. Cole, Ann Peterson Bishop, Susan Harum, Eric H. Johnson, Laura J. Neumann, Hsinchun Chen, Tobun Dorbin Ng: Federated Search of Scientific Literature. IEEE Computer 32(2): 51-59 (1999)
3EEPaul Godwin, Eythor Arnolds, William L. Martens, Timothy W. Cole, James Grunke: Sounding off on audio: the future of Internet sound (panel). SIGGRAPH 1997: 465-467
2 Bruce R. Schatz, William H. Mischo, Timothy W. Cole, Joseph B. Hardin, Ann Peterson Bishop, Hsinchun Chen: Federating Diverse Collections of Scientific Literature. IEEE Computer 29(5): 28-36 (1996)
1EETimothy W. Cole: Some Results on Greedy Algorithm Conjectures. Discrete Applied Mathematics 52(2): 169-194 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Caroline Arms [5]
2Eythor Arnolds [3]
3Ann Peterson Bishop [2] [4]
4Hsinchun Chen [2] [4]
5Muriel Foulonneau [12] [13]
6Les Gasser [10]
7Paul Godwin [3]
8James Grunke [3]
9Thomas G. Habing [6] [8] [11] [12]
10Joseph B. Hardin [2]
11Susan Harum [4]
12Eric H. Johnson [4]
13Joanne Kaczmarek [9]
14Christine Kirkham [9]
15James B. Lloyd [5]
16William L. Martens [3]
17William H. Mischo [2] [4] [6] [8] [11]
18Laura J. Neumann [4]
19Tobun Dorbin Ng (Tobun D. Ng) [4]
20Bruce R. Schatz [2] [4]
21Sarah L. Shreeves [9] [10] [12]
22Besiki Stvilia [10]
23Michael Twidale (Michael B. Twidale) [10]
24Simeon Warner [5]
25Donald Waters [5]
26Jeffrey Young [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)