
Daniel E. O'Leary

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54 Daniel E. O'Leary: A Binomial Model of Group Probability Judgments. CDM 2008: 163-174
53EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Some Issues in Personalization of Intelligent Systems: An Activity Theory Approach for Meta Ontology Development. IFIP AI 2008: 403-412
52EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Expert Systems. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
51EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Wikis: 'From Each According to His Knowledge'. IEEE Computer 41(2): 34-41 (2008)
50EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Supporting decisions in real-time enterprises: autonomic supply chain systems. Inf. Syst. E-Business Management 6(3): 239-255 (2008)
49EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Empirical analysis of the evolution of a taxonomy for best practices. Decision Support Systems 43(4): 1650-1663 (2007)
48EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Intelligent Guessing. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(3): 74-75 (2006)
47EEBarbro Back, Daniel E. O'Leary, Richard J. Nowakowski, Christian D. Mueller, Marinos Themistocleous, Eija Koskivaara: Panel: The impact of IT on accounting and auditing. ECIS 2002
46EEDaniel E. O'Leary, Rudi Studer: Guest Editors' Introduction: Knowledge Management - An Interdisciplinary Approach. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(1): 24-25 (2001)
45EEDaniel E. O'Leary: How Knowledge Reuse Informs Effective System Design and Implementation. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(1): 44-49 (2001)
44EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Thanks for the Renaissance! IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(2): 2-3 (2001)
43 Daniel E. O'Leary: Special issue on verification and validation issues in databases, knowledge-based systems, and ontologies. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(3): 263-264 (2001)
42 Daniel E. O'Leary: Verification of multiple agent knowledge-based systems. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(3): 361-376 (2001)
41 Daniel E. O'Leary: Functional ontology artifacts: Existent and emergent knowledge. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(3): 411-424 (2001)
40EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Game playing behavior in requirements anslysis, evaluation, and system choice for enterprise resource planning systems. ICIS 2000: 385-395
39EEDaniel E. O'Leary, Peter G. Selfridge: Knowledge management for best practices. Commun. ACM 43(11es): 11 (2000)
38EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Data mining and more. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(2): 2-3 (2000)
37EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Different Firms, Different Ontologies, and No One Best Ontology. IEEE Intelligent Systems 15(5): 72-78 (2000)
36EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Reengineering Assembly, Warehouse and Billing Processes, for Electronic Commerce Using "Merge-in-Transit". Information Systems Frontiers 1(4): 379-387 (2000)
35EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Reengineering and Knowledge Management. EKAW 1999: 1-12
34EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Models of Consensus for Knowledge Acquisition. HICSS 1999
33EEDaniel E. O'Leary, Peter G. Selfridge: Knowledge management for best practices. Intelligence 10(4): 12-24 (1999)
32 Daniel E. O'Leary: Verification of Multiple Agent Knowledge-Based Systems. DEXA Workshop 1998: 36-40
31EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Virtual organizations: two choice problems. ICIS 1998: 145-154
30 Daniel E. O'Leary: Enterprise Knowledge Management. IEEE Computer 31(3): 54-61 (1998)
29 Daniel E. O'Leary: Expert Opinion: Developing Multiple-Agent Systems is More Than Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up. IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(2): 2-4 (1998)
28 Daniel E. O'Leary: Guest Editor's Introduction: Knowledge Management Systems: Converting and Connecting. IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(3): 30-33 (1998)
27 Daniel E. O'Leary: Using AI in Knowledge Management: Knowledge Bases and Ontologies. IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(3): 34-39 (1998)
26 Daniel E. O'Leary: Editorial: Older & Wider? IEEE Intelligent Systems 13(6): 2-3 (1998)
25 Daniel E. O'Leary, Robert M. O'Keefe: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting Work: Expert Systems Use in Auditing and Tax. AI Soc. 11(1): 36-47 (1997)
24 Daniel E. O'Leary, Daniel Kuokka, Robert Plant: Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Organizations. Commun. ACM 40(1): 52-59 (1997)
23 Daniel E. O'Leary: The Internet, Intranets, and the AI Renaissance. IEEE Computer 30(1): 71-78 (1997)
22 Daniel E. O'Leary: Editorial: Transitions. IEEE Expert 12(1): 2 (1997)
21 Daniel E. O'Leary: Editorial: Expert Online and Resources on the World Wide Web. IEEE Expert 12(2): 2-2 (1997)
20 Daniel E. O'Leary: Guest Editor's Introduction: AI-Assisted Browsing. IEEE Expert 12(5): 19-21 (1997)
19 Daniel E. O'Leary: Editorial: A Lack of Knowledge at the Top. IEEE Expert 12(6): 2 (1997)
18EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Impediments in the use of explicit ontologies for KBS development. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 46(2): 327-337 (1997)
17EEDaniel E. O'Leary: AI and navigation on the Internet and Intranet. IEEE Expert 11(2): 8-10 (1996)
16EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Guest Editor's Introduction: AI for Applications. IEEE Expert 11(4): 59- (1996)
15EEDavid R. King, Daniel E. O'Leary: Intelligent Executive Information Systems. IEEE Expert 11(6): 30-35 (1996)
14EEDaniel E. O'Leary: The relationship between errors and size in knowledge-based systems. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 44(2): 171-185 (1996)
13EEDaniel E. O'Leary: On the History of AI Applications, I: IEEE Expert - The First Nine Years. IEEE Expert 10(1): 57-60 (1995)
12EEDaniel E. O'Leary: On the History of AI Applications, II: IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications. IEEE Expert 10(1): 61-65 (1995)
11EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Some Privacy Issues in Knowledge Discovery: The OECD Personal Privacy Guidelines. IEEE Expert 10(2): 48-52 (1995)
10EECarol E. Brown, Les Gasser, Daniel E. O'Leary, Alan Sangster: AI on the WWW : Supply and Demand Agents. IEEE Expert 10(4): 50-55 (1995)
9EENils A. Kandelin, Daniel E. O'Leary: Verification of object-oriented systems: Domain-dependent and domain-independent approaches. Journal of Systems and Software 29(3): 261-269 (1995)
8EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Models of Consensus for Multiple Agent Systems. UAI 1994: 447-453
7EERobert M. O'Keefe, Daniel E. O'Leary: Expert system verification and validation: a survey and tutorial. Artif. Intell. Rev. 7(1): 3-42 (1993)
6 Daniel E. O'Leary: Semantic Ambiguity in Expert Systems: The Case of Deterministic Systems. IPMU 1992: 304-313
5 Daniel E. O'Leary: Knowledge Discovery as a Threat to Database Security. Knowledge Discovery in Databases 1991: 507-516
4 Daniel E. O'Leary: On Representation of Source Reliability in Weight of Evidence. IPMU 1990: 115-123
3EEDaniel E. O'Leary: Expert System Security. IEEE Expert 5(3): 59-69 (1990)
2 Daniel E. O'Leary: Soliciting Weights or Probabilities from Experts for Rule-Based Expert Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 32(3): 293-301 (1990)
1 Daniel E. O'Leary: On the Representation and the Impact of Reliability on Expert System Weights. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(6): 637-646 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Barbro Back [47]
2Carol E. Brown [10]
3Les Gasser [10]
4Nils A. Kandelin [9]
5David R. King [15]
6Eija Koskivaara [47]
7Daniel Kuokka [24]
8Christian D. Mueller [47]
9Richard J. Nowakowski [47]
10Robert M. O'Keefe [7] [25]
11Robert Plant [24]
12Alan Sangster [10]
13Peter G. Selfridge [33] [39]
14Rudi Studer [46]
15Marinos Themistocleous [47]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)