
François Faure

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14EEPaul G. Kry, Lionel Revéret, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani: Modal Locomotion: Animating Virtual Characters with Natural Vibrations. Comput. Graph. Forum 28(2): 289-298 (2009)
13 Everton Hermann, François Faure, Bruno Raffin: Ray-Traced Collision Detection for Deformable Bodies. GRAPP 2008: 293-299
12EEMatthieu Nesme, François Faure, Yohan Payan: Hierarchical Multi-resolution Finite Element Model for Soft Body Simulation. ISBMS 2006: 40-47
11EEMatthias Teschner, Stefan Kimmerle, Bruno Heidelberger, Gabriel Zachmann, Laks Raghupathi, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Marie-Paule Cani, François Faure, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Wolfgang Straßer, Pascal Volino: Collision Detection for Deformable Objects. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(1): 61-81 (2005)
10 Stefan Kimmerle, Matthieu Nesme, François Faure: Hierarchy Accelerated Stochastic Collision Detection. VMV 2004: 307-314
9EELaks Raghupathi, Laurent Grisoni, François Faure, Damien Marchal, Marie-Paule Cani, Christophe Chaillou: An Intestinal Surgery Simulator: Real-Time Collision Processing and Visualization. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(6): 708-718 (2004)
8EESylvain Guerraz, Frank Perbet, David Raulo, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani: A Procedural Approach to Animate Interactive Natural Sceneries. CASA 2003: 73-78
7EELaks Raghupathi, Vincent Cantin, François Faure, Marie-Paule Cani: Real-Time Simulation of Self-collisions for Virtual Intestinal Surgery. IS4TH 2003: 15-26
6EEFlorence Zara, François Faure, Jean-Marc Vincent: Physical cloth simulation on a PC cluster. EGPGV 2002: 105-112
5EEFrançois Faure, Chris Faisstnauer, Gerd Hesina, Amaury Aubel, Marc Escher, Frédéric Labrosse, Jean-Christophe Nebel, Jean-Dominique Gascuel: Collaborative Animation over the Network. CA 1999: 107-
4EEAnton L. Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, François Faure, Michael Gervautz: Occlusion in collaborative augmented environments. Computers & Graphics 23(6): 809-819 (1999)
3EEFrançois Faure: Fast Iterative Refinement of Articulated Solid Dynamics. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 5(3): 268-276 (1999)
2EEFrançois Faure: An Energy-Based Approach for Contact Force Computation. Comput. Graph. Forum 15(3): 357-366 (1996)
1 François Faure: Inverting the Reflectance Map with Binary Search. CAIP 1995: 814-819

Coauthor Index

1Amaury Aubel [5]
2Marie-Paule Cani [7] [8] [9] [11] [14]
3Vincent Cantin [7]
4Christophe Chaillou [9]
5Marc Escher [5]
6Chris Faisstnauer [5]
7Anton L. Fuhrmann [4]
8Arnulph Fuhrmann [11]
9Jean-Dominique Gascuel [5]
10Michael Gervautz [4]
11Laurent Grisoni [9]
12Sylvain Guerraz [8]
13Bruno Heidelberger [11]
14Everton Hermann [13]
15Gerd Hesina [4] [5]
16Stefan Kimmerle [10] [11]
17Paul G. Kry [14]
18Frédéric Labrosse [5]
19Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann [11]
20Damien Marchal [9]
21Jean-Christophe Nebel [5]
22Matthieu Nesme [10] [12]
23Yohan Payan [12]
24Frank Perbet [8]
25Bruno Raffin [13]
26Laks Raghupathi [7] [9] [11]
27David Raulo [8]
28Lionel Revéret [14]
29Wolfgang Straßer [11]
30Matthias Teschner [11]
31Jean-Marc Vincent [6]
32Pascal Volino [11]
33Gabriel Zachmann [11]
34Florence Zara [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)