
Everton Hermann

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3 Everton Hermann, François Faure, Bruno Raffin: Ray-Traced Collision Detection for Deformable Bodies. GRAPP 2008: 293-299
2EEEverton Hermann, Rafael Bohrer Ávila, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Yves Denneulin: Metaserver Locality and Scalability in a Distributed NFS. VECPAR 2006: 145-157
1EER. Kassick, Caciano Machado, Everton Hermann, Rafael Bohrer Ávila, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux, Yves Denneulin: Evaluating the performance of the dNFSP file system. CCGRID 2005: 1032-1038

Coauthor Index

1Rafael Bohrer Ávila [1] [2]
2Yves Denneulin [1] [2]
3François Faure [3]
4R. Kassick [1]
5Caciano Machado [1]
6Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux [1] [2]
7Bruno Raffin [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)