
Bruno Heidelberger

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11EEMatthias Harders, D. Bachofen, M. Grassi, Michael Bajka, U. Spaelter, Matthias Teschner, Bruno Heidelberger, Raimundo Sierra, Denis Steinemann, S. Tuchschmid, János Zátonyi, Gábor Székely: Virtual Reality Based Simulation of Hysteroscopic Interventions. Presence 17(5): 441-462 (2008)
10EEMatthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Marcus Hennix, John Ratcliff: Position based dynamics. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 18(2): 109-118 (2007)
9EEMatthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Markus H. Gross: Meshless deformations based on shape matching. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 471-478 (2005)
8EEMatthias Teschner, Stefan Kimmerle, Bruno Heidelberger, Gabriel Zachmann, Laks Raghupathi, Arnulph Fuhrmann, Marie-Paule Cani, François Faure, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Wolfgang Straßer, Pascal Volino: Collision Detection for Deformable Objects. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(1): 61-81 (2005)
7EEMatthias Teschner, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Müller, Markus H. Gross: A Versatile and Robust Model for Geometrically Complex Deformable Solids. Computer Graphics International 2004: 312-319
6 Richard Keiser, Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Markus H. Gross: Contact Handling for Deformable Point-Based Objects. VMV 2004: 315-322
5 Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Richard Keiser, Matthias Müller, Markus H. Gross: Consistent penetration depth estimation for deformable collision response. VMV 2004: 339-346
4 Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Markus H. Gross: Detection of Collisions and Self-collisions Using Image-space Techniques. WSCG 2004: 145-152
3EEMatthias Müller, Simon Schirm, Matthias Teschner, Bruno Heidelberger, Markus H. Gross: Interaction of fluids with deformable solids. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(3-4): 159-171 (2004)
2 Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Markus H. Gross: Real-Time Volumetric Intersections of Deforming Objects. VMV 2003: 461-468
1 Matthias Teschner, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Müller, Danat Pomerantes, Markus H. Gross: Optimized Spatial Hashing for Collision Detection of Deformable Objects. VMV 2003: 47-54

Coauthor Index

1D. Bachofen [11]
2Michael Bajka [11]
3Marie-Paule Cani [8]
4François Faure [8]
5Arnulph Fuhrmann [8]
6M. Grassi [11]
7Markus H. Gross [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
8Matthias Harders [11]
9Marcus Hennix [10]
10Richard Keiser [5] [6]
11Stefan Kimmerle [8]
12Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann [8]
13Matthias Müller [1] [3] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10]
14Danat Pomerantes [1]
15Laks Raghupathi [8]
16John Ratcliff [10]
17Simon Schirm [3]
18Raimundo Sierra [11]
19U. Spaelter [11]
20Denis Steinemann [11]
21Wolfgang Straßer [8]
22Gábor Székely [11]
23Matthias Teschner [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
24S. Tuchschmid [11]
25Pascal Volino [8]
26Gabriel Zachmann [8]
27János Zátonyi [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)