Volume 11,
Number 1,
January 1968
Volume 11,
Number 2,
February 1968
Volume 11,
Number 3,
March 1968
- Edsger W. Dijkstra:
Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Bernard A. Galler:
Letters to the editor: Language protection by trademark ill-advised.
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- J. Howlett:
Letters to the editor: No trouble with Atlas I page-turning.
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- John E. Howland:
Letters to the editor: On practicality of sieving techniques vs. the sieving algorithm.
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- Anton J. Van Reeken:
Letters to the editor: Dealing with Neely's algorithms.
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- B. E. Rodden:
Letters to the editor: In defense of Langdon's algorithm.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Donald R. Morrison:
Letters to the editor: Abbreviations for computer and memory sizes.
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- S. R. Clark:
Letters to the editor: Endorsing the Illinois post mortem dump.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- William F. Atchison, Samuel D. Conte, John W. Hamblen, Thomas E. Hull, Thomas A. Keenan, William B. Kehl, Edward J. McCluskey, Silvio O. Navarro, Werner C. Rheinboldt, Earl J. Schweppe, William Viavant, David M. Young:
Curriculum 68: Recommendations for academic programs in computer science: a report of the ACM curriculum committee on computer science.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Donn B. Parker:
Rules of ethics in information processing.
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Volume 11,
Number 4,
April 1968
Volume 11,
Number 5,
May 1968
Volume 11,
Number 6,
June 1968
Volume 11,
Number 7,
July 1968
Volume 11,
Number 8,
August 1968
Volume 11,
Number 9,
September 1968
- Mel Skinner:
Letters to the editor: A tactical assault on systems procurement.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- G. A. Mapp:
Proposed library of programs for personnel and related work.
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- A. Kenneth Fitzgerald:
Letters to the editor: on Congressman Brooks letter Re standardization.
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- Jeffrey P. Krischer:
Letters to the editor: On computer appreciation in the undergraduate curriculum.
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- Richard K. Bennett:
Letters to the editor: A base for language definition.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Fred C. Hutton:
Information Retrieval: PEEKABIT, computer offspring of punched card PEEKABOO, for natural language searching.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Morris Rubinoff, Samuel Bergman, Winifred Franks, Elayne R. Rubinoff:
Experimental evaluation of information retrieval through a teletypewriter.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Peter J. Denning:
Operating Systems: A statistical model for console behavior in multiuser computers.
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- Hideyuki Hayashi, Sheila Duncan, Susumu Kuno:
Computational Linguistics: Graphical input/output of nonstandard characters.
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- B. L. Fox, D. M. Landi:
Scientific Applications: An algorithm for identifying the ergodic subchains and transient states of a stochastic matrix.
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- J. C. Dill, D. L. Randall, I. Richer:
PLEXUS - an on-line system for modeling neural networks.
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- G. D. Miller:
Programming Techniques: An algorithm for the probability of the union of a large number of events.
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- T. A. Bray, Christoph Witzgall:
Algorithms: Algorithm 336: netflow.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- J. H. Henderson, R. M. Knapp, M. E. Volberding:
Algorithms: Remark on algorithm 248: netflow.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- W. Pankiewicz:
Algorithms: Algorithm 337: calculation of a polynomial and its derivative values by Horner scheme.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- T. A. Bray:
Algorithms: Remark on algorithm 248: Netflow.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Jan V. Garwick:
Programming Languages: GPL, a truly general purpose language.
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- G. W. Stewart, Dale W. Lick:
Numerical Analysis: Numerical solution of a thin plate heat transfer problem.
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- John R. B. Whittlesey:
A comparison of the correlational behavior of random number generators for the IBM 360.
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Volume 11,
Number 10,
Octorber 1968
- Henry F. Fliegel, Thomas C. van Flandern:
Letters to the editor: a machine algorithm for processing calendar dates.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Harold Wooster:
Letters to the editor: Do you use microfiche?
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- Paul W. Abrahams:
Letters to the editor: On "prime phrase" in Feldman and Gries paper.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Bruce A. Martin:
Letters to the editor: On binary notation.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Raymond P. Wishner:
Letters to the editor: comment on curriculum 68.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Bernard A. Galler:
President's letter to the ACM membership: involvement.
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- L. B. Lesem, P. M. Hirsch, J. A. Jordan Jr.:
Scientific Applications: Computer synthesis of Holograms for 3-D display.
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- A. Schurmann:
Business Applications: GAN, a system for generating and analyzing activity networks.
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- Peter J. H. King:
Ambiguity in limited entry decision tables.
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- David F. Martin:
Programming Languages: Boolean matrix methods for the detection of simple precedence grammars.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Helen V. Braden, William A. Wulf:
The implementation of a BASIC system in a multiprogramming environment.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Morris Rubinoff, Samuel Bergman, F. Rapp, H. Cautin:
Information Retrieval: Easy English, a language for information retrieval through a remote typewriter console.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- K. J. Engvold, J. L. Hughes:
Education: A general-purpose display processing and tutorial system.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Glenn D. Bergland:
Numerical Analysis: A fast fourier transform algorithm for real-valued series.
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Volume 11,
Number 11,
November 1968
- Bernard A. Galler:
President's letter to the ACM membership: The ACM Council.
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- Robert McNaughton:
Automata, formal languages abstract switching, and computability in a Ph.D. computer science program.
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- Jane G. Jodeit:
Storage organization in programming systems.
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- Sam F. Mendicino, Robert A. Hughes, Jeanne T. Martin, Frank H. McMahon, John E. Ranelletti, Richard G. Zwakenberg:
The LRLTRAN compiler.
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- Robert Korfhage:
A note on a relevance estimate and its improvement.
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- George Marsaglia, T. A. Bray:
One-line random number generators and their use in combinations.
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- Donald Greenspan:
Approximate solution of initial-boundary wave equation problems by boundary-value techniques.
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- Philip Rabinowitz:
Practical error coefficients in the integration of periodic analytic functions by the trapezoidal rule.
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- Daniel G. Bobrow, J. Bruce Fraser:
A phonological rule tester.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Richard C. Singleton:
Algorithms: Algorithm 338: algol procedures for the fast Fourier transform.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Richard C. Singleton:
Algorithms: Algorithm 339: an algol procedure for the fast Fourier transform with arbitrary factors.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Albert Noltemeier:
Algorithms: Algorithm 340: roots of polynomials by a root-squaring and resultant routine.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- J. L. Byrne, Les G. Proll:
Algorithms: Algorithm 341: solution of linear programs in 0-1 variables by implicit enumeration.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- E. L. Lohse:
Correspondences of 8-bit and Hollerith codes for computer environments - a USASI tutorial.
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Volume 11,
Number 12,
December 1968
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