
Raquel Fernández

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7EEMatthew Frampton, Raquel Fernández, Patrick Ehlen, Chris Mario Christoudias, Trevor Darrell, Stanley Peters: Who is "You"? Combining Linguistic and Gaze Features to Resolve Second-Person References in Dialogue. EACL 2009: 273-281
6EEPatrick Ehlen, Raquel Fernández, Matthew Frampton: Designing and Evaluating Meeting Assistants, Keeping Humans in Mind. MLMI 2008: 309-314
5EERaquel Fernández, Jonathan Ginzburg, Shalom Lappin: Classifying Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach. Computational Linguistics 33(3): 397-427 (2007)
4EERaquel Fernández, Ulle Endriss: Abstract models for dialogue protocols. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16(2): 121-140 (2007)
3EEJonathan Ginzburg, Raquel Fernández: Scaling up from Dialogue to Multilogue: Some Principles and Benchmarks. ACL 2005
2EERaquel Fernández: A Dynamic Logic Formalisation of the Dialogue Gameboard. EACL 2003: 17-24
1EERaquel Fernández, Jonathan Ginzburg: Non-Sentential Utterances: Grammar and Dialogue Dynamics in Corpus Annotation. COLING 2002

Coauthor Index

1Chris Mario Christoudias (Christopher M. Christoudias) [7]
2Trevor Darrell [7]
3Patrick Ehlen [6] [7]
4Ulrich Endriss (Ulle Endriss) [4]
5Matthew Frampton [6] [7]
6Jonathan Ginzburg [1] [3] [5]
7Shalom Lappin [5]
8Stanley Peters [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)