
Flavia Sparacino

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10EEFlavia Sparacino: Natural interaction in intelligent spaces: Designing for architecture and entertainment. Multimedia Tools Appl. 38(3): 307-335 (2008)
9EEFlavia Sparacino: Intelligent Architecture: Embedding Spaces with a Mind for Augmented Interaction. INTERACT 2005: 2-3
8EEFlavia Sparacino: Scenographies of the past and museums of the future: from the wunderkammer to body-driven interactive narrative spaces. ACM Multimedia 2004: 72-79
7EEFlavia Sparacino: Sto(ry)chastics: A Bayesian Network Architecture for User Modeling and Compuatational Storytelling for Interactive Spaces. Ubicomp 2003: 54-72
6EEFlavia Sparacino, Christopher Richard Wren, Ali Azarbayejani, Alex Pentland: Browsing 3-D spaces with 3-D vision: body-driven navigation through the Internet city. 3DPVT 2002: 224-233
5EEFlavia Sparacino, Glorianna Davenport, Alex Pentland: Media in performance: Interactive spaces for dance, theater, circus, and museum exhibits. IBM Systems Journal 39(3&4): 479- (2000)
4 Flavia Sparacino, Kent Larson, Ron MacNeil, Glorianna Davenport, Alex Pentland: Technologies and Methods for Interactive Exhibit Design: From Wireless Object & Body Tracking to Wearable Computers. ICHIM 1999: 147-154
3EEFlavia Sparacino, Glorianna Davenport, Alex Pentland: Media Actors: Characters in Search of an Author. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 439-446
2EEFlavia Sparacino, Alex Pentland, Glorianna Davenport: Wearable Performance. ISWC 1997: 181-182
1EEChristopher Richard Wren, Flavia Sparacino, Ali Azarbayejani, Trevor Darrell, Thad Starner, Akira Kotani, Chloe M. Chao, Michal Hlavac, Kenneth B. Russell, Alex Pentland: Perceptive Spaces for Performance and Entertainment Untethered Interaction Using Computer Vision and Audition. Applied Artificial Intelligence 11(4): 267-284 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Ali Azarbayejani [1] [6]
2Chloe M. Chao [1]
3Trevor Darrell [1]
4Glorianna Davenport [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Michal Hlavac [1]
6Akira Kotani [1]
7Kent Larson [4]
8Ron MacNeil [4]
9Alex Pentland (Sandy Pentland) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
10Kenneth B. Russell [1]
11Thad Starner [1]
12Christopher Richard Wren [1] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)