
Kenneth B. Russell

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4EEKenneth B. Russell, Lars Bak: The HotSpot™ Serviceability Agent: An Out-of-Process High-Level Debugger for a Java™ Virtual Machine. Java™ Virtual Machine Research and Technology Symposium 2001: 117-126
3EEKenneth B. Russell, Bruce Blumberg: Behavior-Friendly Graphics. Computer Graphics International 1999: 44-
2 Tony Jebara, Kenneth B. Russell, Alex Pentland: Mixtures of Eigen Features for Real-Time Structure from Texture. ICCV 1998: 128-138
1EEChristopher Richard Wren, Flavia Sparacino, Ali Azarbayejani, Trevor Darrell, Thad Starner, Akira Kotani, Chloe M. Chao, Michal Hlavac, Kenneth B. Russell, Alex Pentland: Perceptive Spaces for Performance and Entertainment Untethered Interaction Using Computer Vision and Audition. Applied Artificial Intelligence 11(4): 267-284 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Ali Azarbayejani [1]
2Lars Bak [4]
3Bruce Blumberg [3]
4Chloe M. Chao [1]
5Trevor Darrell [1]
6Michal Hlavac [1]
7Tony Jebara [2]
8Akira Kotani [1]
9Alex Pentland (Sandy Pentland) [1] [2]
10Flavia Sparacino [1]
11Thad Starner [1]
12Christopher Richard Wren [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)