
Sharon L. Oviatt

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45EESharon L. Oviatt, Colin Swindells, Alexander M. Arthur: Implicit user-adaptive system engagement in speech and pen interfaces. CHI 2008: 969-978
44EEPhilip R. Cohen, Colin Swindells, Sharon L. Oviatt, Alexander M. Arthur: A high-performance dual-wizard infrastructure for designing speech, pen, and multimodal interfaces. ICMI 2008: 137-140
43EESharon L. Oviatt: Human-centered design meets cognitive load theory: designing interfaces that help people think. ACM Multimedia 2006: 871-880
42EERebecca Lunsford, Sharon L. Oviatt: Human perception of intended addressee during computer-assisted meetings. ICMI 2006: 20-27
41EEAlexander M. Arthur, Rebecca Lunsford, Matt Wesson, Sharon L. Oviatt: Prototyping novel collaborative multimodal systems: simulation, data collection and analysis tools for the next decade. ICMI 2006: 209-216
40EERebecca Lunsford, Sharon L. Oviatt, Alexander M. Arthur: Toward open-microphone engagement for multiparty interactions. ICMI 2006: 273-280
39EEXiao Huang, Sharon L. Oviatt, Rebecca Lunsford: Combining User Modeling and Machine Learning to Predict Users' Multimodal Integration Patterns. MLMI 2006: 50-62
38EESharon L. Oviatt, Alexander M. Arthur, Julia Cohen: Quiet interfaces that help students think. UIST 2006: 191-200
37 Gianni Lazzari, Fabio Pianesi, James L. Crowley, Kenji Mase, Sharon L. Oviatt: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI 2005, Trento, Italy, October 4-6, 2005 ACM 2005
36EESharon L. Oviatt, Rebecca Lunsford, Rachel Coulston: Individual differences in multimodal integration patterns: what are they and why do they exist? CHI 2005: 241-249
35EERebecca Lunsford, Sharon L. Oviatt, Rachel Coulston: Audio-visual cues distinguishing self- from system-directed speech in younger and older adults. ICMI 2005: 167-174
34EEXiao Huang, Sharon L. Oviatt: Toward Adaptive Information Fusion in Multimodal Systems. MLMI 2005: 15-27
33EESharon L. Oviatt, Rachel Coulston, Rebecca Lunsford: Just Do What I Tell You: The Limited Impact of Instructions on Multimodal Integration Patterns. User Modeling 2005: 261-270
32EESharon L. Oviatt, Rachel Coulston, Rebecca Lunsford: When do we interact multimodally?: cognitive load and multimodal communication patterns. ICMI 2004: 129-136
31EESharon L. Oviatt, Stephanie Seneff: Introduction to mobile and adaptive conversational interfaces. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 11(3): 237-240 (2004)
30EESharon L. Oviatt, Courtney Darves, Rachel Coulston: Toward adaptive conversational interfaces: Modeling speech convergence with animated personas. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 11(3): 300-328 (2004)
29EESharon L. Oviatt, Trevor Darrell, Myron Flickner: Introduction. Commun. ACM 47(1): 30-33 (2004)
28EELeah Reeves, Jennifer C. Lai, James A. Larson, Sharon L. Oviatt, T. S. Balaji, Stéphanie Buisine, Penny Collings, Philip R. Cohen, Ben Kraal, Jean-Claude Martin, Michael F. McTear, T. V. Raman, Kay M. Stanney, Hui Su, Qian Ying Wang: Guidelines for multimodal user interface design. Commun. ACM 47(1): 57-59 (2004)
27 Sharon L. Oviatt, Trevor Darrell, Mark T. Maybury, Wolfgang Wahlster: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI 2003, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 5-7, 2003 ACM 2003
26EEJames A. Larson, Sharon L. Oviatt: Principles for mujltimodal user inteface desgin. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 1058-1059
25EEBenfang Xiao, Rebecca Lunsford, Rachel Coulston, R. Matthews Wesson, Sharon L. Oviatt: Modeling multimodal integration patterns and performance in seniors: toward adaptive processing of individual differences. ICMI 2003: 265-272
24EESharon L. Oviatt, Rachel Coulston, Stefanie Tomko, Benfang Xiao, Rebecca Lunsford, R. Matthews Wesson, Lesley Carmichael: Toward a theory of organized multimodal integration patterns during human-computer interaction. ICMI 2003: 44-51
23EESharon L. Oviatt: Advances in Robust Multimodal Interface Design. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(5): 62-68 (2003)
22EESharon L. Oviatt: Flexible and robust multimodal interfaces for universal access. Universal Access in the Information Society 2(2): 91-95 (2003)
21 Sharon L. Oviatt: Breaking the Robustness Barrier: Recent Progress on the Design of Robust Multimodal Systems. Advances in Computers 56: 306-343 (2002)
20 Sharon L. Oviatt: Designing robust multimodal systems for diverse users and environments. HCI 2001: 407-411
19EESharon L. Oviatt: Designing robust multimodal systems for universal access. Workshop on Universal Accessibility of Ubiquitous Computing 2001: 71-74
18EESharon L. Oviatt: Multimodal system processing in mobile environments. UIST 2000: 21-30
17EESharon L. Oviatt, Philip R. Cohen: Multimodal Interfaces That Process What Comes Naturally. Commun. ACM 43(3): 45-53 (2000)
16EESharon L. Oviatt: Taming recognition errors with a multimodal interface. Commun. ACM 43(9): 45-51 (2000)
15EESharon L. Oviatt: Mutual Disambiguation of Recognition Errors in a Multimodel Architecture. CHI 1999: 576-583
14EESharon L. Oviatt: Ten Myths of Multimodal Interaction. Commun. ACM 42(11): 74-81 (1999)
13 Lizhong Wu, Sharon L. Oviatt, Philip R. Cohen: Multimodal Integration - A Statistical View. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 1(4): 334-341 (1999)
12 David McGee, Philip R. Cohen, Sharon L. Oviatt: Confirmation in Multimodal Systems. COLING-ACL 1998: 823-829
11 Philip R. Cohen, Michael Johnston, David McGee, Sharon L. Oviatt, Jay Pittman, Ira A. Smith, Liang Chen, Josh Clow: Mulitmodal Interaction for Distributed Interactive Simulation. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 978-985
10 Michael Johnston, Philip R. Cohen, David McGee, Sharon L. Oviatt, James A. Pittman, Ira A. Smith: Unification-based Multimodal Integration. ACL 1997: 281-288
9EEPhilip R. Cohen, Michael Johnston, David McGee, Sharon L. Oviatt, Jay Pittman, Ira A. Smith, Liang Chen, Josh Clow: QuickSet: Multimodal Interaction for Distributed Applications. ACM Multimedia 1997: 31-40
8EEPhilip R. Cohen, Michael Johnston, David McGee, Sharon L. Oviatt, Jay Pittman, Ira A. Smith, Liang Chen, Josh Clow: QuickSet: Multimodal Interaction for Simulation Set-up and Control. ANLP 1997: 20-24
7 Sharon L. Oviatt, Antonella De Angeli, Karen Kuhn: Integration and Synchronization of Input Modes during Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction. CHI 1997: 415-422
6EESharon L. Oviatt: Multimodal Interfaces for Dynamic Interactive Maps. CHI 1996: 95-102
5EESharon L. Oviatt: User-Centered Modeling for Spoken Language and Multimodal Interfaces. IEEE MultiMedia 3(4): 26-35 (1996)
4EESharon L. Oviatt: Interface techniques for minimizing disfluent input to spoken language systems. CHI 1994: 205-210
3EESharon L. Oviatt: Interface techniques for minimizing disfluent input to spoken language systems. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 214
2EESharon L. Oviatt: Predicting and Managing Spoken Disfluencies During Human-Computer Interaction. HLT 1994
1 Sharon L. Oviatt, Philip R. Cohen: The Effects of Interaction on Spoken Discourse. ACL 1989: 126-134

Coauthor Index

1Antonella De Angeli [7]
2Alexander M. Arthur [38] [40] [41] [44] [45]
3T. S. Balaji [28]
4Stéphanie Buisine [28]
5Lesley Carmichael [24]
6Liang Chen [8] [9] [11]
7Josh Clow [8] [9] [11]
8Julia Cohen [38]
9Philip R. Cohen [1] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [17] [28] [44]
10Penny Collings [28]
11Rachel Coulston [24] [25] [30] [32] [33] [35] [36]
12James L. Crowley [37]
13Trevor Darrell [27] [29]
14Courtney Darves [30]
15Myron Flickner [29]
16Xiao Huang [34] [39]
17Michael Johnston [8] [9] [10] [11]
18Ben Kraal [28]
19Karen Kuhn [7]
20Jennifer C. Lai [28]
21James A. Larson [26] [28]
22Gianni Lazzari [37]
23Rebecca Lunsford [24] [25] [32] [33] [35] [36] [39] [40] [41] [42]
24Jean-Claude Martin [28]
25Kenji Mase [37]
26Mark T. Maybury [27]
27David McGee [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
28Michael F. McTear [28]
29Fabio Pianesi [37]
30James A. Pittman [10]
31Jay Pittman [8] [9] [11]
32T. V. Raman [28]
33Leah Reeves [28]
34Stephanie Seneff [31]
35Ira A. Smith [8] [9] [10] [11]
36Kay M. Stanney [28]
37Hui Su [28]
38Colin Swindells [44] [45]
39Stefanie Tomko [24]
40Wolfgang Wahlster [27]
41Qian Ying Wang [28]
42Matt Wesson [41]
43R. Matthews Wesson [24] [25]
44Lizhong Wu [13]
45Benfang Xiao [24] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)