
Fabien Clermidy

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8EEDiego Puschini, Fabien Clermidy, Pascal Benoit, Gilles Sassatelli, Lionel Torres: Convergence analysis of run-time distributed optimization on adaptive systems using game theory. FPL 2008: 555-558
7EEDiego Puschini, Fabien Clermidy, Pascal Benoit, Gilles Sassatelli, Lionel Torres: Temperature-Aware Distributed Run-Time Optimization on MP-SoC Using Game Theory. ISVLSI 2008: 375-380
6EEEdith Beigné, Fabien Clermidy, Sylvain Miermont, Pascal Vivet: Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling Architecture for Units Integration within a GALS NoC. NOCS 2008: 129-138
5EEIvan Miro Panades, Fabien Clermidy, Pascal Vivet, Alain Greiner: Physical Implementation of the DSPIN Network-on-Chip in the FAUST Architecture. NOCS 2008: 139-148
4 Diego Puschini, Fabien Clermidy: A Comparison between NoC and Bus Architectures Based on a Real-Application. ReCoSoC 2006: 194-200
3EEEdith Beigné, Fabien Clermidy, Pascal Vivet, Alain Clouard, Marc Renaudin: An Asynchronous NOC Architecture Providing Low Latency Service and Its Multi-Level Design Framework. ASYNC 2005: 54-63
2EER. Lemaire, Fabien Clermidy, Y. Durand, D. Lattard, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: Performance Evaluation of a NoC-Based Design for MC-CDMA Telecommunications Using NS-2. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 24-30
1EEFabien Clermidy, Thierry Collette, Michael Nicolaidis: A New Placement Algorithm Dedicated to Parallel Computers: Bases and Application. PRDC 1999: 242-

Coauthor Index

1Edith Beigné [3] [6]
2Pascal Benoit [7] [8]
3Alain Clouard [3]
4Thierry Collette [1]
5Y. Durand [2]
6Alain Greiner [5]
7Ahmed Amine Jerraya [2]
8D. Lattard [2]
9R. Lemaire [2]
10Sylvain Miermont [6]
11Michael Nicolaidis [1]
12Ivan Miro Panades [5]
13Diego Puschini [4] [7] [8]
14Marc Renaudin [3]
15Gilles Sassatelli [7] [8]
16Lionel Torres [7] [8]
17Pascal Vivet [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)