2009 |
31 | EE | Saraju P. Mohanty,
Elias Kougianos,
Wei Cai,
Manish Ratnani:
VLSI architectures of perceptual based video watermarking for real-time copyright protection.
ISQED 2009: 527-534 |
2008 |
30 | EE | Yi Wang,
Wai-Shing Luk,
Xuan Zeng,
Jun Tao,
Changhao Yan,
Jiarong Tong,
Wei Cai,
Jia Ni:
Timing yield driven clock skew scheduling considering non-Gaussian distributions of critical path delays.
DAC 2008: 223-226 |
29 | EE | Min Li,
Gang Li,
Wei Cai,
Xiaoyan Li:
A Novel Pixel-Level and Feature-Level Combined Multisensor Image Fusion Scheme.
ISNN (2) 2008: 658-665 |
28 | EE | Wei Cai,
Gang Li,
Min Li,
Xiaoyan Li:
Adaptive Image Segmentation Using Modified Pulse Coupled Neural Network.
ISNN (2) 2008: 794-800 |
27 | EE | Yi Wang,
Xuan Zeng,
Jun Tao,
Hengliang Zhu,
Xu Luo,
Changhao Yan,
Wei Cai:
Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Method (ASCM) for Parameterized Statistical Timing Analysis with Quadratic Delay Model.
ISQED 2008: 62-67 |
2007 |
26 | EE | Jun Tao,
Xuan Zeng,
Wei Cai,
Yangfeng Su,
Dian Zhou,
Charles Chiang:
Stochastic Sparse-grid Collocation Algorithm (SSCA) for Periodic Steady-State Analysis of Nonlinear System with Process Variations.
ASP-DAC 2007: 474-479 |
25 | EE | Hengliang Zhu,
Xuan Zeng,
Wei Cai,
Jintao Xue,
Dian Zhou:
A sparse grid based spectral stochastic collocation method for variations-aware capacitance extraction of interconnects under nanometer process technology.
DATE 2007: 1514-1519 |
24 | | Wei Cai,
Han-mei Cao,
Tie-jun Lu,
Zong-min Wang:
A Novel Low-Power Lossless Current-Sensing Technique for Current Mode Buck Converter.
IMECS 2007: 1767-1770 |
23 | EE | Chunhe Song,
Hai Zhao,
Wei Cai,
Haohua Zhang,
Ming Zhao:
The Limited Mutation Particle Swarm Optimizer.
LSMS (1) 2007: 258-266 |
22 | EE | Shaozhong Deng,
Wei Cai,
Donald Jacobs:
A comparable study of image approximations to the reaction field.
Computer Physics Communications 177(9): 689-699 (2007) |
2006 |
21 | EE | Hengliang Zhu,
Xuan Zeng,
Wei Cai,
Dian Zhou:
A Spectral Stochastic Collocation Method for Capacitance Extraction of Interconnects with Process Variations.
APCCAS 2006: 1095-1098 |
20 | EE | Xuan Zeng,
Lihong Feng,
Yangfeng Su,
Wei Cai,
Dian Zhou,
Charles Chiang:
Time domain model order reduction by wavelet collocation method.
DATE 2006: 21-26 |
19 | EE | Min Li,
Wei Cai,
Xiaoyan Li:
An Adaptive Image Segmentation Method Based on a Modified Pulse Coupled Neural Network.
ICNC (1) 2006: 471-474 |
18 | EE | Min Li,
Wei Cai,
Zheng Tan:
Adaptive Parameters Determination Method of Pulse Coupled Neural Network Based on Water Valley Area.
ICONIP (2) 2006: 713-720 |
17 | EE | Jun Tao,
Xuan Zeng,
Fan Yang,
Yangfeng Su,
Lihong Feng,
Wei Cai,
Dian Zhou,
Charles Chiang:
A one-shot projection method for interconnects with process variations.
ISCAS 2006 |
16 | EE | Jimin Pei,
Wei Cai,
Lisa N. Kinch,
Nick V. Grishin:
Prediction of functional specificity determinants from protein sequences using log-likelihood ratios.
Bioinformatics 22(2): 164-171 (2006) |
15 | EE | Geoff Coulson,
Paul Grace,
Gordon S. Blair,
Wei Cai,
Christopher S. Cooper,
David A. Duce,
Laurent Mathy,
Wai Kit Yeung,
Barry Porter,
Musbah Shahop Sagar,
Wei Li:
A component-based middleware framework for configurable and reconfigurable Grid computing.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(8): 865-874 (2006) |
14 | EE | Min Hyung Cho,
Wei Cai,
Tsing-Hua Her:
A Boundary Integral Equation Method for Photonic Crystal Fibers.
J. Sci. Comput. 28(2-3): 263-278 (2006) |
13 | EE | Min Li,
Wei Cai,
Zheng Tan:
A region-based multi-sensor image fusion scheme using pulse-coupled neural network.
Pattern Recognition Letters 27(16): 1948-1956 (2006) |
2005 |
12 | EE | Wei Cai,
Geoff Coulson,
Paul Grace,
Gordon S. Blair,
Laurent Mathy,
Wai Kit Yeung:
The Gridkit Distributed Resource Management Framework.
EGC 2005: 786-795 |
11 | EE | Min Li,
Wei Cai,
Zheng Tan:
Pulse Coupled Neural Network Based Image Fusion.
ISNN (2) 2005: 741-746 |
10 | EE | Qian Zhu,
Jianhua Yao,
Shengang Yuan,
Feng Li,
Haifeng Chen,
Wei Cai,
Quan Liao:
Superstructure Searching Algorithm for Generic Reaction Retrieval.
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 45(5): 1214-1222 (2005) |
2004 |
9 | EE | Paul Grace,
Geoff Coulson,
Gordon S. Blair,
Laurent Mathy,
Wai Kit Yeung,
Wei Cai,
David A. Duce,
Christopher S. Cooper:
GRIDKIT: Pluggable Overlay Networks for Grid Computing.
CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2) 2004: 1463-1481 |
8 | | Jian Wang,
Xuan Zeng,
Wei Cai,
Charles Chiang,
Jiarong Tong,
Dian Zhou:
Frequency domain wavelet method with GMRES for large-scale linear circuit simulation.
ISCAS (5) 2004: 321-324 |
7 | EE | Vasily Bulatov,
Wei Cai,
Jeff Fier,
Masato Hiratani,
Gregg Hommes,
Tim Pierce,
Meijie Tang,
Moono Rhee,
Kim Yates,
Tom Arsenlis:
Scalable Line Dynamics in ParaDiS.
SC 2004: 19 |
6 | EE | Geoff Coulson,
Paul Grace,
Gordon S. Blair,
Laurent Mathy,
David A. Duce,
Christopher S. Cooper,
Wai Kit Yeung,
Wei Cai:
Towards A Component-Based Middleware Framework for Configurable and Reconfigurable Grid Computing.
WETICE 2004: 291-296 |
5 | EE | Geoff Coulson,
Gordon S. Blair,
Nikos Parlavantzas,
Wai Kit Yeung,
Wei Cai:
Applying the reflective middleware approach in Grid computing.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(5): 433-440 (2004) |
2003 |
4 | | Geoff Coulson,
Gordon S. Blair,
Nikos Parlavantzas,
Wai Kit Yeung,
Wei Cai:
A Reflective Middleware Approach to the Provision of Grid Middleware.
Middleware Workshops 2003: 227-231 |
2002 |
3 | EE | Wei Cai:
Algorithmic Issues for Electromagnetic Scattering in Layered Media: Green's Functions, Current Basis, and Fast Solver.
Adv. Comput. Math. 16(2-3): 157-174 (2002) |
2000 |
2 | EE | Wei Cai,
Xian-He Sun:
Adaptive Wavelet ADI Method: Application and Parallelization.
ICPP Workshops 2000: 237-242 |
1 | EE | Zhilin Li,
Wei Cai:
A Level Set-Boundary Element Method for Simulation of Dynamic Powder Consolidation of Metals.
NAA 2000: 527-534 |