
Barry Porter

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12EEPaul Grace, Danny Hughes, Barry Porter, Gordon S. Blair, Geoff Coulson, François Taïani: Experiences with open overlays: a middleware approach to network heterogeneity. EuroSys 2008: 123-136
11EEDanny Hughes, Nelly Bencomo, Gordon S. Blair, Geoff Coulson, Paul Grace, Barry Porter: Exploiting extreme heterogeneity in a flood warning scenario using the Gridkit middleware. Middleware (Companion) 2008: 54-57
10EEBarry Porter, Geoff Coulson, Daniel Hughes: Intelligent Dependability Services for Overlay Networks. DAIS 2006: 199-212
9EEPaul Grace, Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair, Barry Porter: Addressing network heterogeneity in pervasive application environments. InterSense 2006: 20
8EEPaul Grace, Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair, Barry Porter, Danny Hughes: Dynamic reconfiguration in sensor middleware. MidSens 2006: 1-6
7EEStefan Behnel, Alejandro P. Buchmann, Paul Grace, Barry Porter, Geoff Coulson: A Specification-to-Deployment Architecture for Overlay Networks. OTM Conferences (2) 2006: 1522-1540
6EEBarry Porter, Geoff Coulson, François Taïani: A Generic Self-repair Approach for Overlays. OTM Workshops (2) 2006: 1490-1499
5EEBarry Porter, François Taïani, Geoff Coulson: Generalised Repair for Overlay Networks. SRDS 2006: 132-142
4EEDanny Hughes, Phil Greenwood, Barry Porter, Paul Grace, Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair, François Taïani, Florian Pappenberger, Paul Smith, Keith J. Beven: Using grid technologies to optimise a wireless sensor network for flood management. SenSys 2006: 389-390
3EEGeoff Coulson, Paul Grace, Gordon S. Blair, Wei Cai, Christopher S. Cooper, David A. Duce, Laurent Mathy, Wai Kit Yeung, Barry Porter, Musbah Shahop Sagar, Wei Li: A component-based middleware framework for configurable and reconfigurable Grid computing. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(8): 865-874 (2006)
2EEPaul Grace, Geoff Coulson, Gordon S. Blair, Barry Porter: Deep Middleware for the Divergent Grid. Middleware 2005: 334-353
1EEBarry Porter, Geoff Coulson: A Generic Approach to Dependability in Overlay Networks. OTM Workshops 2005: 18-19

Coauthor Index

1Stefan Behnel [7]
2Nelly Bencomo [11]
3Keith J. Beven [4]
4Gordon S. Blair [2] [3] [4] [8] [9] [11] [12]
5Alejandro P. Buchmann [7]
6Wei Cai [3]
7Christopher S. Cooper [3]
8Geoff Coulson (Geoffrey Coulson) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
9David A. Duce [3]
10Paul Grace [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12]
11Phil Greenwood [4]
12Danny Hughes (Daniel Hughes) [4] [8] [10] [11] [12]
13Wei Li [3]
14Laurent Mathy [3]
15Florian Pappenberger [4]
16Musbah Shahop Sagar [3]
17Paul Smith [4]
18François Taïani [4] [5] [6] [12]
19Wai Kit Yeung [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)