2008 |
31 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Tobias Kuhn:
Attempto Controlled English for Knowledge Representation.
Reasoning Web 2008: 104-124 |
2007 |
30 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Rolf Schwitter:
Web-Annotations for Humans and Machines.
ESWC 2007: 458-472 |
29 | EE | Kaarel Kaljurand,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Verbalizing OWL in Attempto Controlled English.
OWLED 2007 |
2006 |
28 | EE | Tobias Kuhn,
Loïc Royer,
Norbert E. Fuchs,
Michael Schroeder:
Improving Text Mining with Controlled Natural Language: A Case Study for Protein Interactions.
DILS 2006: 66-81 |
27 | EE | Piero A. Bonatti,
Claudiu Duma,
Norbert E. Fuchs,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Daniel Olmedilla,
Joachim Peer,
Nahid Shahmehri:
Semantic Web Policies - A Discussion of Requirements and Research Issues.
ESWC 2006: 712-724 |
26 | | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Gerold Schneider:
Attempto Controlled English Meets the Challenges of Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, Interoperability and User Interfaces.
FLAIRS Conference 2006: 664-669 |
25 | EE | Kaarel Kaljurand,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Bidirectional Mapping Between OWL DL and Attempto Controlled English.
PPSWR 2006: 179-189 |
2005 |
24 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs:
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in (Controlled) Natural Language.
ICCS 2005: 51-51 |
23 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Stefan Höfler,
Kaarel Kaljurand,
Fabio Rinaldi,
Gerold Schneider:
Attempto Controlled English: A Knowledge Representation Language Readable by Humans and Machines.
Reasoning Web 2005: 213-250 |
2003 |
22 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Uta Schwertel:
Reasoning in Attempto Controlled English.
PPSWR 2003: 174-188 |
2000 |
21 | | Norbert E. Fuchs:
Attempto Controlled English.
WLP 2000: 211-218 |
1999 |
20 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Uta Schwertel,
Sunna Torge:
Controlled Natural Language Can Replace First-Order Logic.
ASE 1999: 295-298 |
1998 |
19 | | Norbert E. Fuchs:
Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 7th International Workshop, LOPSTR'97, Leuven, Belgium, July 10-12, 1997, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
18 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Uta Schwertel,
Rolf Schwitter:
Attempto Controlled English - Not Just Another Logic Specification Language.
LOPSTR 1998: 1-20 |
17 | | Jane Hesketh,
David Stuart Robertson,
Norbert E. Fuchs,
Alan Bundy:
Lightweight Formalisation in Support of Requirements Engineering.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 5(2): 183-210 (1998) |
1997 |
16 | EE | Julian Richardson,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Development of Correct Transformation Schemata for Prolog Programs.
LOPSTR 1997: 263-281 |
15 | | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Uta Schwertel,
Rolf Schwitter:
Attempto - Englisch als (formale) Spezifikationssprache (system description).
WLP 1997: 0- |
1996 |
14 | | Rolf Schwitter,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Attempto Controlled English (ACE) A Seemingly Informal Bridgehead in Formal Territory (Poster Abstract).
JICSLP 1996: 536 |
13 | | Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos,
Marcelo A. T. Aragão,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Automatic Bottom-Up Analysis and Transformation of Logic Programs.
SBIA 1996: 191-200 |
12 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Rolf Schwitter:
Attempto Controlled English (ACE)
CoRR cmp-lg/9603003: (1996) |
11 | EE | Rolf Schwitter,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Attempto - From Specifications in Controlled Natural Language towards Executable Specifications
CoRR cmp-lg/9603004: (1996) |
1995 |
10 | | Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
An Opportunistic Approach for Logic Program Analysis and Optimisation Using Enhanced Schema-Based Transformations.
LOPSTR 1995: 174-188 |
9 | | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Rolf Schwitter:
Attempto: Controlled Natural Language for Requirements Specifications.
LPE 1995 |
8 | | Wamberto Weber Vasconcelos,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Prolog Program Development via Enhanced Schema-based Transformations.
LPE 1995 |
7 | | Rolf Schwitter,
Bernhard Hamburger,
Norbert E. Fuchs:
Attempto: Specifications in Controlled Natural Language.
WLP 1995: 151-160 |
6 | EE | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Rolf Schwitter:
Specifying Logic Programs in Controlled Natural Language
CoRR abs/cmp-lg/9507009: (1995) |
1993 |
5 | | Norbert E. Fuchs:
An Improved Algorithm for Deriving the Decomposition Tree of a Flowgraph.
Structured Programming 14(3): 93-101 (1993) |
1992 |
4 | | Gérard Comyn,
Norbert E. Fuchs,
Michael Ratcliffe:
Logic Programming in Action, Second International Logic Programming Summer School, LPSS '92, Zurich, Switzerland, September 7-11, 1992, Proceedings
Springer 1992 |
3 | | Norbert E. Fuchs:
Hoare Logic, Executable Specifications and Logic Programs.
Structured Programming 13(3): 129-135 (1992) |
1991 |
2 | | Norbert E. Fuchs,
Markus P. J. Fromherz:
Schema-Based Transfomations of Logic Programs.
LOPSTR 1991: 111-125 |
1980 |
1 | | Friedrich W. Beichter,
O. Buchegger,
Norbert E. Fuchs,
Otthein Herzog:
SALN-4, A Software Specification and Design Language.
Software Engineering 1980: 91-108 |