Michael Clarke, Rudolf Kruse, Serafín Moral (Eds.):
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty, European Conference, ECSQARU'93, Granada, Spain, November 8-10, 1993, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 747 Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-57395-X BibTeX
editor = {Michael Clarke and
Rudolf Kruse and
Seraf\'{\i}n Moral},
title = {Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty,
European Conference, ECSQARU'93, Granada, Spain, November 8-10,
1993, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ECSQARU},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {747},
year = {1993},
isbn = {3-540-57395-X},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Z. An, Mary McLeish:
RES: A formalism for reasoning with relative-strength defaults.
1-8 BibTeX
- Franz Baader, Karl Schlechta:
A Semantics for Open Normal Defaults via a Modified Preferential Approach.
9-16 BibTeX
- Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
Possibilistic Logic: From nonmonotonicity to Logic Programming.
17-24 BibTeX
- Francesco Bergadano, Vincenzo Cutello:
Learning Membership Functions.
25-32 BibTeX
- Guilherme Bittencourt, Maurício Marengoni, Sandra Sandri:
The Use of Possibilistic Logic PL1 in a Customizable Tool for the Generation of Production-Rule Based Systems.
33-40 BibTeX
- Remco R. Bouckaert:
Probalistic Network Construction Using the Minimum Description Length Principle.
41-48 BibTeX
- Remco R. Bouckaert:
IDAGs: a Perfect Map for Any Distribution.
49-56 BibTeX
- Luis M. de Campos, Juan F. Huete:
Learning Non Probalistic Belief Networks.
57-64 BibTeX
- Maria R. Cravo, João P. Martins:
A Practical System for Defeasible Reasoning and Belief Revision.
65-72 BibTeX
- Juan C. Cubero, Juan Miguel Medina, María Amparo Vila Miranda:
Influence of Granularity Level in Fuzzy Functional Dependencies.
73-78 BibTeX
- Subrata Kumar Das, John Fox:
A Logic for Reasoning about Safety in Decision Support Systems.
79-84 BibTeX
- Morten Elvang-Gøransson, Paul Krause, John Fox:
Acceptability of arguments as `logical uncertainty'.
85-90 BibTeX
- Joeri Engelfriet:
A Temporal Model Theory for Default Logic.
91-96 BibTeX
- Hélène Fargier, Jérôme Lang:
Uncertainty in Constraint Satisfaction Problems: a Probalistic Approach.
97-104 BibTeX
- Luis Fariñas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig:
Interference Logic = Conditional Logic + Frame Axiom.
105-112 BibTeX
- Detlef Fehrer:
A Unifying Logical Framework for Reason Maintenance.
113-120 BibTeX
- Christophe Fouqueré, Jacqueline Vauzeilles:
Taxonomic Linear Theories.
121-128 BibTeX
- Dov M. Gabbay, Anthony Hunter:
Making Inconsistency Respectable: Part 2 - Meta-level handling of inconsistency.
129-136 BibTeX
- Dov M. Gabbay, Anthony Hunter:
Restricted Access Logics for Inconsistent Information.
137-144 BibTeX
- Olivier Gasquet, Andreas Herzig:
Translating Inaccessible Worlds Logic into Bimodal Logic.
145-150 BibTeX
- Jörg Gebhardt, Rudolf Kruse:
A New Approach to Semantic Aspects of Possibilistic Reasoning.
151-159 BibTeX
- Angelo Gilio:
Probabilistic Consistency of Knowledge Bases in Inference Systems.
160-167 BibTeX
- Silviu Guiasu:
Weighting Independent Bodies of Evidence.
168-173 BibTeX
- Mike Hopkins:
Default Logic: Orderings and Extensions.
174-179 BibTeX
- Juan F. Huete, Luis M. de Campos:
Learning Causal Polytrees.
180-185 BibTeX
- Jürg Kohlas:
Symbolic Evidence, Arguments, Supports and Valuation Networks.
186-198 BibTeX
- Arnaud Kohler:
A Dynamic Ordering Relation for Revision.
199-204 BibTeX
- Otakar Kríz:
On Extensions of Marginals for Decision-Making.
205-212 BibTeX
- Els Laenens:
On the Semantics of Negations in Logic Programming.
213-226 BibTeX
- Pedro Larrañaga, Yosu Yurramendi:
Structure learning approaches in Causal Probalistics Networks.
227-232 BibTeX
- F. Levy:
Weak Extensions for Default Theories.
233-240 BibTeX
- Weiru Liu, Alan Bundy, David Stuart Robertson:
Recovering Incedence Functions.
241-248 BibTeX
- Weiru Liu, Alan Bundy, David Stuart Robertson:
On the Relations between Incidence Calculus and ATMS.
249-256 BibTeX
- Christophe Mathieu:
A Resolution Method for a Monotonic Multimodal Logic.
257-264 BibTeX
- John-Jules Ch. Meyer, Wiebe van der Hoek:
A Default Logic Based on Epistemic States.
265-273 BibTeX
- Serafín Moral:
A Formal Language for Convex Sets of Probabilities.
274-281 BibTeX
- Teow-Hin Ngair, Gregory M. Provan:
A Lattice-Theoretic Analysis of ATMS Problem Solving.
282-289 BibTeX
- Masoud Noormohammadian, Ulrich G. Oppel:
Examples of Causal Probabilistic Expert Systems.
290-295 BibTeX
- Odile Papini, Antoine Rauzy:
A Mixed Approach of Revision in Propositional Calculus.
296-303 BibTeX
- Simon Parsons, Alessandro Saffiotti:
Integrating Uncertainty Handling Formalisms in Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
304-309 BibTeX
- Torsten Schaub:
Variations of Constrained Default Logic.
310-317 BibTeX
- Prakash P. Shenoy:
Information Sets in Decision Theory.
318-325 BibTeX
- Hua Shu:
The Preferential Semantics of A Multi-Modal Nonmonotonic Logic.
326-331 BibTeX
- Philippe Smets:
Probability of Deductibility and Belief Functions.
332-340 BibTeX
- Milan Studený:
Formal Properties of Conditional Independence in Different Calculi of AI.
341-348 BibTeX
- Yao-Hua Tan:
A Proof Theory for Constructive Default Logic.
349-355 BibTeX
- Emil Weydert:
Plausible Inference for Default Conditionals.
356-363 BibTeX
- Nic Wilson:
Decision-Making with Belief Functions and Pignistic Probabilities.
364-371 BibTeX
- Nic Wilson:
Default Logic and Dempster-Shafer Theory.
372-379 BibTeX
- Cees Witteveen, Wiebe van der Hoek:
Belief Revision by Expansion.
380-387 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:08:26 2009
by Michael Ley (