Robert S. Boyer (Ed.):
Automated Reasoning:
Essays in Honor of Woody Bledsoe. Automated Reasoning Series,
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
ISBN 0-7923-1409-3
- Anne Olivia Boyer, Robert S. Boyer:
A Biographical Sketch of W. W. Bledsoe.
1-30 BibTeX
- Owen L. Astrachan, Donald W. Loveland:
METEORs: High Performance Theorem Provers Using Model Elimination.
31-60 BibTeX
- A. Michael Ballantyne:
The Metatheorist: Automatic Proofs of Theorems in Analysis Using Non-Standard Techniques, Part II.
61-76 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Bibel:
Perspectives on Automated Deduction.
77-104 BibTeX
- Robert S. Boyer, J. Strother Moore:
MJRTY: A Fast Majority Vote Algorithm.
105-118 BibTeX
- Hans J. Bremermann, Russell W. Anderson:
How the Brain Adjusts Synapses - Maybe.
119-148 BibTeX
- Alan Bundy:
The Use of Proof Plans for Normalization.
149-166 BibTeX
- Michael Gelfond, Vladimir Lifschitz, Arkady Rabinov:
What are the Limitations of the Situation Calculus?
167-180 BibTeX
- James J. Lu, Lawrence J. Henschen, V. S. Subrahmanian, Newton C. A. da Costa:
Reasoning in Paraconsistent Logics.
181-210 BibTeX
- Young K. Nam, Lawrence J. Henschen:
Compiling Recursive Functional Prolog Programs with List Structure into Procedural Languages.
211-230 BibTeX
- Ross A. Overbeek, Ian T. Foster:
Aligning Multiple RNA Sequences.
231-248 BibTeX
- Michael M. Richter, Stefan Wess:
Similarity, Uncertainty and Case-Based Reasoning in Patdex.
249-266 BibTeX
- John Alan Robinson:
Formal and Informal Proofs.
267-282 BibTeX
- Mark E. Stickel:
PTTP and Linked Inference.
283-296 BibTeX
- Larry Wos:
Automated Reasoning and Bledsoe's Dream for the Field.
297-345 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:59:38 2009
by Michael Ley (