Volume 62,
Number 1,
Research Note
- Petr Hájek:
Epistemic Entrenchment and Arithmetical Hierarchy.
79-87 BibTeX
Artificial Intelligence 65(1):
191 (1994)
Book Reviews
- Andreas S. Weigend:
John A. Hertz, Anders S. Krogh, Richard G. Palmer, Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation.
93-111 BibTeX
- Suzanna Becker:
D. S. Levine, Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling.
113-116 BibTeX
- Subutai Ahmad:
David Touretzky, Jeffrey Elman, Terrence Sejnowski and Geoffrey Hinton, eds., Connectionist Models: Proceedings of the 1990 Summer School.
117-127 BibTeX
- Daniel E. Rose:
John A. Barnden and Jordan B. Pollack, eds., Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory, Volume 1: High-Level Connectionist Models.
129-139 BibTeX
- Benjamin Martin:
Lynn Nadel, Lynn A. Cooper, Peter Culicover and R. Michael Harnish, eds., Neural Connections, Mental Computation.
141-151 BibTeX
- Richard K. Belew:
Mark A. Gluck and David E. Rumelhart, eds., Neuroscience and Connectionist Theory.
153-161 BibTeX
- David S. Touretzky:
Matthew Zeidenberg, Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence.
163-164 BibTeX
- Nigel H. Goddard:
Michael C. Mozer, The Perception of Multiple Objects: A Connectionist Approach.
165-177 BibTeX
Volume 62,
Number 2,
Research Note
Book Reviews
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:44 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)