
Antonio Barrientos

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11 José Luis Martínez Pérez, Antonio Barrientos: Brain Computer Interface - Comparison of Neural Networks Classifiers. BIODEVICES (1) 2008: 3-10
10 Pilar Lafont Morgado, Andrés Díaz Lantada, Alexander Martínez Álvarez, Antonio Barrientos, Héctor Lorenzo-Yustos, Pedro Luis Castedo Cepeda, Roberto González Herranz, Julio Muñoz García, Javier Echavarri Otero: Instrumented Splint for the Diagnosis of Bruxism. BIODEVICES (2) 2008: 216-221
9EEClaudio Rossi, Antonio Barrientos, Jaime del Cerro: Two adaptive mutation operators for optima tracking in dynamic optimization problems with evolution strategies. GECCO 2007: 697-704
8 Pedro Gutiérrez, Antonio Barrientos, Jaime del Cerro, Rodrigo San Martin: Mission planning, simulation and supervision of unmanned aerial vehicle with a gis-based framework. ICINCO-RA 2006: 310-317
7 Rodrigo San Martin, Antonio Barrientos, Pedro Gutiérrez, Jaime del Cerro: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Modelling based on Supervised Neural Networks. ICRA 2006: 2497-2502
6EEPascual Campoy, Pedro J. Garcia, Antonio Barrientos, Jaime del Cerro, Iñaqui Aguirre, Andrés Roa, Rafael García, José M. Muñoz: A Stereoscopic Vision System Guiding an Autonomous Helicopter for Overhead Power Cable Inspection. RobVis 2001: 115-124
5 Miguel Hernando, Ernesto Gambao, E. Pinto, Antonio Barrientos: Collision Control in Teleoperation by Virtual Force Reflection: An Application to the ROBTET System. ICRA 1999: 565-
4 L. F. Peñín, Rafael Aracil, Manuel Ferre, E. Pinto, Miguel Hernando, Antonio Barrientos: Telerobotic System for Live Power Lines Maintenance: ROBTET. ICRA 1998: 2110-2115
3 L. F. Peñín, A. Caballero, Rafael Aracil, Antonio Barrientos: Human Behavior Modeling in Master-Slave Teleoperation with Kinesthetic Feedback. ICRA 1998: 2244-2249
2EECarlos Balaguer, Antonio Barrientos, F. J. Rodriguez, Rafael Aracil, Eugenio Andrés Puente, U. Peter: Reduction of free-space-loss for good and rapid 3D path planning of 6DOF robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 13(3): 263-278 (1995)
1EEEugenio Andrés Puente, Carlos Balaguer, Antonio Barrientos: Force - torque sensor-based strategy for precise assembly using a SCARA robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 8(3): 203-212 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Iñaqui Aguirre [6]
2Alexander Martínez Álvarez [10]
3Rafael Aracil [2] [3] [4]
4Carlos Balaguer [1] [2]
5A. Caballero [3]
6Pascual Campoy [6]
7Pedro Luis Castedo Cepeda [10]
8Jaime del Cerro [6] [7] [8] [9]
9Manuel Ferre [4]
10Ernesto Gambao [5]
11Julio Muñoz García [10]
12Pedro J. Garcia [6]
13Rafael García [6]
14Pedro Gutiérrez [7] [8]
15Miguel Hernando [4] [5]
16Roberto González Herranz [10]
17Andrés Díaz Lantada [10]
18Héctor Lorenzo-Yustos [10]
19Rodrigo San Martin [7] [8]
20Pilar Lafont Morgado [10]
21José M. Muñoz [6]
22Javier Echavarri Otero [10]
23L. F. Peñín [3] [4]
24José Luis Martínez Pérez [11]
25U. Peter [2]
26E. Pinto [4] [5]
27Eugenio Andrés Puente [1] [2]
28Andrés Roa [6]
29F. J. Rodriguez [2]
30Claudio Rossi [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)