
Berthold Bäuml

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6EEBerthold Bäuml, Gerd Hirzinger: When hard realtime matters: Software for complex mechatronic systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(1): 5-13 (2008)
5EEChristoph Borst, Christian Ott, Thomas Wimböck, Bernhard Brunner, Franziska Zacharias, Berthold Bäuml, Ulrich Hillenbrand, Sami Haddadin, Alin Albu-Schäffer, Gerd Hirzinger: A humanoid upper body system for two-handed manipulation. ICRA 2007: 2766-2767
4EEGerd Hirzinger, Berthold Bäuml: Agile Robot Development (aRD): A Pragmatic Approach to Robotic Software. IROS 2006: 3741-3748
3EEJulian Eggert, Berthold Bäuml: Exact differential equation population dynamics for integrate-and-fire neurons. NIPS 2001: 205-212
2EEJulian Eggert, Berthold Bäuml, J. Leo van Hemmen: Fast dynamic organization without short-term synaptic plasticity: A new view on Hebb's dynamical assemblies. Neurocomputing 38-40: 191-196 (2001)
1 Udo Frese, M. Hörmann, Berthold Bäuml, Gerd Hirzinger: Global konsistente visuelle Lokalisation ohne vorgegebene Karte. AMS 1999: 211-220

Coauthor Index

1Alin Albu-Schäffer [5]
2Christoph Borst [5]
3Bernhard Brunner [5]
4Julian Eggert [2] [3]
5Udo Frese [1]
6Sami Haddadin [5]
7J. Leo van Hemmen [2]
8Ulrich Hillenbrand [5]
9Gerd Hirzinger [1] [4] [5] [6]
10M. Hörmann [1]
11Christian Ott [5]
12Thomas Wimböck [5]
13Franziska Zacharias [5]

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