
Ulrich Hillenbrand

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10 Ulrich Hillenbrand: Pose Clustering From Stereo Data. VISAPP (Workshop on Robot Perception) 2008: 23-32
9EEChristoph Borst, Christian Ott, Thomas Wimböck, Bernhard Brunner, Franziska Zacharias, Berthold Bäuml, Ulrich Hillenbrand, Sami Haddadin, Alin Albu-Schäffer, Gerd Hirzinger: A humanoid upper body system for two-handed manipulation. ICRA 2007: 2766-2767
8EEUlrich Hillenbrand: Consistent parameter clustering: Definition and analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(9): 1112-1122 (2007)
7EEUlrich Hillenbrand: On the relation between probabilistic inference and fuzzy sets in visual scene analysis. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(15): 1691-1699 (2004)
6EEEric Wahl, Ulrich Hillenbrand, Gerd Hirzinger: Surflet-Pair-Relation Histograms: A Statistical 3D-Shape Representation for Rapid Classification. 3DIM 2003: 474-482
5EEUlrich Hillenbrand, Gerd Hirzinger: Probabilistic Search for Object Segmentation and Recognition. ECCV (3) 2002: 791-806
4EEUlrich Hillenbrand, Gerd Hirzinger: Probabilistic Search for Object Segmentation and Recognition CoRR cs.CV/0208005: (2002)
3 Ulrich Hillenbrand, J. Leo van Hemmen: Does Corticothalamic Feedback Control Cortical Velocity Tuning? Neural Computation 13(2): 327-355 (2001)
2EEUlrich Hillenbrand, Gerd Hirzinger: Object recognition and pose estimation from 3D-geometric relations. KES 2000: 113-116
1 Ulrich Hillenbrand, J. Leo van Hemmen: Collective Dynamics of a System of Adaptive Velocity Channels. ICANN 1996: 107-114

Coauthor Index

1Alin Albu-Schäffer [9]
2Berthold Bäuml [9]
3Christoph Borst [9]
4Bernhard Brunner [9]
5Sami Haddadin [9]
6J. Leo van Hemmen [1] [3]
7Gerd Hirzinger [2] [4] [5] [6] [9]
8Christian Ott [9]
9Eric Wahl [6]
10Thomas Wimböck [9]
11Franziska Zacharias [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)