
Chouki Aktouf

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22EEOussama Laouamri, Chouki Aktouf: Remote testing and diagnosis of System-on-Chips using network management frameworks. DATE 2007: 373-378
21EEOussama Laouamri, Chouki Aktouf: Towards a Complete SNMP-Based Supervision of System-on-Chips. J. Network Syst. Manage. 13(4): 373-386 (2005)
20EEOussama Laouamri, Chouki Aktouf: Enhancing Testability of System on Chips Using Network Management Protocols. DATE 2004: 1370-1371
19 Hamimi Chemali, Abdelhakim Latoui, Chouki Aktouf: An Optical Boundary Scan Cell for On Line Testing of Embedded Systems. Embedded Systems and Applications 2003: 155-160
18EEMohammad A. Naal, M. Rakotoar, Emmanuel Simeu, Chouki Aktouf: Using Concurrent and Semi-Concurrent On-Line Testing During HLS: An Adaptable Approach. IOLTW 2002: 184
17EEChouki Aktouf, Benoît Pannetier, Pierre Lemaître-Auger, Smail Tedjini: On-line Testing of Embedded Systems Using Optical Probes: System Modeling and Probing Technology. IOLTW 2002: 191
16EEChouki Aktouf: A Complete Strategy for Testing an On-Chip Multiprocessor Architecture. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(1): 18-28 (2002)
15EEChouki Aktouf: On-Line Testing in Continuous Operation of Embedded Systems: Modeling and Performance Evaluation. IOLTW 2001: 138
14 Tudor Niculiu, Chouki Aktouf, Sorin Cotofana: Hierarchical interfaces for hardware software systems. ESM 2000: 647-654
13EEChouki Aktouf, Hérvé Fleury, Chantal Robach: Inserting Scan at the Behavioral Level. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(3): 34-42 (2000)
12 Chouki Aktouf: Scan Insertion at the Behavioral Level. ITC 1999: 1126
11EEChouki Aktouf, Ghassan Al Hayek, Chantal Robach: On-line testing of scalable signal processing architectures using a software test method. ITC 1998: 926-
10EEChouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach, A. Marinescu, Guy Mazaré: An Implementation Approach of the IEEE 1149.1 for the Routing Test of a VLSI Massively Parallel Architecture. J. Electronic Testing 12(3): 171-185 (1998)
9 Oum-El-Kheir Benkahla, Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach: Performance Evaluation of Distributed Diagnosis Algorithms in Parallel Systems. Parallel Computing 24(8): 1205-1222 (1998)
8EEChouki Aktouf, Ghassan Al Hayek, Chantal Robach: Concurrent testing of VLSI digital signal processors using mutation based testing. DFT 1997: 94-99
7EEOum-El-Kheir Benkahla, Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach: System-Diagnosis of Cluster-Based Parallel Architectures. PDP 1996: 305-309
6EEOum-El-Kheir Benkahla, Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach: Distributed off-line testing of parallel systems. Asian Test Symposium 1995: 2-8
5 Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach, A. Marinescu: A Routing Testing of a VLSI Massively Parallel Machine Based on IEEE 1149.1. ITC 1995: 781-788
4 K. Khoumsi, Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach, Guy Mazaré: Design and Test of a Massively Parallel Architecture. EUROSIM 1994: 187-194
3 Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach, Guy Mazaré: Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithms for a Massively Parallel Machine. ICPP (1) 1994: 246-249
2 Chouki Aktouf, Chantal Robach, Guy Mazaré, J. Johansson: Functional Testing and Reconfiguration of MIMD Machines. DFT 1993: 72-79
1 Chouki Aktouf, Si-M. Karabernou, Youssef Latrous, Guy Mazaré: RAP: a Fine Grain MIMD Machine. PARCO 1993: 665-670

Coauthor Index

1Oum-El-Kheir Benkahla [6] [7] [9]
2Hamimi Chemali [19]
3Sorin Cotofana (Sorin Dan Cotofana) [14]
4Hérvé Fleury [13]
5Ghassan Al Hayek [8] [11]
6J. Johansson [2]
7Si-M. Karabernou [1]
8K. Khoumsi [4]
9Oussama Laouamri [20] [21] [22]
10Abdelhakim Latoui [19]
11Youssef Latrous [1]
12Pierre Lemaître-Auger [17]
13A. Marinescu [5] [10]
14Guy Mazaré [1] [2] [3] [4] [10]
15Mohammad A. Naal [18]
16Tudor Niculiu [14]
17Benoît Pannetier [17]
18M. Rakotoar [18]
19Chantal Robach [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13]
20Emmanuel Simeu [18]
21Smail Tedjini [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)