2008 |
63 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt:
The Hyperdatabase Project - From the Vision to Realizations.
BNCOD 2008: 207-226 |
62 | EE | Heiko Schuldt:
Agents and Databases: A Symbiosis?.
CIA 2008: 24-34 |
61 | EE | Thorsten Möller,
Heiko Schuldt:
Control Flow Intervention for Semantic Failure Handling during Composite Serice Execution.
ICWS 2008: 834-835 |
60 | EE | Fuat Akal,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Toward replication in grids for digital libraries with freshness and correctness guarantees.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(17): 1981-1993 (2008) |
59 | EE | Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Diego Milano,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt:
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 9(2): 101-114 (2008) |
58 | EE | Michael Springmann,
Andreas Dander,
Heiko Schuldt:
Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the image distortion model.
Pattern Recognition Letters 29(15): 2018-2024 (2008) |
2007 |
57 | EE | Michael Springmann,
Heiko Schuldt:
Speeding Up IDM without Degradation of Retrieval Quality.
CLEF 2007: 607-614 |
56 | EE | Michael Springmann,
Ludger Bischofs,
Peter M. Fischer,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt,
Ulrike Steffens,
R. Vogl:
Management of and Access to Virtual Electronic Health Records.
DELOS Conference 2007: 338-347 |
55 | EE | Maristella Agosti,
Stefano Berretti,
Gert Brettlecker,
Alberto Del Bimbo,
Nicola Ferro,
Norbert Fuhr,
Daniel A. Keim,
Claus-Peter Klas,
Thomas Lidy,
Diego Milano,
Moira C. Norrie,
Paola Ranaldi,
Andreas Rauber,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Tobias Schreck,
Heiko Schuldt,
Beat Signer,
Michael Springmann:
DelosDLMS - The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System.
DELOS Conference 2007: 36-45 |
54 | EE | Gert Brettlecker,
Diego Milano,
Paola Ranaldi,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt,
Michael Springmann:
ISIS and OSIRIS: A Process-Based Digital Library Application on Top of a Distributed Process Support Middleware.
DELOS Conference 2007: 46-55 |
53 | EE | Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt,
Peter M. Fischer,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Integration of Reliable Sensor Data Stream Management into Digital Libraries.
DELOS Conference 2007: 66-76 |
52 | | Maristella Agosti,
Gert Brettlecker,
Nicola Ferro,
Paola Ranaldi,
Heiko Schuldt:
Extending the DelosDLMS by the FAST Annotation Service.
IRCDL 2007: 7-12 |
51 | EE | Thorsten Möller,
Heiko Schuldt:
A platform to support decentralized and dynamically distributed P2P composite OWL-S service execution.
MW4SOC 2007: 24-29 |
50 | EE | Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt:
The OSIRIS-SE (stream-enabled) infrastructure for reliable data stream management on mobile devices.
SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1097-1099 |
49 | EE | Leonardo Candela,
Fuat Akal,
Henri Avancini,
Donatella Castelli,
Luigi Fusco,
Veronica Guidetti,
Christoph Langguth,
Andrea Manzi,
Pasquale Pagano,
Heiko Schuldt,
Manuele Simi,
Michael Springmann,
Laura Voicu:
DILIGENT: integrating digital library and Grid technologies for a new Earth observation research infrastructure.
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 7(1-2): 59-80 (2007) |
2006 |
48 | EE | Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Efficient and Coordinated Checkpointing for Reliable Distributed Data Stream Management.
ADBIS 2006: 296-312 |
47 | | Federico Bergenti,
César Cáceres,
Alberto Fernández,
Nadine Fröhlich,
Heikki Helin,
Oliver Keller,
Ari Kinnunen,
Matthias Klusch,
Heimo Laamanen,
António Lopes,
Sascha Ossowski,
Heiko Schuldt,
Michael Schumacher:
Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications.
ECEH 2006: 119-130 |
46 | | António Lopes,
Paulo Costa,
Federico Bergenti,
Matthias Klusch,
Bastian Blankenburg,
Thorsten Möller,
Heiko Schuldt:
Context-aware Secure Service Composition Planning and Execution on E-Health Environments.
ECEH 2006: 179-190 |
45 | EE | Gert Brettlecker,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt:
Eine Pervasive-Healthcare-Infrastruktur für die verlässliche Informationsverwaltung und -verarbeitung im Gesundheitswesen.
Datenbank-Spektrum 17: 33- (2006) |
2005 |
44 | | Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Towards Reliable Data Stream Processing with OSIRIS-SE.
BTW 2005: 405-414 |
43 | EE | Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt,
Can Türker:
Decentralized coordination of transactional processes in peer-to-peer environments.
CIKM 2005: 28-35 |
42 | EE | Manfred Wurz,
Heiko Schuldt:
Dynamic Parallelization of Grid-Enabled Web Services.
EGC 2005: 173-183 |
41 | EE | Heikki Helin,
Matthias Klusch,
António Lopes,
Alberto Fernández,
Michael Schumacher,
Heiko Schuldt,
Federico Bergenti,
Ari Kinnunen:
CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments.
MATES 2005: 242-243 |
40 | EE | Christoph Schuler,
Heiko Schuldt,
Can Türker,
Roger Weber,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Peer-to-peer Execution of (transactional) Processes.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 14(4): 377-406 (2005) |
2004 |
39 | | Manfred Wurz,
Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt:
Data Stream Management and Digital Library Processes on Top of a Hyperdatabase and Grid Infrastructure.
DELOS Workshop: Digital Library Architectures 2004: 37-48 |
38 | EE | Manfred Wurz,
Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt:
A Combined Hyperdatabase and Grid Infrastructure for Data Stream Management and Digital Library Processes.
DELOS Workshop: Digital Library Architectures - LNCS Volume 2004: 63-79 |
37 | EE | Christoph Schuler,
Roger Weber,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Scalable Peer-to-Peer Process Management - The OSIRIS Approach.
ICWS 2004: 26-34 |
36 | EE | Gert Brettlecker,
Heiko Schuldt,
Raimund Schatz:
Hyperdatabases for Peer-to-Peer Data Stream Processing.
ICWS 2004: 358- |
35 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt,
Christoph Schuler,
Can Türker,
Roger Weber:
Hyperdatenbanken zur Verwaltung von Informationsräumen.
it - Information Technology 46(2): 67-75 (2004) |
2003 |
34 | EE | Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt:
Consistent Process Execution in Peer-to-Peer Information Systems.
CAiSE 2003: 289-307 |
33 | | Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt,
Can Türker:
Flexible Fehlerbehandlung für mobile Ad-hoc-Prozesse.
Database Mechanisms for Mobile Applications 2003: 55-68 |
32 | | Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt:
Towards a Decentralized Implementation of Transaction Management.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2003: 57-61 |
31 | EE | Christoph Schuler,
Roger Weber,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Peer-to-Peer Process Execution with Osiris.
ICSOC 2003: 483-498 |
30 | EE | Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Transactional Peer-to-Peer Information Processing: The AMOR Approach.
Mobile Data Management 2003: 356-362 |
29 | | Heiko Schuldt,
Gert Brettlecker:
Sensor Data Stream Processing in Health Monitoring.
Mobilität und Informationssysteme 2003 |
28 | EE | Roger Weber,
Christoph Schuler,
Patrick Neukomm,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
WebService Composition with O'GRAPE and OSIRIS.
VLDB 2003: 1081-1084 |
27 | | Can Türker,
Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Mobilität in Informationsräumen.
Datenbank-Spektrum 5: 16-23 (2003) |
2002 |
26 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt,
Christoph Schuler,
Roger Weber:
Infrastructure for Information Spaces.
ADBIS 2002: 23-36 |
25 | | Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt,
Roger Weber:
Hyperdatabases: Infrastructure for the Information Space.
VDB 2002: 1-15 |
24 | EE | Uwe Röhm,
Klemens Böhm,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt:
FAS - A Freshness-Sensitive Coordination Middleware for a Cluster of OLAP Components.
VLDB 2002: 754-765 |
23 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Gustavo Alonso,
Catriel Beeri,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Atomicity and isolation for transactional processes.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 27(1): 63-116 (2002) |
2001 |
22 | | André Naef,
Christoph Schuler,
Heiko Schuldt:
Monitoring komplexer Dienste in unternehmensübergreifenden Prozessen am Beispiel von SAP R/3 Business Workflows.
BTW 2001: 85-94 |
21 | EE | Klaus Haller,
Heiko Schuldt:
Using Predicates for Specifying Targets of Migration and Messages in a Peer-to-Peer Mobile Agent Environment.
Mobile Agents 2001: 152-168 |
20 | EE | Heiko Schuldt:
Process Locking: A Protocol based on Ordered Shared Locks for the Execution of Transactional Processes.
PODS 2001 |
19 | EE | Christoph Schuler,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Supporting Reliable Transactional Business Processes by Publish/Subscribe Techniques.
TES 2001: 118-131 |
18 | EE | Amaia Lazcano,
Heiko Schuldt,
Gustavo Alonso,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
WISE: Process based E-Commerce.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(1): 46-51 (2001) |
2000 |
17 | | Andrei Popovici,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Generation and verification of heterogeneous purchase processes.
TES 2000: 5-22 |
16 | EE | Hans-Jörg Schek,
Klemens Böhm,
Torsten Grabs,
Uwe Röhm,
Heiko Schuldt,
Roger Weber:
WISE 2000: 14-25 |
15 | | Heiko Schuldt,
Andrei Popovici,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Automatic Genration of Reliable E-Commerce Payment Processes.
WISE 2000: 434-441 |
1999 |
14 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Andrei Popovici,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Give me all I pay for - The Need for Execution Guarantees in Electronic Commerce Payments.
Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 10-17 |
13 | EE | Gustavo Alonso,
Ulrich Fiedler,
Amaia Lazcano,
Heiko Schuldt,
Christoph Schuler,
N. Weiler:
WISE: An Infrastructure for E-Commerce.
Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 2-9 |
12 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Christoph Schuler,
Gustavo Alonso,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Workflows over Workflows: Practical Experiences with the Integration of SAP R/3 Business Workflow in WISE.
Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 65-71 |
11 | | Heiko Schuldt,
Andrei Popovici,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Execution Guarantees in Electronic Commerce Payments.
FMLDO 1999: 189-198 |
10 | | Hans-Jörg Schek,
Heiko Schuldt:
Transactions and Electronic Commerce.
FMLDO 1999: 209-210 |
9 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Andrei Popovici,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Execution Guarantees in Electronic Commerce Payments.
FMLDO - Selected Papers 1999: 193-202 |
8 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Andrei Popovici:
Transactions and Electronic Commerce.
FMLDO - Selected Papers 1999: 225-230 |
7 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Gustavo Alonso:
Transactional Coordination Agents for Composite Systems.
IDEAS 1999: 321-331 |
6 | EE | Heiko Schuldt,
Gustavo Alonso,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Concurrency Control and Recovery in Transactional Process Management.
PODS 1999: 316-326 |
5 | EE | Gustavo Alonso,
Ulrich Fiedler,
Claus Hagen,
Amaia Lazcano,
Heiko Schuldt,
N. Weiler:
WISE: Business to Business E-Commerce.
RIDE 1999: 132-139 |
1998 |
4 | | Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Transaktionelle Koordination von Subsystemen: Sphären zur Entkopplung von Transaktionseigenschaften.
Datenbank Rundbrief 21: 23-25 (1998) |
3 | | Petra Heinl,
Udo Reffke,
Guntram Flach,
Karsten Wendt,
Torsten Ripke,
Heiko Schuldt,
Angelo Brayner,
Jürgen Zimmermann,
Andreas Heuer,
Uta Störl,
Klaudia Hergula,
Kerstin Schneider,
Aiko Frank,
Stephan Zimmermann:
9. Workshop Transaktionen und ihre Anwendung: Protokolle der Diskussionen.
Datenbank Rundbrief 21: 35-42 (1998) |
2 | EE | Lukas Relly,
Heiko Schuldt,
Hans-Jörg Schek:
Exporting Database Functionality - The CONCERT Way.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 21(3): 43-51 (1998) |
1997 |
1 | | Heiko Schuldt,
Markus Tresch:
Flexible Kopplung von CIM-Systemen mit Hilfe von Datenbank-Agenten.
Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1997: 82-86 |