
Ki Hong Kim

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9EEKi Hong Kim, Seong Tae Hwang, Hyung Sik Oh, Deok Joo Lee: The impact of investment lags on investment decision. European Journal of Operational Research 190(3): 696-707 (2008)
8 Sang Kyun Cha, Ki Hong Kim, Byung Suk Lee, Changbin Song, Sangyong Hwang, Yong Sik Kwon: MEADOW: a middleware for efficient access to multiple geographic databases through OpenGIS wrappers. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(4): 377-402 (2002)
7EESang-Won Ghyme, Ki Hong Kim, Hyun-Bin Kim: A simplified deformation for real-time 3D character animation. VRST 2000: 175-182
6 Sang Kyun Cha, Ki Hong Kim, Changbin Song, Yong Sik Kwon, Sangyong Hwang: Efficient Web-Based Access to Multiple Geographic Databases Through Automatically Generated Wrappers. WISE 2000: 34-41
5EEJang Ho Park, Ki Hong Kim, Sang Kyun Cha, Sangho Lee, Min Seok Song, Juchang Lee: A High-Performance Spatial Storage Based on Main-Memory Database Architecture. DEXA 1999: 1066-1075
4 Sang Kyun Cha, Ki Hong Kim, Juchang Lee: Database Architecture for Location and Trajectory Management in Telecommunications. Databases in Telecommunications 1999: 174-190
3EEHee Chong Lee, Hyun-Bin Kim, Myung-Jin Lee, Poong Ming Kim, Sang Won Suh, Ki Hong Kim: Development of 3D Sound Generation System for Multimedia Application. APCHI 1998: 120-124
2EEYun Koo Chung, Ki Hong Kim: Automated visual inspection system of automobile doors and windows using the adaptive feature extraction. KES (3) 1998: 286-293
1EEJang Ho Park, Yong Sik Kwon, Ki Hong Kim, Sangho Lee, Byoung Dae Park, Sang Kyun Cha: Xmas: An Extensible Main-Memory Storage System for High-Performance Applications. SIGMOD Conference 1998: 578-580

Coauthor Index

1Sang Kyun Cha (Sang K. Cha) [1] [4] [5] [6] [8]
2Yun Koo Chung [2]
3Sang-Won Ghyme [7]
4Sangyong Hwang [6] [8]
5Seong Tae Hwang [9]
6Hyun-Bin Kim [3] [7]
7Poong Ming Kim [3]
8Yong Sik Kwon [1] [6] [8]
9Byung Suk Lee [8]
10Deok Joo Lee [9]
11Hee Chong Lee [3]
12Juchang Lee [4] [5]
13Myung-Jin Lee [3]
14Sangho Lee [1] [5]
15Hyung Sik Oh [9]
16Byoung Dae Park [1]
17Jang Ho Park [1] [5]
18Changbin Song [6] [8]
19Min Seok Song [5]
20Sang Won Suh [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)