
Michael Fuller

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13 Ross Wilkinson, Mingfang Wu, Michael Fuller: Searcher Performance in Question Answering. SIGIR 2001: 375-383
12 Mingfang Wu, Michael Fuller, Ross Wilkinson: Using clustering and classification approaches in interactive retrieval. Inf. Process. Manage. 37(3): 459-484 (2001)
11EEMingfang Wu, Ross Wilkinson, Michael Fuller: Question-Driven Classification of Retrieved Documents. AUIC 2000: 134-140
10EEMingfang Wu, Michael Fuller, Ross Wilkinson: The role of a judge in a user based retrieval experiment. SIGIR 2000: 331-333
9EEDaryl J. D'Souza, Michael Fuller, James A. Thom, Phil Vines, Justin Zobel: Melbourne TREC-9 Experiments. TREC 2000
8EETimothy Arnold-Moore, Michael Fuller, Alan J. Kent, Ron Sacks-Davis, Neil Sharman: Architecture of a Content Management Server for XML Document Applications. WISE 2000: 97-108
7 Timothy Arnold-Moore, Michael Fuller, Ron Sacks-Davis: System Architectures for Structured Document Data. Markup Languages 2(1): 11-39 (2000)
6EEMichael Fuller, Marcin Kaszkiel, Sam Kimberley, Corinna Ng, Ross Wilkinson, Mingfang Wu, Justin Zobel: The RMIT/CSIRO Ad Hoc, Q&A, Web, Interactive, and Speech Experiments at TREC 8. TREC 1999
5 Michael Fuller, Marcin Kaszkiel, Dongki Kim, Corinna Ng, John Robertson, Ross Wilkinson, Mingfang Wu, Justin Zobel: TREC 7 Ad Hoc, Speech, and Interactive tracks at MDS/CSIRO. TREC 1998: 404-413
4EEMichael Fuller, Marcin Kaszkiel, Chien Leng Ng, Phil Vines, Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel: MDS TREC6 Report. TREC 1997: 241-257
3EEMichael Fuller, Eric Mackie, Ron Sacks-Davis, Ross Wilkinson: Coherent Answers for a Large Structured Document Collection. SIGIR 1993: 204-213
2 Michael Fuller, Ron Sacks-Davis, Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel, Eric Mackie: Hyperbase Systems: A Structured Architecture. Future Databases 1992: 222-230
1 Michael Fuller, Alan J. Kent, Ron Sacks-Davis, James A. Thom, Ross Wilkinson, Justin Zobel: Querying in a Large Hyperbase. DEXA 1991: 455-458

Coauthor Index

1Timothy Arnold-Moore [7] [8]
2Daryl J. D'Souza [9]
3Marcin Kaszkiel [4] [5] [6]
4Alan J. Kent [1] [8]
5Dongki Kim [5]
6Sam Kimberley [6]
7Eric Mackie [2] [3]
8Chien Leng Ng [4]
9Corinna Ng [5] [6]
10John Robertson [5]
11Ron Sacks-Davis [1] [2] [3] [7] [8]
12Neil Sharman [8]
13James A. Thom [1] [9]
14Phil Vines [4] [9]
15Ross Wilkinson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [10] [11] [12] [13]
16Mingfang Wu [5] [6] [10] [11] [12] [13]
17Justin Zobel [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)