
B. Lee

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9EEJ. Jones, B. Lee: A Multigrid Method for Variable Coefficient Maxwell's Equations. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 27(5): 1689-1708 (2006)
8EEB. Lee, H. Kim, K. Chung: Design of Sub-session Based Accounting System for Different Service Level of Mobile IP Roaming User. ICT 2004: 171-182
7EEC. Yu, K. G. Shin, B. Lee: Power-stepped protocol: enhancing spatial utilization in a clustered mobile ad hoc network. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(7): 1322-1334 (2004)
6EESanza T. Kazadi, M. Chung, B. Lee, R. Cho: On the dynamics of clustering systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 46(1): 1-27 (2004)
5 Moonjong Jang, B. Lee, S. Cho: The Study on the Design for the All Optical Network Modeling with WDM. PDPTA 2003: 942-946
4EEA. Zhang, M. Chung, B. Lee, R. Cho, Sanza T. Kazadi, R. Vishwanath: Variance in converging puck cluster sizes. AAMAS 2002: 209-210
3 H. Hong, B. Lee, Kwang-Hoon Kim, Su-Ki Paik: A Web-Based Transactional Workflow Monitoring System. WISE 2000: 166-173
2 H. Rudolph, J. S. Packer, J. F. Cade, B. Lee, P. Morley: Pain relief using smart technology: an overview of a new patient-controlled analgesia device. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 3(1): 20-27 (1999)
1 U. Kuhnlein, B. Lee, S. Linn: Human uracil DNA N-glycosidase: studies in normal and repair defective cultured fibroblasts. Nucleic Acids Research 5(1): 117-125 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1J. F. Cade [2]
2R. Cho [4] [6]
3S. Cho [5]
4K. Chung [8]
5M. Chung [4] [6]
6H. Hong [3]
7Moonjong Jang [5]
8J. Jones [9]
9Sanza T. Kazadi [4] [6]
10H. Kim [8]
11Kwang-Hoon Kim [3]
12U. Kuhnlein [1]
13S. Linn [1]
14P. Morley [2]
15J. S. Packer [2]
16Su-Ki Paik [3]
17H. Rudolph [2]
18K. G. Shin [7]
19R. Vishwanath [4]
20C. Yu [7]
21A. Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)