
Nahur Fonseca

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3 Mateus Barcellos Costa, Rodolfo F. Resende, Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto, Eduardo Freire Nakamura, Nahur Fonseca: BASS: Business Application Support through Software Services. SEKE 2007: 523-
2EENahur Fonseca, Mark Crovella: Bayesian packet loss detection for TCP. INFOCOM 2005: 1826-1837
1 Nahur Fonseca, Rodolfo F. Resende, Wagner Meira Jr.: Dynamic Aspects of Documents of the Brazilian Web. WISE 2000: 133-137

Coauthor Index

1Mateus Barcellos Costa [3]
2Mark Crovella [2]
3Wagner Meira Jr. [1]
4Eduardo Freire Nakamura [3]
5Rodolfo F. Resende [1] [3]
6Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)