
Emmanuel Desmontils

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12EEChristine Jacquin, Emmanuel Desmontils, Laura Monceaux: French EuroWordNet Lexical Database Improvements. CICLing 2007: 12-22
11EEEmmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin, Laura Monceaux: Question Types Specification for the Use of Specialized Patterns in Prodicos System. CLEF 2006: 280-289
10EELaura Monceaux, Christine Jacquin, Emmanuel Desmontils: The Query Answering System PRODICOS. CLEF 2005: 527-534
9EEEmmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin, Ludovic Simon: Dinosys: An Annotation Tool forWeb-Based Learning. ICWL 2004: 59-66
8EESylvie Cazalens, Emmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin, Philippe Lamarre: De la gestion locale à la recherche distribuée dans des sources d'informations et de connaissances. L'OBJET 8(4): 47-69 (2002)
7EEEmmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin: Indexing a web site with a terminology oriented ontology. SWWS 2001: 549-565
6 Emmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin: Indexing a web site with a terminology oriented ontology. The Emerging Semantic Web 2001
5EEEmmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin: Indexing a Web Site to Highlight Its Content. Web Intelligence 2001: 351-355
4 Sylvie Cazalens, Emmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin, Philippe Lamarre: A Distributed Agent-Based System for Knowledge-Based Internet Information Retrieval. International Conference on Internet Computing 2000: 135-142
3EESylvie Cazalens, Emmanuel Desmontils, Christine Jacquin, Philippe Lamarre: A Web Site Indexing Process for an Internet Information Retrieval Agent System. WISE 2000: 254-259
2EEEmmanuel Desmontils: Expressing constraint satisfaction problems in declarative modeling using natural language and fuzzy sets. Computers & Graphics 24(4): 555-568 (2000)
1EEChristian Colin, Emmanuel Desmontils, Jean-Yves Martin, Jean-Philippe Mounier: Working modes with a declarative modeler. Computer Networks 30(20-21): 1875-1886 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Sylvie Cazalens [3] [4] [8]
2Christian Colin [1]
3Christine Jacquin [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
4Philippe Lamarre [3] [4] [8]
5Jean-Yves Martin [1]
6Laura Monceaux [10] [11] [12]
7Jean-Philippe Mounier [1]
8Ludovic Simon [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)