2008 |
105 | EE | Frank Wagner,
Kathleen Krebs,
Cataldo Mega,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Norbert Ritter:
Towards the Design of a Scalable Email Archiving and Discovery Solution.
ADBIS 2008: 305-320 |
104 | EE | Matthias Großmann,
Nicola Hönle,
Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Reference Management in a Loosely Coupled, Distributed Information System.
ADBIS 2008: 81-96 |
103 | | Sylvia Radeschutz,
Bernhard Mitschang:
An Annotation Approach for the Matching of Process Variables and Operational Business Data Models.
CAINE 2008: 144-149 |
102 | EE | Marko Vrhovnik,
Holger Schwarz,
Sylvia Radeschutz,
Bernhard Mitschang:
An Overview of SQL Support in Workflow Products.
ICDE 2008: 1287-1296 |
101 | EE | Frank Wagner,
Kathleen Krebs,
Cataldo Mega,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Norbert Ritter:
Email Archiving and Discovery as a Service.
IDC 2008: 197-206 |
100 | EE | Nicola Hönle,
Matthias Großmann,
Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Preprocessing Position Data of Mobile Objects.
MDM 2008: 41-48 |
99 | | Jing Lu,
Bernhard Mitschang:
A Constraint-Aware Query Optimizer for Web-Based Data Integration.
WEBIST (1) 2008: 87-92 |
98 | EE | Andreas Brodt,
Daniela Nicklas,
Sailesh Sathish,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Context-Aware Mashups for Mobile Devices.
WISE 2008: 280-291 |
97 | EE | Jing Lu,
Bernhard Mitschang:
An XQuery-based trigger service to bring consistency management to data integration systems.
iiWAS 2008: 154-161 |
2007 |
96 | EE | Tobias Kraft,
Holger Schwarz,
Bernhard Mitschang:
A Statistics Propagation Approach to Enable Cost-Based Optimization of Statement Sequences.
ADBIS 2007: 267-282 |
95 | | Jing Lu,
Bernhard Mitschang:
DIS-CS: Improving Enterprise Data Integration by Constraint Service.
CAINE 2007: 212-217 |
94 | EE | Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro,
Geraldo Zimbrão,
Holger Schwarz,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Jano Moreira de Souza:
DWFIST: Leveraging Calendar-Based Pattern Mining in Data Streams.
DaWaK 2007: 438-448 |
93 | EE | Nazario Cipriani,
Matthias Großmann,
Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Federated Spatial Cursors.
GeoInfo 2007: 85-96 |
92 | | Tobias Kraft,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Statistics API: DBMS-independent access and management of dbms statistics in heterogeneous environments.
ICEIS (1) 2007: 5-12 |
91 | | Ralf Wagner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
A virtualization approach for reusing middleware adapters.
ICEIS (1) 2007: 78-85 |
90 | EE | Ralf Wagner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Enhancing Middleware Functionality by Virtualizing Adapters.
ICEIS (Selected Papers) 2007: 108-120 |
89 | EE | Ralf Wagner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
A Methodology and Guide for Effective Reuse in Integration Architectures for Enterprise Applications.
IRI 2007: 323-328 |
88 | EE | Ralf Wagner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Flexible Reuse of Middleware Infrastructures in Heterogeneous IT Environments.
OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 522-539 |
87 | EE | Marko Vrhovnik,
Holger Schwarz,
Oliver Suhre,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Volker Markl,
Albert Maier,
Tobias Kraft:
An Approach to Optimize Data Processing in Business Processes.
VLDB 2007: 615-626 |
2006 |
86 | | Gustavo Alonso,
Christian S. Jensen,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data, 16.10. - 21.10.2005
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
85 | EE | Thomas Schwarz,
Matthias Großmann,
Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Exploiting Type and Space in a Main Memory Query Engine.
GeoInfo 2006: 35-52 |
84 | EE | Mihály Jakob,
Holger Schwarz,
Fabian Kaiser,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Modeling and generating application logic for data-intensive web applications.
ICWE 2006: 77-84 |
83 | EE | Mihály Jakob,
Holger Schwarz,
Fabian Kaiser,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Towards an operation model for generated web applications.
ICWE Workshops 2006: 7 |
82 | EE | Christoph Mangold,
Holger Schwarz,
Bernhard Mitschang:
u38: A Framework for Database-Supported Enterprise Document-Retrieval.
IDEAS 2006: 193-200 |
81 | EE | Kurt Rothermel,
Thomas Ertl,
Dieter Fritsch,
Paul J. Kühn,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Engelbert Westkämper,
Christian Becker,
Dominique Dudkowski,
Andreas Gutscher,
Christian Hauser,
Lamine Jendoubi,
Daniela Nicklas,
Steffen Volz,
Matthias Wieland:
SFB 627 - Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 21(1-2): 105-113 (2006) |
2005 |
80 | | Albert Maier,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Frank Leymann,
Dan Wolfson:
On Combining Business Process Integration and ETL Technologies.
BTW 2005: 533-546 |
79 | | Cataldo Mega,
Frank Wagner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
From Content Management to Enterprise Content Management.
BTW 2005: 596-613 |
78 | | Uwe Heinkel,
Carmen Constantinescu,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Integrating Data Changes with Data from Data Service Providers.
CAINE 2005: 146-151 |
77 | EE | Lucinéia Heloisa Thom,
Cirano Iochpe,
Bernhard Mitschang:
TMBP: A Transactional Metamodel for Business Process Modeling Based on Organizational Structure Aspects.
CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2005 |
76 | EE | Christoph Mangold,
Holger Schwarz,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Improving intranet search-engines using context information from databases.
CIKM 2005: 349-350 |
75 | EE | Mihály Jakob,
Matthias Großmann,
Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
DCbot: Finding Spatial Information on the Web.
DASFAA 2005: 779-790 |
74 | EE | Gustavo Alonso,
Christian S. Jensen,
Bernhard Mitschang:
05421 Abstracts Collection -- Data Always and Everywhere -- Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data.
Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data 2005 |
73 | EE | Gustavo Alonso,
Christian S. Jensen,
Bernhard Mitschang:
05421 Executive Summary -- Data Always and Everywhere -- Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Data.
Data Always and Everywhere - Management of Mobile, Ubiquitous, Pervasive, and Sensor Data 2005 |
72 | EE | Bernhard Mitschang,
Daniela Nicklas,
Matthias Großmann,
Thomas Schwarz,
Nicola Hönle:
Federating Location-Based Data Services.
Data Management in a Connected World 2005: 17-35 |
71 | | Bernhard Mitschang,
Daniela Nicklas:
Herausforderungen und Ansätze für Kontextmodelle.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 670 |
70 | EE | Rodrigo Salvador Monteiro,
Geraldo Zimbrao,
Holger Schwarz,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Jano Moreira de Souza:
Building the Data Warehouse of Frequent Itemsets in the DWFIST Approach.
ISMIS 2005: 294-303 |
2004 |
69 | EE | Thomas Schwarz,
Markus Iofcea,
Matthias Großmann,
Nicola Hönle,
Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
On efficiently processing nearest neighbor queries in a loosely coupled set of data sources.
GIS 2004: 184-193 |
68 | EE | Daniela Nicklas,
Nicola Hönle,
Michael Moltenbrey,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Design and Implementation Issues for Explorative Location-based Applications: The NexusRallye.
GeoInfo 2004: 167-181 |
67 | EE | Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
On building location aware applications using an open platform based on the NEXUS Augmented World Model.
Software and System Modeling 3(4): 303-313 (2004) |
66 | EE | Bernhard Mitschang,
Stefan Jablonski:
Middleware-Technologien zur Systemintegration.
it - Information Technology 46(4): 173-174 (2004) |
2003 |
65 | EE | Bernhard Mitschang,
David B. Skillicorn,
Philippe Bonnet,
Domenico Talia:
Topic Introduction.
Euro-Par 2003: 309 |
64 | | Kurt Rothermel,
Dieter Fritsch,
Paul J. Kühn,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Martin Bauer,
Christian Becker,
Christian Hauser,
Daniela Nicklas,
Steffen Volz:
SFB 627 Umgebungsmodelle für mobile kontextbezogene Systeme.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 103-115 |
63 | | Christoph Mangold,
Ralf Rantzau,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Föderal: Management of Engineering Data Using a Semistructured Data Model.
ICEIS (3) 2003: 382-389 |
62 | EE | Tobias Kraft,
Holger Schwarz,
Ralf Rantzau,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences.
VLDB 2003: 488-499 |
61 | | Marcello Mariucci,
Clemens Dorda,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Design and Implementation of a Model-driven Earth Observation Integration Framework.
iiWAS 2003 |
60 | EE | Ralf Rantzau,
Leonard D. Shapiro,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Quan Wang:
Algorithms and applications for universal quantification in relational databases.
Inf. Syst. 28(1-2): 3-32 (2003) |
59 | | Holger Schwarz,
Tobias Kraft,
Ralf Rantzau,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Optimization of Query Sequences in Business Intelligence Applications.
it - Information Technology 45(4): 196-202 (2003) |
2002 |
58 | EE | Ralf Rantzau,
Leonard D. Shapiro,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Quan Wang:
Universal Quantification in Relational Databases: A Classification of Data and Algorithms.
EDBT 2002: 445-463 |
57 | | Carmen Constantinescu,
Uwe Heinkel,
Ralf Rantzau,
Bernhard Mitschang:
A System for Data Change Propagation in Heterogeneous Information Systems.
ICEIS 2002: 73-80 |
2001 |
56 | | Jochen Rütschlin,
Günter Sauter,
Jürgen Sellentin,
Klaudia Hergula,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Komponenten-Middleware - Der nächste Schritt zur Interoperabilität von IT-Systemen.
BTW 2001: 322-331 |
55 | EE | Aiko Frank,
Bernhard Mitschang:
On Sharing of Objects in Concurrent Design.
CSCWD 2001: 71-76 |
54 | | Albrecht Messner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Leistungsbewertung für Application Server Technologie: ein parametrisierbarer Benchmark-Ansatz am Beispiel des Brokat Twister Application Servers.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 909-915 |
53 | | Jochen Rütschlin,
Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Industrieller Einsatz von Application Server Technologie.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 916-921 |
52 | | Holger Schwarz,
Ralf Wagner,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Improving the Processing of Decision Support Queries: The Case for a DSS Optimizer.
IDEAS 2001: 177-186 |
51 | | Daniela Nicklas,
Bernhard Mitschang:
The NEXUS Augmented World Model: An Extensible Approach for Mobile, Spatially Aware Applications.
OOIS 2001: 392- |
50 | EE | Daniela Nicklas,
Matthias Großmann,
Thomas Schwarz,
Steffen Volz,
Bernhard Mitschang:
A Model-Based, Open Architecture for Mobile, Spatially Aware Applications.
SSTD 2001: 117-135 |
2000 |
49 | EE | Bernhard Mitschang:
Parallel and Distributed Databases and Applications.
Euro-Par 2000: 425-426 |
48 | EE | Clara Nippl,
Ralf Rantzau,
Bernhard Mitschang:
StreamJoin: A Generic Database Approach to Support the Class of Stream-Oriented Applications.
IDEAS 2000: 83-91 |
47 | | Peter Peinl,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Towards an Integrated Systems Approach for Mobile Traveller Applications.
WISE 2000: 491-496 |
46 | EE | Aiko Frank,
Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
TOGA-A Customizable Service for Data-Centric Collaboration.
Inf. Syst. 25(2): 157-176 (2000) |
1999 |
45 | | S. Sarstedt,
Günter Sauter,
Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Integrationskonzepte für heterogene Anwendungssysteme bei DaimlerChrysler auf Basis internationaler Standards.
BTW 1999: 317-327 |
44 | EE | Jürgen Sellentin,
Aiko Frank,
Bernhard Mitschang:
TOGA - A Customizable Service for Data-Centric Collaboration.
CAiSE 1999: 301-316 |
43 | | Aiko Frank,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Towards an activity model for design applications.
Computers and Their Applications 1999: 70-73 |
42 | EE | Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Design and Implementation of a CORBA Query Service Accessing EXPRESS-based Data.
DASFAA 1999: 273-282 |
41 | | Hermann Ludwig Möller,
Marcello Mariucci,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Architecture Considerations for Advanced Earth Observation Application Systems.
INTEROP 1999: 75-90 |
40 | EE | Michael Jaedicke,
Bernhard Mitschang:
User-Defined Table Operators: Enhancing Extensibility for ORDBMS.
VLDB 1999: 494-505 |
39 | | Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Data-intensive Intra- and Internet Applications based on Java, CORBA, and the World Wide Web.
TAPOS 5(3): 181-197 (1999) |
1998 |
38 | EE | Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Data Intensive Intra- & Internet Applications - Experiences Using Java and CORBA in the World Wide Web.
ICDE 1998: 302-311 |
37 | EE | Michael Jaedicke,
Bernhard Mitschang:
On Parallel Processing of Aggregate and Scalar Functions in Object-Relational DBMS.
SIGMOD Conference 1998: 379-389 |
36 | EE | Clara Nippl,
Bernhard Mitschang:
TOPAZ: a Cost-Based, Rule-Driven, Multi-Phase Parallelizer.
VLDB 1998: 251-262 |
35 | EE | Stefan Deßloch,
Theo Härder,
Nelson Mendonça Mattos,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Joachim Thomas:
Advanced Data Processing in KRISYS: Modeling Concepts, Implementation Techniques, and Client/Server Issues.
VLDB J. 7(2): 79-95 (1998) |
1997 |
34 | | Jürgen Sellentin,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von CORBA in DB-basierten Client/Server-Anwendungssystemen.
BTW 1997: 312-321 |
33 | | Alexander Clausnitzer,
Michael Jaedicke,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Clara Nippl,
Angelika Reiser,
Stephan Zimmermann:
On the Application of Parallel Database Technology for Large Scale Document Management Systems.
IDEAS 1997: 388-396 |
32 | | Clara Nippl,
Michael Jaedicke,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Accerating Profiling Services by Parallel Database Technology.
PDPTA 1997: 816-824 |
31 | | Norbert Ritter,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Die Assistenzfuntion kooperativer Designflows - verdeutlicht am Beispiel von CONCORD.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 12(2): 91-100 (1997) |
1996 |
30 | | Giannis Bozas,
Michael Jaedicke,
Andreas Listl,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Angelika Reiser,
Stephan Zimmermann:
On Transforming a Sequential SQL-DBMS into a Parallel One: First Results and Experiences of the MIDAS Project.
Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 881-886 |
29 | | Bernhard Mitschang,
Theo Härder,
Norbert Ritter:
Design Management in CONCORD: Combining Transaction Management, Workflow Management and Cooperative Control.
RIDE-NDS 1996: 160-168 |
1995 |
28 | | Bernhard Mitschang:
Anfrageverarbeitung in Datenbanksystemen - Entwurfs- und Implementierungskonzepte
Vieweg 1995 |
27 | | Stefan Deßloch,
Nelson Mendonça Mattos,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Joachim Thomas:
Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KBMS KRISYS.
BTW 1995: 403-422 |
26 | EE | Joachim Thomas,
T. Gerbes,
Theo Härder,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Implementing Dynamic Code Assembly for Client-Based Query Processing.
DASFAA 1995: 264-272 |
25 | | Theo Härder,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Udo Nink,
Norbert Ritter:
Workstation/Server-Architekturen für datenbankbasierte Ingenieuranwendungen.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 10(2): 55-72 (1995) |
1994 |
24 | EE | Hamid Pirahesh,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Norbert Südkamp,
Bruce G. Lindsay:
Composite-Object Views in Relational DBMS: An Implementation Perspective.
EDBT 1994: 23-30 |
23 | EE | Norbert Ritter,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Theo Härder,
Michael Gesmann,
Harald Schöning:
Capturing Design Dynamics the Concord Approach.
ICDE 1994: 440-451 |
22 | | Hamid Pirahesh,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Norbert Südkamp,
Bruce G. Lindsay:
Composite-object views in relational DBMS: an implementation perspective.
Inf. Syst. 19(1): 69-88 (1994) |
21 | | C. Bies,
Bernhard Mitschang,
P. Mitschang:
Beanspruchungsgerechtes Konstruieren.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 9(4): 201-212 (1994) |
1993 |
20 | | Wolfgang Käfer,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Flexible Entwurfsdatenverwaltung für CAD-Frameworks: Konzepte, Realisierung und Bewertung.
BTW 1993: 144-163 |
19 | EE | Joachim Thomas,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Nelson Mendonça Mattos,
Stefan Deßloch:
Enchancing Knowledge Processing in Client/Server Environments.
CIKM 1993: 324-334 |
18 | EE | Bernhard Mitschang,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Peter Pistor,
Bruce G. Lindsay,
Norbert Südkamp:
SQL/XNF - Processing Composite Objects as Abstractions over Relational Data.
ICDE 1993: 272-282 |
17 | | Nelson Mendonça Mattos,
Klaus Meyer-Wegener,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Grand tour of concepts for object-orientation from a database point of view.
Data Knowl. Eng. 9: 321-352 (1993) |
1992 |
16 | | Christoph Hübel,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Michael Gesmann,
Andreas Grasnickel,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Harald Schöning,
Theo Härder:
Using PRIMA-DBMS as a Testbed for Parallel Complex-Object Processing.
RIDE-TQP 1992: 38-45 |
15 | EE | Michael Gesmann,
Andreas Grasnickel,
Theo Härder,
Christoph Hübel,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Harald Schöning:
PRIMA - A Database System Supporting Dynamically Defined Composite Objects.
SIGMOD Conference 1992: 5 |
1991 |
14 | | Bernhard Mitschang,
Hamid Pirahesh:
Integration of Composite Objects into Relational Query Processing: The SQL/XNF Approach.
Query Processing for Advanced Database Systems, Dagstuhl 1991: 35-62 |
13 | | Theo Härder,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Harald Schöning:
Query processing for complex objects.
Data Knowl. Eng. 7: 181-200 (1991) |
1989 |
12 | EE | Bernhard Mitschang:
Extending the Relational Algebra to Capture Complex Objects.
VLDB 1989: 297-305 |
1988 |
11 | | Bernhard Mitschang:
Ein Molekül-Atom-Datenmodell für Non-Standard-Anwendungen: Anwendungsanalyse, Datenmodellentwurf und Implementierungskonzepte
Springer 1988 |
10 | | Bernhard Mitschang:
Towards a Unified View of Design Data and Knowledge Representation.
Expert Database Conf. 1988: 133-159 |
9 | | Christoph Hübel,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Object Orientation within the PRIMA-NDBS.
OODBS 1988: 98-103 |
8 | | Theo Härder,
Christoph Hübel,
Klaus Meyer-Wegener,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Processing and Transaction Concepts for Cooperation of Engineering Workstations and a Database Server.
Data Knowl. Eng. 3: 87-107 (1988) |
1987 |
7 | | Bernhard Mitschang:
MAD - ein Datenmodell für den Kern eines Non-Standard-Datenbanksystems.
BTW 1987: 180-195 |
6 | | Theo Härder,
Nelson Mendonça Mattos,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Abbildung von Frames auf neuere Datenmodelle.
GWAI 1987: 396-405 |
5 | EE | Theo Härder,
Klaus Meyer-Wegener,
Bernhard Mitschang,
Andrea Sikeler:
PRIMA - a DBMS Prototype Supporting Engineering Applications.
VLDB 1987: 433-442 |
4 | | Theo Härder,
Christoph Hübel,
Stefan Langenfeld,
Bernhard Mitschang:
KUNICAD - ein datenbankgestütztes geometrisches Modellierungssystem für Werkstücke.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 2(1): 1-18 (1987) |
1986 |
3 | | Theo Härder,
Christoph Hübel,
Bernhard Mitschang:
Use of Inherent Parallelism in Database Operations.
CONPAR 1986: 385-392 |
1985 |
2 | | Bernhard Mitschang:
Charakteristiken des Komplex-Objekt-Begriffs und Ansätze zu dessen Realisierung.
BTW 1985: 382-400 |
1984 |
1 | | Bernhard Mitschang:
Überlegungen zur Architektur von Datenbanksystemen für Ingenieuranwendungen.
GI Jahrestagung 1984: 318-334 |