
Tomasz Müldner

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32 Tomasz Müldner, Jan Krzysztof Miziolek, Gregory Leighton: Succinct Access Control Policies for Published XML Datasets. ICEIS (1) 2008: 380-385
31EEBrian Demmings, Elhadi Shakshuki, Tomasz Müldner: AETA: Algorithm Explanation Teaching Agent. ITNG 2007: 616-621
30EEElhadi Shakshuki, Andreas Kerren, Tomasz Müldner: Web-based Structured Hypermedia Algorithm Explanation system. IJWIS 3(3): 179-197 (2007)
29EEAndreas Kerren, Tomasz Müldner, Elhadi Shakshuki: Novel algorithm explanation techniques for improving algorithm teaching. SOFTVIS 2006: 175-176
28EETomasz Müldner, Zhonghai Luo, Elhadi Shakshuki: Distribution of Data and Remote Invocation of Programs. AINA 2005: 429-432
27EEGregory Leighton, Jim Diamond, Tomasz Müldner: AXECHOP: A Grammar-based Compressor for XML. DCC 2005: 467
26 Tomasz Müldner, Zhinan Shen: Globalizing Internet Websites. IMSA 2005: 53-58
25 Tomasz Müldner, Elhadi Shakshuki, Joe Merrill: Yet Another Way to Explain Algorithms. CATE 2004: 136-141
24 Tomasz Müldner, Darcy G. Benoit, Fei Wang: Generic approach to internationalization of websites. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 465-470
23 Darcy G. Benoit, Tomasz Müldner: IDUX: Internationalization of Data Using XML. ICWI 2004: 469-476
22EETomasz Müldner, Elhadi Shakshuki: A New Approach to Learning Algorithms. ITCC (1) 2004: 141-145
21 Tomasz Müldner, Elhadi Shakshuki: On Visualization and Implementation of Algorithms. MSV/AMCS 2004: 464-470
20 Tomasz Müldner, T. Newell: Building Distributed Collaborative Learning Environments with Software Agents and XML. IMSA 2001: 324-328
19EEReinhard Wilhelm, Tomasz Müldner, Raimund Seidel: Algorithm Explanation: Visualizing Abstract States and Invariants. Software Visualization 2001: 381-394
18 Tomasz Müldner, Thian-Tin Ter: Building Infrastructure for Mobile Software Agents. WebNet 2000: 419-424
17 Tomasz Müldner, Soon Ping Phang: An Experiment with Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Shared Workspace. WebNet 1999: 788-793
16 Tomasz Müldner, Ali Elbashiri: Distributed Marking System: CORBA Implementation. WebNet 1999: 794-799
15 Tomasz Müldner: Analysis of Java Client/Server and Web Programming Tools for Development of Educational Systems. WebNet 1998
14 Tomasz Müldner, Robin A. Nicholl: Computer-Supported Human Cooperation in Electronic Classrooms. J. UCS 2(10): 679-693 (1996)
13 Tomasz Müldner, R. Blondon: Design and Implementation of Courseware for Teaching Programming Languages. ICCAL 1992: 466-477
12 Tomasz Müldner, M. Elammari: OBJECTOR: Yet Another Authoring System. ICCAL 1992: 478-490
11EERyszard Janicki, Tomasz Müldner: A Simple Realization of a Parallel Device Recognizing Regular Trace Languages. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 147-153
10 Ryszard Janicki, Tomasz Müldner: Transformations of Sequential Specifications into Concurrent Specifications by Synchronization Guards. Theor. Comput. Sci. 77(1&2): 97-129 (1990)
9EERyszard Janicki, Tomasz Müldner: Complete Sequential Specification Allows for Concurrent Execution. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1989: 221-231
8 Tomasz Müldner: On the semantics of parallel programs. Fundam. Inform. 4(1): 35-82 (1981)
7 Tomasz Müldner: On the synchronizing tools for parallel programs. Fundam. Inform. 4(1): 95-134 (1981)
6 Tomasz Müldner: On the compilation of parallel programs. Fundam. Inform. 4(2): 207-244 (1981)
5 Tomasz Müldner: Implementation and propertives of certain tools for parallel computations. Fundam. Inform. 4(2): 255-276 (1981)
4 Tomasz Müldner: On compilation of parallel programs. FCT 1979: 295-300
3 Andrzej Salwicki, Tomasz Müldner: On the Algorithmic Properties of Concurrent Programs. Logic of Programs 1979: 169-197
2 Tomasz Müldner: On Properties of Certain Synchronizing Tool for Parallel Computations. FCT 1977: 459-465
1 Andrzej Salwicki, Tomasz Müldner: Computational Processes Generated by Programs with Recursive Procedures and Block Structures. MFCS 1976: 503-509

Coauthor Index

1Darcy G. Benoit [23] [24]
2R. Blondon [13]
3Brian Demmings [31]
4Jim Diamond [27]
5M. Elammari [12]
6Ali Elbashiri [16]
7Ryszard Janicki [9] [10] [11]
8Andreas Kerren [29] [30]
9Gregory Leighton [27] [32]
10Zhonghai Luo [28]
11Joe Merrill [25]
12Jan Krzysztof Miziolek [32]
13T. Newell [20]
14Robin A. Nicholl [14]
15Soon Ping Phang [17]
16Andrzej Salwicki [1] [3]
17Raimund Seidel [19]
18Elhadi Shakshuki [21] [22] [25] [28] [29] [30] [31]
19Zhinan Shen [26]
20Thian-Tin Ter [18]
21Fei Wang [24]
22Reinhard Wilhelm [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)