
Michel Futtersack

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5EEJean-Marc Labat, Pierre Pastré, Pierre Parage, Michel Futtersack, Jean-François Richard, Emmanuel Sander: Two different methods to analyze the strategies of problem solving in a natural situation using a simulator: A case study. ICALT 2007: 828-832
4EEMichelle Joab, Odette Auzende, Michel Futtersack, Brigitte Bonnet, Patrice Le Leydour: Computer Aided Evaluation of Trainee Skills on a Simulator Network. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 521-530
3 Jean-Charles Pomerol, Michel Futtersack, Jean-Marc Labat: Decision Support System in an Administrative Context: The case of the Reinsertion of Long-Term Unemployed in France. Decision Support in Public Administration 1993: 133-147
2 Michel Futtersack, Jean-Marc Labat: QUIZ, a Distributed Intelligent Tutoring System. ICCAL 1992: 225-237
1 Jean-Marc Labat, Michel Futtersack, Martial Vivet: Planification Pédagogique: de l'Expertise Humaine à sa Modélisation dans un STI. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 515-522

Coauthor Index

1Odette Auzende [4]
2Brigitte Bonnet [4]
3Michelle Joab [4]
4Jean-Marc Labat [1] [2] [3] [5]
5Patrice Le Leydour [4]
6Pierre Parage [5]
7Pierre Pastré [5]
8Jean-Charles Pomerol [3]
9Jean-François Richard [5]
10Emmanuel Sander [5]
11Martial Vivet [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)