
Robert Giegerich

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70EEMohamed Ibrahim Abouelhoda, Robert Giegerich, Behshad Behzadi, Jean-Marc Steyaert: Alignment of Minisatellite Maps: A Minimum Spanning Tree-based Approach. APBC 2008: 261-272
69EEAlexander Sczyrba, Susanne Konermann, Robert Giegerich: Two interactive Bioinformatics courses at the Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Server. Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(3): 243-249 (2008)
68EERobert Giegerich, Alvis Brazma, Inge Jonassen, Esko Ukkonen, Martin Vingron: The BREW workshop series: a stimulating experience in PhD education. Briefings in Bioinformatics 9(3): 250-253 (2008)
67EEClaus Brabrand, Robert Giegerich, Anders Møller: Analyzing Ambiguity of Context-Free Grammars. CIAA 2007: 214-225
66EEJanina Reeder, Jens Reeder, Robert Giegerich: Locomotif: from graphical motif description to RNA motif search. ISMB/ECCB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2007: 392-400
65EEJens Reeder, Peter Steffen, Robert Giegerich: pknotsRG: RNA pseudoknot folding including near-optimal structures and sliding windows. Nucleic Acids Research 35(Web-Server-Issue): 320-324 (2007)
64EEJanina Reeder, Robert Giegerich: A graphical programming system for molecular motif search. GPCE 2006: 131-140
63EERobert Giegerich, Peter Steffen: Challenges in the compilation of a domain specific language for dynamic programming. SAC 2006: 1603-1609
62EEPeter Steffen, Robert Giegerich: Correction: versatile and declarative dynamic programming using pair algebras. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 214 (2006)
61EEPeter Steffen, Björn Voß, Marc Rehmsmeier, Jens Reeder, Robert Giegerich: RNAshapes: an integrated RNA analysis package based on abstract shapes. Bioinformatics 22(4): 500-503 (2006)
60EEWolfgang Gerlach, Robert Giegerich: GUUGle: a utility for fast exact matching under RNA complementary rules including G-U base pairing. Bioinformatics 22(6): 762-764 (2006)
59EEPeter Steffen, Robert Giegerich: Table design in dynamic programming. Inf. Comput. 204(9): 1325-1345 (2006)
58EEKetil Malde, Robert Giegerich: Calculating PSSM probabilities with lazy dynamic programming. J. Funct. Program. 16(1): 75-81 (2006)
57EEJanina Reeder, Peter Steffen, Robert Giegerich: Effective ambiguity checking in biosequence analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 153 (2005)
56EEPeter Steffen, Robert Giegerich: Versatile and declarative dynamic programming using pair algebras. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 224 (2005)
55EEJens Reeder, Robert Giegerich: Consensus shapes: an alternative to the Sankoff algorithm for RNA consensus structure prediction. Bioinformatics 21(17): 3516-3523 (2005)
54 Robert Giegerich, Jens Stoye: Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB 2004), Bielefeld, Germany, October 4-6, 2004 GI 2004
53 Michael Beckstette, Dirk Strothmann, R. Homann, Robert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz: PoSSuMsearch: Fast and Sensitive Matching of Position Specific Scoring Matrices using Enhanced Suffix Arrays. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2004: 53-64
52EEJens Reeder, Robert Giegerich: Design, implementation and evaluation of a practical pseudoknot folding algorithm based on thermodynamics. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 104 (2004)
51EEPaul P. Gardner, Robert Giegerich: A comprehensive comparison of comparative RNA structure prediction approaches. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 140 (2004)
50EEBjörn Voss, Carsten Meyer, Robert Giegerich: Evaluating the predictability of conformational switching in RNA. Bioinformatics 20(10): 1573-1582 (2004)
49EEJomuna V. Choudhuri, Chris Schleiermacher, Stefan Kurtz, Robert Giegerich: GenAlyzer: interactive visualization of sequence similarities between entire genomes. Bioinformatics 20(12): 1964-1965 (2004)
48EEMatthias Höchsmann, Björn Voss, Robert Giegerich: Pure Multiple RNA Secondary Structure Alignments: A Progressive Profile Approach. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 1(1): 53-62 (2004)
47EEMichael Beckstette, Jens T. Mailänder, Richard J. Marhöfer, Alexander Sczyrba, Enno Ohlebusch, Robert Giegerich, Paul M. Selzer: Genlight: Interactive high-throughput sequence analysis and comparative genomics. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 1(1): (2004)
46 Jan Krüger, Alexander Sczyrba, Stefan Kurtz, Robert Giegerich: e2g: an interactive web-based server for efficiently mapping large EST and cDNA sets to genomic sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 301-304 (2004)
45EERobert Giegerich, Carsten Meyer, Peter Steffen: A discipline of dynamic programming over sequence data. Sci. Comput. Program. 51(3): 215-263 (2004)
44EEMatthias Höchsmann, Thomas Töller, Robert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz: Local Similarity in RNA Secondary Structures. CSB 2003: 159-168
43 Björn Voß, Robert Giegerich: Prediction of conformational switching in RNA. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2003: 173-178
42 Alexander Sczyrba, Jan Krüger, Henning Mersch, Stefan Kurtz, Robert Giegerich: RNA-related tools on the Bielefeld Bioinformatics Server. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3767-3770 (2003)
41EERobert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz, Jens Stoye: Efficient implementation of lazy suffix trees. Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(11): 1035-1049 (2003)
40EERobert Giegerich, Carsten Meyer: Algebraic Dynamic Programming. AMAST 2002: 349-364
39 Robert Giegerich: Towards A Discipline of Dynamic Programming. GI Jahrestagung 2002: 3-44
38EERobert Giegerich, Peter Steffen: Implementing Algebraic Dynamic Programming in the Functional and the Imperative Programming Paradigm. MPC 2002: 1-20
37 Alexander Goesmann, Martin Haubrock, Folker Meyer, Jörn Kalinowski, Robert Giegerich: PathFinder: reconstruction and dynamic visualization of metabolic pathways. Bioinformatics 18(1): 124-129 (2002)
36 Dirk Evers, Robert Giegerich: Reducing the Conformation Space in RNA Structure Prediction. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2001: 118-124
35 Georg Fuellen, Johann-Wolfgang Wägele, Robert Giegerich: Minimum conflict: a divide-and-conquer approach to phylogeny estimation. Bioinformatics 17(12): 1168-1178 (2001)
34EERobert Giegerich: Explaining and Controlling Ambiguity in Dynamic Programming. CPM 2000: 46-59
33 Stefan Kurtz, Enno Ohlebusch, Chris Schleiermacher, Jens Stoye, Robert Giegerich: Computation and Visualization of Degenerate Repeats in Complete Genomes. ISMB 2000: 228-238
32 Robert Giegerich: A systematic approach to dynamic programming in bioinformatics. Bioinformatics 16(8): 665-677 (2000)
31EERobert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz, Jens Stoye: Efficient Implementation of Lazy Suffix Trees. Algorithm Engineering 1999: 30-42
30EERobert Giegerich, Dirk Haase, Marc Rehmsmeier: Prediction and Visualization of Structural Switches in RNA. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 1999: 126-137
29 Dirk Evers, Robert Giegerich: RNA movies: visualizing RNA secondary structure spaces. Bioinformatics 15(1): 32-37 (1999)
28 Bernd Bütow, Robert Giegerich, Enno Ohlebusch, Stephan Thesing: Semantic Matching for Left-Linear Convergent Rewrite Systems Journal of Functional and Logic Programming 1999(11): (1999)
27 Robert Giegerich, Dieter Lorenz: ViSeL - An interactive course in DNA Sequencing. Workshop Multimedia-Systeme, GI Jahrestagung 1998: 53-65
26 Dirk Evers, Robert Giegerich: RNA Movies: Visualizing RNA secondary structure spaces. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1997: 143
25 Henning Hermjakob, Robert Giegerich, Walter Arnold: RIFLE: Rapid Identification of Microorganisms by Fragment Length Evaluation. ISMB 1997: 131-139
24 Robert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz: From Ukkonen to McCreight and Weiner: A Unifying View of Linear-Time Suffix Tree Construction. Algorithmica 19(3): 331-353 (1997)
23 Robert Giegerich, Christian Büschking: Sequence Analysis with Distributed Resources: A WWW-Based Course. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1996: 208
22 Robert Giegerich, Folker Meyer, Chris Schleiermacher: GeneFisher-Software Support for the Detection of Postulated Genes. ISMB 1996: 68-77
21 Bernd Bütow, Robert Giegerich, Enno Ohlebusch, Stephan Thesing: A New Strategy for Semantic Matching PLILP 1995: 81-96
20 Robert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz: A Comparison of Imperative and Purely Functional Suffix Tree Constructions. Sci. Comput. Program. 25(2-3): 187-218 (1995)
19 Robert Giegerich, Stefan Kurtz: Suffix Trees in the Functional Programming Paradigm. ESOP 1994: 225-240
18 Robert Giegerich, Susan L. Graham: Code Generation - Concepts, Tools, Techniques, Workshop on Code Generation, Dagstuhl, Germany, 20-24 May 1991 Springer 1992
17 Robert Giegerich: Considerate Code Selection. Code Generation 1991: 51-65
16 Robert Giegerich, Willi Schepper: Der Studiengang Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik an der Universität Bielefeld. Physik und Informatik 1991: 180-184
15 Robert Giegerich, Enno Ohlebusch: An Implicit Representation of Infinite Sequences of Terms. Bulletin of the EATCS 43: 174-182 (1991)
14 Robert Giegerich: On the Structure of Verifiable Code Generator Specifications. PLDI 1990: 1-8
13 Robert Giegerich: Code Selection by Inversion of Order-Sorted Derivors. Theor. Comput. Sci. 73(2): 177-211 (1990)
12 Robert Giegerich, Karl Schmal: Code Selection Techniques: Pattern Matching, Tree Parsing, and Inversion of Derivors. ESOP 1988: 247-268
11 Robert Giegerich: Composition and Evaluation of Attribute Coupled Grammars. Acta Inf. 25(4): 355-423 (1988)
10 Harald Ganzinger, Robert Giegerich: A note on termination in combinatiosn of heterogeneous term rewriting systems. Bulletin of the EATCS 31: 22-27 (1987)
9 Robert Giegerich: Logic specification of code generation techniques. Programs as Data Objects 1985: 96-111
8EEHarald Ganzinger, Robert Giegerich: Attribute coupled grammars. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1984: 157-170
7EERobert Giegerich: A Formal Framework for the Derivation of Machine-Specific Optimizers. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 5(3): 478-498 (1983)
6 Robert Giegerich: A Formal Model of Instruction Set Semantics. Fachtagung über Programmiersprachen 1982: 177-190
5 Robert Giegerich: Automatic Generation of Machine Specific Code Optimizers. POPL 1982: 75-81
4EEHarald Ganzinger, Robert Giegerich, Ulrich Möncke, Reinhard Wilhelm: A Truly Generative Semantics-Directed Compiler Generator. SIGPLAN Symposium on Compiler Construction 1982: 172-184
3 Robert Giegerich, Ulrich Möncke, Reinhard Wilhelm: Invariance of Approximate Semantics with Respect to Program Transformations. GI Jahrestagung 1981: 1-10
2 Robert Giegerich, Reinhard Wilhelm: Counter-One-Pass Features in One-Pass Compilation: A Formalization Using Attribute Grammars. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(6): 279-284 (1978)
1 Robert Giegerich, Reinhard Wilhelm: Implementierbarkeit attributierter Grammatiken. GI Jahrestagung 1977: 17-36

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Ibrahim Abouelhoda [70]
2Walter Arnold [25]
3Michael Beckstette [47] [53]
4Behshad Behzadi [70]
5Claus Brabrand [67]
6Alvis Brazma [68]
7Christian Büschking [23]
8Bernd Bütow [21] [28]
9Jomuna V. Choudhuri [49]
10Dirk Evers [26] [29] [36]
11Georg Fuellen [35]
12Harald Ganzinger [4] [8] [10]
13Paul P. Gardner [51]
14Wolfgang Gerlach [60]
15Alexander Goesmann [37]
16Susan L. Graham [18]
17Dirk Haase [30]
18Martin Haubrock [37]
19Henning Hermjakob [25]
20Matthias Höchsmann [44] [48]
21R. Homann [53]
22Inge Jonassen [68]
23Jörn Kalinowski [37]
24Susanne Konermann [69]
25Jan Krüger [42] [46]
26Stefan Kurtz [19] [20] [24] [31] [33] [41] [42] [44] [46] [49] [53]
27Dieter Lorenz [27]
28Jens T. Mailänder [47]
29Ketil Malde [58]
30Richard J. Marhöfer [47]
31Henning Mersch [42]
32Carsten Meyer [40] [45] [50]
33Folker Meyer [22] [37]
34Anders Møller [67]
35Ulrich Möncke [3] [4]
36Enno Ohlebusch [15] [21] [28] [33] [47]
37Janina Reeder [57] [64] [66]
38Jens Reeder [52] [55] [61] [65] [66]
39Marc Rehmsmeier [30] [61]
40Willi Schepper [16]
41Chris Schleiermacher [22] [33] [49]
42Karl Schmal [12]
43Alexander Sczyrba [42] [46] [47] [69]
44Paul M. Selzer [47]
45Peter Steffen [38] [45] [56] [57] [59] [61] [62] [63] [65]
46Jean-Marc Steyaert [70]
47Jens Stoye [31] [33] [41] [54]
48Dirk Strothmann [53]
49Stephan Thesing [21] [28]
50Thomas Töller [44]
51Esko Ukkonen [68]
52Martin Vingron [68]
53Björn Voß (Björn Voss) [43] [48] [50] [61]
54Johann-Wolfgang Wägele [35]
55Reinhard Wilhelm [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)