
Raymond E. Miller

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56EERaymond E. Miller: Graduate Student Experiences at Illinois. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 28(2): 56-62 (2006)
55EEDavid Lee, Dongluo Chen, Ruibing Hao, Raymond E. Miller, Jianping Wu, Xia Yin: Network protocol system monitoring: a formal approach with passive testing. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(2): 424-437 (2006)
54EERaymond E. Miller, Dongluo Chen, David Lee, Ruibing Hao: Coping with Nondeterminism in Network Protocol Testing. TestCom 2005: 129-145
53EESneha Kumar Kasera, Raymond E. Miller, Markus Hofmann: A profitable multicast business model. Computer Communications 27(13): 1278-128 (2004)
52EERaymond E. Miller: JACM 1973-1975. J. ACM 50(1): 15 (2003)
51EEDavid Lee, Dongluo Chen, Ruibing Hao, Raymond E. Miller, Jianping Wu, Xia Yin: A Formal Approach for Passive Testing of Protocol Data Portions. ICNP 2002: 122-131
50EEMoustafa A. Youssef, Arunchandar Vasan, Raymond E. Miller: Specification and Analysis of the DCF and PCF Protocols in the 802.11 Standard Using Systems of Communicating Machines. ICNP 2002: 132-143
49EERaymond E. Miller, Khaled A. Arisha: Fault Identification in Networks by Passive Testing. Annual Simulation Symposium 2001: 277-284
48 Raymond E. Miller, Khaled A. Arisha: Fault Coverage in Networks by Passive Testing. International Conference on Internet Computing (1) 2001: 413-419
47EEG. Ramalingam, Junehwa Song, Leo Joskowicz, Raymond E. Miller: Solving Systems of Difference Constraints Incrementally. Algorithmica 23(3): 261-275 (1999)
46EEJunehwa Song, G. Ramalingam, Raymond E. Miller, Byoung-Kee Yi: Interactive Authoring of Multimedia Documents in a Constraint-Based Authoring System. Multimedia Syst. 7(5): 424-437 (1999)
45 Jun-Cheol Park, Raymond E. Miller: Synthesizing Protocol Specifications from Service Specifications in Timed Extended Finite State Machines. ICDCS 1997: 0-
44EEJun-Cheol Park, Raymond E. Miller: A Compositional Approach for Designing Multifunction Time-Dependent Protocols. ICNP 1997: 105-112
43 Hong Liu, Raymond E. Miller, Hans van der Schoot, Hasan Ural: Deadlock Detection by Pair Reachability Analysis: From Cyclic to Multi-Cyclic Protocols (and Beyond?). ICDCS 1996: 605-612
42EEHong Liu, Raymond E. Miller: Partial-Order Validation for Multi-Process Protocols Modeled as Communicating Finite State Machines. ICNP 1996: 76-83
41 Junehwa Song, Michelle Y. Kim, G. Ramalingam, Raymond E. Miller, Byoung-Kee Yi: Interactive Authoring of Multimedia Documents. VL 1996: 276-283
40EEHong Liu, Raymond E. Miller: An approach to cyclic protocol validation. Computer Communications 19(14): 1175-1187 (1996)
39EEHong Liu, Raymond E. Miller: Generalized fair reachability analysis for cyclic protocols. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(2): 192-204 (1996)
38EEHong Liu, Raymond E. Miller: Reachability Problems for Cyclic Protocols. ICCCN 1995: 32
37EEHong Liu, Raymond E. Miller: Generalized fair reachability analysis for cyclic protocols with nondeterministic and internal transitions. ICNP 1995: 6-13
36 Sanjoy Paul, Raymond E. Miller: Locating Faults in a Systematic Manner in a Large Heterogeneous Network. INFOCOM 1995: 522-529
35 Hong Liu, Raymond E. Miller: Generalized fair reachability analysis for cyclic protocols: part 1. PSTV 1994: 271-286
34EERaymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: Structural analysis of protocol specifications and generation of maximal fault coverage conformance test sequences. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2(5): 457-470 (1994)
33 James E. Burns, Mohamed G. Gouda, Raymond E. Miller: Stabilization and Pseudo-Stabilization. Distributed Computing 7(1): 35-42 (1993)
32EERaymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: On the generation of minimal-length conformance tests for communication protocols. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 1(1): 116-129 (1993)
31 Raymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: Generating Conformance Test Sequences for Combined Control and Data Flow of Communication Protocols. PSTV 1992: 13-27
30 Raymond E. Miller, Sanjoy Paul: Generating Minimal Length Test Sequences for Conformance Testing of Communication Protocols. INFOCOM 1991: 970-979
29 Murali Rajagopal, Raymond E. Miller: Synthesizing a Protocol Converter from Executable Protocol Traces. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(4): 487-499 (1991)
28 Raymond E. Miller: Protocol verification: the first ten years, the next ten years; some personal observations. PSTV 1990: 199-225
27EEGeoffrey M. Brown, Mohamed G. Gouda, Raymond E. Miller: Block Acknowledgement: Redesigning the Window Protocol. SIGCOMM 1989: 128-135
26 Taylor L. Booth, Raymond E. Miller: Computer Science Program Acceditation: The First-Year Activities of the Computer Science Accreditation Board. Commun. ACM 30(5): 376-388 (1987)
25 Raymond E. Miller: The Construction of Self-Synchronizing Finite State Protocols. Distributed Computing 2(2): 104-112 (1987)
24 David Gries, Raymond E. Miller, Robert W. Ritchie, Paul Young: Imbalance Between Growth and Funding in Academic Computing Science: Two Trends Colliding. Commun. ACM 29(9): 870-878 (1986)
23 Tat Y. Choi, Raymond E. Miller: Protocol Analysis and Synthesis by Structured Partitions. Computer Networks 11: 367-381 (1986)
22 David Gries, Raymond E. Miller, Robert W. Ritchie, Paul Young: Imbalance Between Growth and Funding in Academic Computing Science: Two Trends Colliding. IEEE Computer 19(9): 70-76 (1986)
21 Takumi Kasai, Raymond E. Miller: Homomorphisms between Models of Parallel Computation. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 25(3): 285-331 (1982)
20 Raymond E. Miller, Chee-Keng Yap: On Formulating Simultaneity for Studying Parallelism and Synchronization. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 20(2): 203-218 (1980)
19 Richard A. DeMillo, Raymond E. Miller: Implicit Computation of Synchronization Primitives. Inf. Process. Lett. 9(1): 35-38 (1979)
18 Raymond E. Miller, Nicholas Pippenger, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Lawrence Snyder: Optimal 2, 3-Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 8(1): 42-59 (1979)
17 Raymond E. Miller, Chee-Keng Yap: On the formal specification and analysis for loosely connected processes. Mathematical Studies of Information Processing 1978: 33-66
16 Raymond E. Miller, Chee-Keng Yap: On Formulating Simultaneity for Studying Parallelism and Synchronization STOC 1978: 105-113
15 Richard J. Lipton, Raymond E. Miller: A Batching Method for Coloring Planar Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(4): 185-188 (1978)
14 Richard J. Lipton, Raymond E. Miller, Lawrence Snyder: Synchronization and Computing Capabilities of Linear Asynchronous Structures. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 14(1): 49-72 (1977)
13 Richard J. Lipton, Raymond E. Miller, Lawrence Snyder: Synchronization and Computing Capabilities of Linear Asynchronous Structures FOCS 1975: 19-28
12 Raymond E. Miller, John Cocke: Configurable computers: a new class of general purpose machines. International Sympoisum on Theoretical Programming 1972: 285-298
11 Richard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Rapid Identification of Repeated Patterns in Strings, Trees and Arrays STOC 1972: 125-136
10 David E. Muller, Raymond E. Miller: A Generalization of the Theory of Incompletely Specified Machines. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 6(5): 419-447 (1972)
9 Raymond E. Miller: Some Undecidability Results for Parallel Program Schemata. SIAM J. Comput. 1(1): 119-130 (1972)
8 Wm. A. Brinsfield, Raymond E. Miller: On the Composition of Parallel Program Schemata FOCS 1971: 20-23
7 Richard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller: Parallel Program Schemata. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 3(2): 147-195 (1969)
6 Richard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller: Parallel Program Schemata: A Mathematical Model for Parallel Computation FOCS 1967: 55-61
5EERichard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller, Shmuel Winograd: The Organization of Computations for Uniform Recurrence Equations. J. ACM 14(3): 563-590 (1967)
4EEL. P. Horwitz, Richard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller, Shmuel Winograd: Index Register Allocation. J. ACM 13(1): 43-61 (1966)
3 Raymond E. Miller: A survey of asynchronous logic: Comparing various definitions and models for asynchronous switching circuits FOCS 1963: 149-152
2 J. C. Beatty, Raymond E. Miller: Some theorems for incompletely specified sequential machines with applications to state minimization FOCS 1962: 123-136
1 Raymond E. Miller: An introduction to speed independent circuit theory FOCS 1961: 87-93

Coauthor Index

1Khaled A. Arisha [48] [49]
2J. C. Beatty [2]
3Taylor L. Booth [26]
4Wm. A. Brinsfield [8]
5Geoffrey M. Brown [27]
6James E. Burns [33]
7Dongluo Chen [51] [54] [55]
8Tat Y. Choi [23]
9John Cocke [12]
10Richard A. DeMillo [19]
11Mohamed G. Gouda [27] [33]
12David Gries [22] [24]
13Ruibing Hao [51] [54] [55]
14Markus Hofmann [53]
15L. P. Horwitz [4]
16Leo Joskowicz [47]
17Richard M. Karp [4] [5] [6] [7] [11]
18Takumi Kasai [21]
19Sneha Kumar Kasera [53]
20Michelle Y. Kim [41]
21David Lee [51] [54] [55]
22Richard J. Lipton [13] [14] [15]
23Hong Liu [35] [37] [38] [39] [40] [42] [43]
24David E. Muller [10]
25Jun-Cheol Park [44] [45]
26Sanjoy Paul [30] [31] [32] [34] [36]
27Nicholas Pippenger [18]
28Murali Rajagopal [29]
29G. Ramalingam (Ganesan Ramalingam) [41] [46] [47]
30Robert W. Ritchie [22] [24]
31Arnold L. Rosenberg [11] [18]
32Hans van der Schoot [43]
33Lawrence Snyder (Larry Snyder) [13] [14] [18]
34Junehwa Song [41] [46] [47]
35Hasan Ural [43]
36Arunchandar Vasan [50]
37Shmuel Winograd [4] [5]
38Jianping Wu [51] [55]
39Chee-Keng Yap (Chee Yap) [16] [17] [20]
40Byoung-Kee Yi [41] [46]
41Xia Yin [51] [55]
42Paul Young [22] [24]
43Moustafa A. Youssef [50]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)