
Ludwik Czaja

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27EELudwik Czaja: Boolean Algebra of Nets, their Synthesis and Analysis. Fundam. Inform. 85(1-4): 89-95 (2008)
26EELudwik Czaja: Interpreted Nets. Fundam. Inform. 79(3-4): 283-293 (2007)
25EELudwik Czaja: Equations for message passing. Fundam. Inform. 72(1-3): 81-93 (2006)
24EELudwik Czaja: An Axiomatic Framework for Proving Correctness of Nets. Fundam. Inform. 67(1-3): 45-64 (2005)
23EEHans-Dieter Burkhard, Ludwik Czaja, Gabriela Lindemann, Zbigniew Suraj: Preface: Concurrency Specification and Programming. Fundam. Inform. 67(1-3): (2005)
22EEHans-Dieter Burkhard, Gabriela Lindemann, Ludwik Czaja, Zbigniew Suraj: Preface. Fundam. Inform. 60(1-4): (2004)
21EELudwik Czaja: Proving Nets Correct via Cause-Effect Structures (An Experiment). Fundam. Inform. 54(2-3): 165-183 (2003)
20EELudwik Czaja: On the Analysis of Petri Nets and their Synthesis from Process Languages. ITA 37(1): 17-38 (2003)
19 Ludwik Czaja: Place/Transition Petri Net Evolutions: Recording Ways, Analysis and Synthesis. Fundam. Inform. 51(1-2): 43-58 (2002)
18 Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek: w-Process Languages for Place/Transition Nets. Fundam. Inform. 47(3-4): 217-229 (2001)
17 Ludwik Czaja, Manfred Kudlek: Rational, Linear and Algebraic Process Languages and Iteration Lemmata. Fundam. Inform. 43(1-4): 49-60 (2000)
16EELudwik Czaja: Process languages and nets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 238(1-2): 161-181 (2000)
15 Ludwik Czaja: Net-Definability of Process Languages. Fundam. Inform. 37(3): 213-223 (1999)
14 Ludwik Czaja: Representing Hand-Shake Channel Communication in the Calculus of Cause-Effect Structures. Fundam. Inform. 37(4): 343-368 (1999)
13 Ludwik Czaja: Minimal-Maximal Time Cause-Effect Structures. Fundam. Inform. 33(1): 1-16 (1998)
12 Ludwik Czaja: Cause-Effect Structures - Structural and Semantic Properties Revisited. Fundam. Inform. 33(1): 17-42 (1998)
11 Bogdan S. Chlebus, Ludwik Czaja: Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 11th International Symposium, FCT '97, Kraków, Poland, September 1-3, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
10 Ludwik Czaja: Process in Cause-Effect Structures. Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 146-165
9 Ludwik Czaja: Finite Processes in Cause-Effect Structures and Their Composition. Inf. Process. Lett. 31(6): 305-310 (1989)
8 Ludwik Czaja: Cause-Effect Structures. Inf. Process. Lett. 26(6): 313-319 (1988)
7 Ludwik Czaja: Making nets abstract and structures. Applications and Theory in Petri Nets 1985: 181-202
6 Ludwik Czaja: Are infinite behaviors of parallel system schemata necessary?. Logic of Programs 1980: 108-117
5 Ludwik Czaja: Parallel System Schemas and Their Relation to Automata. Inf. Process. Lett. 10(3): 153-158 (1980)
4 Ludwik Czaja: Deadlock and Fairness in Parallel Schemas: A Set-Theoretic Characterization and Decision Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 10(4/5): 234-239 (1980)
3 Ludwik Czaja: A Specification of Parallel Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 8(4): 162-167 (1979)
2 Ludwik Czaja: Implementation Approach to Parallel Systems. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(5): 244-249 (1978)
1 Ludwik Czaja: Parallel Implementation of Path Expressions. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(6): 291-295 (1978)

Coauthor Index

1Hans-Dieter Burkhard [22] [23]
2Bogdan S. Chlebus [11]
3Manfred Kudlek [17] [18]
4Gabriela Lindemann [22] [23]
5Zbigniew Suraj [22] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)